Ren'Py - Completed - Personal Trainer [v1.1.2] [Domiek]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Personal Trainer is an overall good game. The scenes are hot, the writing is better than a lot of other sandbox dating sims I've played, and the models aren't just your typical skinny girl with big boobs and a nice ass.

    I think the main gripe I have with this game is how each love interest's route ends pretty abruptly. Some of their routes seem like they were never even finished and the creator was just ready to move on to making a new game. The game is listed as completed which in this case means it's completed being worked on.

    I still definitely recommend this game, especially if you want something a little different in terms of how the women look. You'll probably get a couple good fap sessions out of this.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This might be one of the most underrated games on this site. The story is solid (for a porn game) and the models are hot. Plus, it's nice to see a creator actually finish a game (though I definitely would have liked to see more content for this). All in all, definitely worth a look.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Cool game with good animations and renders and all. Women are different from each other so you don't feel like doing the same thing with just different looking girl. Jenna's and Sophie's stories were really great.
    Another good thing about the game is unlike most of the Sandbox games it's not a slow burner.
    The only problem I had with game was -and it's a big one- this game is NOT completed. Now I don't know why Dev decided to do that but there is a lot of unfinished stories. Mayan's story was not even close to ending for example.
    This is a game which you are going to have a great time playing but at the end you will feel like you were given a middle finger with the note ''that's it, go back now.''
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a really good game that's just... weird in a way. What I mean..
    The game has some great characters. A couple of them particularly are really top tier and some of the best I've encountered. I'm talking about Dani but especially Sophie, the cousin. Sophie is fucking amazing and her model is just stunning and I think she has the most content out of all of them.

    The game is weird because when you finish every girl's content it just ends in a cold and anti climatic way. There is no big scene that concludes and just ties everything together, there is not a lesson learned, there are no credits or anything just a message on the girls' stats that says that you completed all events and all girls return to their old routines for some reason like nothing happened at all. The game does a really crappy job at creating events and situations that have a basic structure with a beginning, a middle and an end and just leaves them hanging and incomplete, many of them unanswered with what the hell happened.

    Some of the more side girls like the blond receptionist and Mayan have it even worse. Their stories end so fucking abruptly it feels like they will continue in the next update if the game wasn't already completed! Jenna's and Amy's arcs were quite alright and felt more complete. Same with Hikari. Great girls nevertheless.

    Despite my bitching monologue I really enjoyed the game! The humor is fantastic and witty, the MC creates his own harem in a gym and sometimes he's quite the douche but never too much and the sex scenes are plenty and really well made! What's not to like?

    Occasionally the game deeps into darker waters with subjects like domestic abuse, grief, loss, alcoholism, intense breakups and illegal/forbidden love affairs but brushes them off quickly enough so it doesn't bring down the player.

    I'd suggest the game for the hot girls and the sexy scenes but not for the plot because it leads nowhere.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    the game is overall good but after playing felt like the girls beside the cousin are side girls and the cousin didn't had enough content, maybe thats because i enjoyed her way more than then others, would enjoy better if was more focused on her like haley's story
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Very hit and miss overall.

    It's pretty clear that the dev was playing favourites with the girls, and you'll spend a lot of time with a few of them and barely any time with the rest. Just when things seemed to be getting interesting their plots are just completely dropped with no further development or payoff, which is a shame since I was curious to see where things were going.

    Each girl is distinct with vastly different personality traits, body shape and age demographic, so the game certainly isn't lacking in diversity. It also boasts a decent coverage of kinks including: incest, lesbian, humiliation, exhibitionism, and pregnancy. The renders are pretty decent but the animations are pretty basic loops with a few camera angles.

    I guess my main gripe with the game is that it lacks any kind of main plot and conclusion. The closest we get is towards the end when
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    but that doesn't really go anywhere. Once you've finished all the girl's routes then you just go straight back to the map, and so the game just feels kinda empty. It honestly feels more like a 0.7 or so beta release, rather than a completed game.

    Overall I wouldn't say I wholeheartedly recommend Personal Trainer, but I also wouldn't dissuade someone from checking it out. It's rough around the edges and probably needed a few more months of work, but it's still pretty decent regardless. Just don't go in expecting it to blow your mind.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Jack Beauregard

    -------- └(・-・)┘ --------

    The game as a whole is good, but I have mixed feelings...

    On one hand, I liked the girls and their stories, admittedly déjà vu, but effective.
    I liked the humorous referenced dialogues, they are certainly very stupid sometimes, but for me it works.
    The visuals are quite correct and there are animations but of fluctuating qualities.

    And on the other hand, the trigger event is badly dosed and it is for me the biggest flaw of the game. Too much time wasted having to click in every place and every hour to get clues, it's a bit tiring.

    In terms of rating, with a simpler trigger event and longer sex scenes, I would have given it a 4. But the game being a bit too redundant, I'm going with a 3 (because it's not possible to give 3.5).

    I still recommend it and since criticism is easier than practice, I want to say thank you and congratulations to Domiek for his work.

