She's supposed to discuss and agree with actions before she does them. Her little 1 second pause, while she's got someone's dick in her hand, heading to her mouth or pussy, does not constitute asking permission or even a discussion. Most of the time the dude is supposedly too shocked or emotionally torn to even know what he's feeling. You must have missed all the dialogue where the husband is feeling some pretty strong emotional pain, but is too weak to discuss it fully with her (avoided discussing it because it would confirm his fears she is cucking him)
If you aren't sure, gfo back and read the first time he peeks through the keyhole and see's her having sex with Arnold. See the entire part there where he's feeling extremely strong chest pain, and tries to trick himself that she's not really having sex without his permission, but then he realizes she IS HAVING SEX because he knows how she soundsa and moves when she is. If you don't see the cuckold part of this game it's because you are willingly avoiding it, because this game is chock full of cheating and Stefany initiating all the sex actions and basically controlling the situation. That is NOT sharing, it's a wife cucking the husband and him being too weak/shocked/torn to stop it.
Frankly at this point in the game, the husband is just there to pay the bills and work, while Stefany is the one out fucking anyone and everyone she chooses to. She gives some to the husband too, to string him along but she's in full slut mode, and would not be surprising if you find out she was a super slut early in life that supposedly reformed. The characteristics she's showing don't magically appear over time, they are the sign of a personality that knows she has full control of the situation and no one will really stop her no matter what she does.
Change the name to "Perfect Slutwife" and it would be more accurate, and pretty much like all the other games on F95 that supposedly have sharing and end up cuckold/NTR every.single.time.
(And this isn't an anti-NTR rant, because it's pretty amusing that she's literally NTRing her own husband, instead of some other dude doing it to her husband by taking her. She's GIVING herself freely, knowing the husband won't stop her, and that's cuckolding plain and simple.
