Ren'Py - Completed - Personal Trainer [v1.1.2] [Domiek]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A generally good game, but unfortunately it starts well and ends with a lot of flaws.
    The characters are interestingly modelled, each with their own distinctive features, which is a nice touch in today's world of homogeneous character modelling. The characters have their own personalities and their personalities change as the plot progresses.
    However, the plot is a little too weak and the characters are not connected well enough. A stronger connection between the characters would logically add many more multiplayer scenes, and there is really a lot of potential here to dig deeper. There are many key plot points that are left unresolved later on, such as Cousin's job, the handling of his ex-wife, and not even a final ending is given. (Could there be a reason for my poor playthrough and option choices too?)
    Overall, a bit of a shame, this game could have been so much better than it is.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Huge potential wasted. This game is technically "completed" but it definitely feels more like "abandoned" game.

    Game starts rather good with a good premise. After being cheated on main character starts working in women only gym as personal trainer. There we can meet with a few womens dealing with their own problems. MC as a very caring man wants to help overcome their problems. And well, he's basically helping them with sex because of course sex resolves any problems and drama in life. The main problem here is lack of content. Out of 9 girls in the game, i would say maybe 3 of them are somewhat completed. Rest barely have any content and/or doesn't have any kind of conclusion/ending. This is not very happy go lucky type of game, even "completed" girls may have some drama moments and bittersweet endings but no ending at all is just not acceptable. The overall writing and dialogues are fine for the most part, but MC sometimes says some really odd and honestly not appropriate stuffs. Like, he is trying too much to be funny at times when being funny is not a best option. I was rolling my eyes few times and honestly wanted to slap MC a couple of times.

    The renders quality is not bad and it becomes better later in the game (the same goes for animations) but honestly sex scenes are not that good. They're too simple, too short, not exciting and because of all that, they're not very rewarding. The girls however looks very good. They have different body types with some nice details. They look realistic which is not that common in this types of games. There is no sound, no music in the game so that's not a good thing.

    Overall game started on rather high note, showed a lot of potential for a interesting sandbox type game but developer just couldn't fill it with enough content. 10 hours of playtime for sandbox game is not much. It's really a shame...
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Renders: 5/5
    The renders are great.
    Animations: 3/5
    Average animations but it's the most difficult (technically) thing to do properly and the vast majority of games have bad animations.
    Story: 3/5
    The main story is bad, another gym trainer. But some arcs are fun (e.g. Hikori's one), stupid but fun.
    Gameplay: 3/5
    No grinding but quite repetitive. Becomes boring and irritating towards the end.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm conflicted about this game, the art and the renders are actually really good in my opinion, but the writing is usually really bad and the stupid political jokes the author shoehorns in are annoying rather than comical. There's something good here but the execution I think is off, if the characters were a bit more fleshed out and if there was less time management I think it could be something fun and interesting, but as it is right now, its just ok if you're looking for porn, anything else I doubt you'll find.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable enough story however the individual character stories feel either unfinished or rushed to an unsatisfying end. The dev is adamant that this is the final release which is disappointing as I think that with a bit more work each character's storyline could be finished in a satisfying way.

    The "gameplay" itself is fairly straight forward and serves the story well. The only somewhat tedious part is having to wait for certain times of the day to interact with each character or activate different story events.

    Overall a fun game worth the playthrough but only giving 3 stars due to the unsatisfying nature of the ending and some parts feeling unfinished all together.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Art style:
    The girls are very good looking and they seems real. They are not all perfect, they have their flaws and that makes them look
    authentic to me. It is the first game I play were I actually see saggy tits, birth marks, skin bumps, which while might not be that
    sexy, make the story more real. The lights and rooms are all fitting well in the game.
    Dani, Sophie and Hikari are extremly sexy and worth fapping.

    It is a standard sandbox so you can move around some locations, skip time. There is not a lot of grinding in the game and what I apreciate is that you get hints of what a girl expect next. You do not have to wonder what hint you miss or give up in frustrations and search on the forum.

    Story and writing:
    This is not the next best selling novel but the story is decent. What bothered me a lot was the attitude of the MC that went from one end of
    the spectrum to the other. One moment he is a nice, carring guy, the next he just want to fuck the pussy. He encourage Amy to believe in herself and try to make here life better just to get her pregnant and not to give a damn about her. I understand that making MC eager to fuck at all moments
    make the transiction to the next sex scene but still, it could have been writen better. The conversation between MC and Sophie and MC and Dani are interesting and also the started story with Maya had potential.

