
Woof, woof, woof!
Jun 1, 2018
On Domiek's :

"Now I'm no detective but I'm just saying that there is a CHANCE that the skin material did not load properly."


"Ah, much better. Remember her? "


Hikari looks much better now!!:love::love::love:
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In a Scent
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2018
So you and HR are on a first name basis? Hey, any plans to do more with the blonde that pleasures herself in the locker room? She is pretty hot!
I try to answer things like a politician when it's questions regarding content that isn't immediately being implemented. All the random/misc characters have a high chance of being re-used since it's more pragmatic to do that rather than constantly creating new chars.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018

Dev Talk
Okay, this is going to be the big one. Jenna's single event finished with 70 renders. We're now working on Maria and Hikari. The hard deadline for this update is Aug 22nd but I'm shooting to finish before that. So far it looks like we're ahead of schedule, let's hope things stay that way.

Maria & Hikari both had a single event each. Now working on their combined event. After that we just have Patreon scenes and random scenes to render. The finish line is in sight, let's bring this puppy home. I apologize for not doing the 4k renders monthly and just releasing them all at once. I'll be doing the same this month and doing all 3 for June, July, August.
We're currently at 420 renders (inb4 Snoop Dogg jokes). This is going to be the biggest update to date and I fully expect to be hitting close to 500 renders by release. For comparison, version 0.29 only had 225 renders. I'm feeling a bit exhausted as I've been doubling down on renders while simultaneously building a website and working on marketing through Twitter (I've seen things on there that no person should ever have to see). The first article has been released on . No worries though, there's no complaints here. I'm doing what I love and all of you have been so supportive, thank you!
I'm excited to bring you version 0.35 roughly within a couple of weeks.

Till then,

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
:oops: o_O Err ... WHat now??? Is the local strip club not big enough for your stripper and
your wild side to converge and sprout open this wondrous game to new highs:eek:???

%$&$#%&$ >>>>> ..... "roughly within a couple of weeks" ....<<<<< #!$@#%@#@
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