Comments like yours is the exact reason I decided to keep it private from now on. "He's already earning "soooo" much money so he doesn't need more".
1. Let's do the math: Not even considering costs of living and the huge ass taxes in my country, if I have a movie that costs 4.5k and I earn 2.3k, is that a profit or a deficit?
2. Why shouldn't people that bust their ass have more money which will be invested in other projects?
3. Do you think there would be any 3D porn if everyone would think like you do? (I suggest taking a good look at the hentai industry today and think carefully how it turned out to what it has become.)
4. None of the goals you mentioned are "I have endless trunks of money now, yippie!" they are "Now I can pay expense xyz, hire more people that help me out, make bigger projects, work on animations full time etc".
I hope you understand the situation a little bit better now. I am not judging you. I was like that when I was younger, too.
I am not a greedy fuck. The early access is super cheap and I'll provide the free version in less than a week. I am super happy to do what I do and I would love to continue for a longer period of time.