I really hope the future projects don’t take as long, he came onto the scene out of nowhere with a good movie about 2 years ago, shot up to like $1000 a month on patreon and did wips for 2 years
While I agree that his projects are taking longer than I initially expected, and that's a bummer - $1000 a month on Patreon ain't that much.
I mean, it's good money, but he can't live off of it. So he can only do this on his spare time, and long movies like his take a lot of work. The few other artists that do such long movies and release them more frequently, have a much lower quality (in all aspects) and a lot more funds, so they can work on it full time.
26regionSFM for example, makes more than $5K per month and lives in a much cheaper locale (Russia vs Germany), so that allows him (and motivates him) to release stuff faster.
I too think that paying for just WIPs for 2 years isn't really worth it - that's why I stopped supporting him eventually - but otherwise I don't mind the wait. If he was sitting on 5-10K per month and dripping out small WIPs without showing any actual progress (like some certain artists) I'd probably think differently.