    Signed Jack Beauregard
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It's good game overall, but it also seem like it was finished in a hurry with some of the characters not getting enough love. I mean. it's pretty obvious from differences in amount of scenes, and also from descriptions in hint scren, that they'll stick to their old routines like last event didn't happen. So yeah, definitelly feels like some kind of closure is missing, but still it was fun to play.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    At first this game was pretty good. i like some girls and others weren't my type as with all games but the ones i did like were pretty well written especially the cousin. However, this game feels very incomplete. Most of the characters don't feel as though they've been concluded. the most we really get is two of them feeling as though its been the end of their progression and the rest just felt like, "hey we dont have anymore content but we just want to put a completed tag here so unlucky." This game had alot of potential especially with some of the storylines but it just fell flat really. Humor was great at some parts and honestly some of the one off fucks were better than the main characters and that was saying a lot.

    tldr; wasted potential making a complete game feel very incomplete with bad storylines and questionable choices for the main females compared to side ones.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    What's here is really good, but it must be made clear that this game is NOT COMPLETE. The dev gave up on it, and in game messages allege that there was more to come, but apparently there is not. So go into this game with clear eyes; you will see good art, girls that run the gamut from tight young bodies to sagging milfs, good fun writing, and some good routing and game design concepts that don't get in the way of gameplay. There are also fetishes that that do something for my something really hard, like big ole nipples, pregnancy, public nudity and public sex. But I'm knocking off one star since it's not complete (and thus not fully reviewable) and two for the lying and pretending that it's done.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Marvin Adans

    Doesn't get much better than this.
    Witty, funny, entertaining dialogue, great animations and a great range of hot girls to have fun with.
    the only thing missing is a little sound, and this could be hands down one of the best games on this site
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Sorry but I just don't get it. This game didn't work for me at any level, I don't like the story, the characters, the graphics are weird (even if I recognize they're not "bad", it's just like there's something uncanny, anyway it's something I could ignore if the rest of the game worked) and the gameplay was too boring, absurdly grindy (and I'm not again grinding in games, but in this case it seemed too much)... Sadly I don't get why this game is so high in votes, I guess I just didn't connect with it.

    Anyway, when so many people did don't take my review as a way to discourage you from trying, it's not a way to judge those who enjoyed it or their taste (I wish I'd enjoy it), mostly as a way to don't feel alone if after trying it you feel the same.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is average actually. It tries to give you something different but it doesn't. To me it was a little tedious to play it, specially because the only good character takes time to unlock the plot.

    The plot is simple but weird. I know it's a sex game, but there's some scenes that defy reality. Girls topless for no reason, people arguing for character dick.

    To me the only excelent character was the cousin. She's a good romance plot, nice sex scenes, nice personality. I really identified with her.

    Most models are fantastic, while other models are absolutely not my taste. I know woman aren't perfect like most models and most of the games use them and this is surreal, but some of characters in this game are really ugly and no sense.

    Beginning animations are poor, but dev prob. learned a lot during this game development because animations improved a lot.

    - Good animations
    - Excellent one character plot , the rest is medium
    - Good renders, but could improve

    - Plot is really really simple
    - A little boring
    - Does not deliver anything new or different.
    - Half characters are not interesting at all.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1751393

    A really solid game that had a lot of potential, sadly the Completed tag is a mislead and the story just abruptly ends at one point cutting multiple stories off completely and leaving some with no story at all.

    The animations are meh aside from a few but the storytelling is solid even if it is unfinished.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    This game is absolutely hilarious. It's very rare to laugh and fap at the same time but this game managed to do just that! There's plenty of sex scenes with good animations and the story is compelling and keeps your attention. Didn't have any issues I could think of great game!
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    Xo Mo

    I enjoyed this game until it got to the point where I was no longer invested in it.
    That happened pretty quickly.
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    The art is good, the premise is nice, the cousin is sexy, but... I was just not enthused nor excited to keep grinding the scenes...

    I could easily go into so much detail, mark it as 1-2 stars, but I'm not really gonna bother... just bored with it is all.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: very enjoyable overall experience (4.5/5.0)

    + no grind whatsoever
    + great characters and models
    + nice writing with good cheesy humor
    + a lot of different scenes
    + wonderful beginnings and middle parts of girl's stories

    - no endings to any main storylines
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is now one of my favorite games. There's no grind at all when you play this game, which is a really big plus in my opinion. Each character had really good sex scenes and satisfying endings. Overall, the game was really easy to progress through and very satisfying to play.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Personal Trainer started out promising as the stories were funny and the twists were cool (I liked the Amy and Jenna stories the most). The final update felt abrupt and flat, thus bringing the whole project down a star. I still enjoyed most of the journey, thus I rated it four stars.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Top to bottom great game for what it was trying to be. The ending might fall for a few people but the dev was never hiding the fact this was to get his own dev skills off the ground. If you want genuine humor and a lot of sex, this is the game you should play.