    Some aspects are not changed after your improve the relation with the characters:
    - the door to Sophie is still locked after you start sleeping with her
    - Sophie still sleeps before you come after you have sex with her

    There are a lot of them and there are some variation of them, the bodybuilder being a rare addition. Except the main girls that also have a bit of a story you can have a random fuck here and there
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a fun game, the different stories remain interesting (not all of them are fully developed, but apart from Mayan's they are satisfying), the grinding is minimal and only related to certain activities that are only triggered at certain times or on certain days, the scenes are varied and encounter different situations/fetishes.

    from the graphical point of view we are average, it is not a masterpiece, or a AAA game

    the rating would be 3 and a half stars, but since I can't give it that, I'll give it 4, because I really enjoyed it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game turned itself into a pickle... really, it's the funniest shit I've ever seen. But seriously, this game is amazing. Quality of renders is excelent so are animations. Smooth, detailed and multi-angled. But the biggest plus of this game is definetely story. More precisely storytelling. Characters are so well written and dev really didn't hold back when writing their dialogues. I cracked countless times during playing. I must really say that the humor tag is deserved. With its easy gameplay and easy going plot, this is funny and relaxing game. Totally recommend. 9/10. [v1.0].
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewed version: 1.0
    The game is not really complete yet! (read additional notes)

    3D Art style
    : 9/10
    Gameplay: 6/10
    Story and Writing: 10/10
    Girls: 9/10
    Lewdness: 10/10
    Kinkiness: 6/10
    Animations: YES! and they aren't crappy 2sec loops!!
    Bugs: Didn't encounter anything serious

    Overall: 9/10 ,Great Game!

    3D Art:
    Finally a game that uses original models, and on top of that, they look like humans, not some perfect doll. some of the older women have birth marks, there are freckles, there is body hair, there is skin bumps, there is saggy tits etc.
    The girls' anatomies are very realistic which is also very rare in these games.

    It wasn't anything special or fun, it's a basic sandbox mode, you have a map and some places to go to, you can free roam at any time of day, to any place.
    each place has a set of rooms that you can navigate but the only thing you can interact with in a room is a girl, so rooms are absolutely useless without girls inside them.
    overall this gameplay fits the game so it's okay.

    Story and Writing:
    Amazing! simply amazing.
    the dialogues are humorous, I specially loved the conversations between MC and Sophia (his room mate). absolutely hilarious dialogues.
    but it's not all just humor, there are serious moments too, the dev has outdone himself with this one.

    There is a bunch of them, this game is a harem if you haven't noticed.
    there are milfs, college girls and regular women. some are ballsy, some are bi, some are just adorable, some are super fit and some are not, but they all have their own unique personalities.
    there is some great variety going on here so you probably will find some girl you like more than others.

    Scenes are just super lewd, I would feel like my dick is going to explode. the situation that builds up to the scenes makes them so hot, and on top of that there are these 20-30 second animations that are just something else...
    you can also change view and have some options in the h-scenes.
    you basically have this amazing but realistic girl, a very hot situation and very good graphics, can't wish for anything more!

    It has a bunch of kinks, but I've seen some shit, so these are pretty much common in porn now.
    there is also a somewhat short trans-girl scene, but I personally didn't like the model that much, even though I like femboys.

    Additional Note:
    Yes, it is version 1.0, that's what I thought too, but there is this girl (Maya if I'm not wrong), story builds up and just when you get close, you find out there are no more scenes, she just strips for you and that's it... the story cuts of unfinished!
    and there is more to that, there is 1 main storyline that KINDA does finish, but the game has a sort of open end, nothing really happens!

    So yeah, be mindful if you want to play.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall solid entry. Good variety of women throughout the game. Scenes reasonably rendered/animated. Open world feel was kind of weird and bolted on given the limited set of things that occur across it. Fortunately, doesn't take away from the game or cause needless grinding. Ultimately, definitely worth a run through.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Don't let the overhyped rating fool you into believing this is that good.

    It's a sandbox in which you meet 9 girls and proceed to chat them up until you know what. Generally the girls are porny - you won't really play this to relate to them, their dialogs or care for their arcs. Their endings aren't satisfying.

    The sex scenes are okay tho.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    a once promising game which never really has been completed because either the dev got tired of it or he enjoyed chatting with people in this thread too much and found no time to actually develop the game. the two points i'm giving are for sophie, a most loveable character and the reason i got hooked in the first place, and for the capable hint system, without which it would be impossible to go through this game anyway. all of the female characters except sophie, dani and hikari are either ugly or repulsive in a way. realistic? yes, necessary in an adult game? questionable. either way it was a drag to go through those hags' stories. there isn't much to say what hasn't already been said about this underdeveloped, unfinished heap of disappointment.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    "Count no man happy until he is dead."

    As an in-progress game, this was terrific. But the dev has closed the book and moved on, and what's left is a shambles. Incomplete, buggy, and kind of incoherent. Hard to recommend.
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    In some "technical" aspects well made; but for me contains much of the worst aspects of porn games. The way most female and all non-MC male characters are portrait is highly unpleasant and gives off a really weird "incel vibe"....
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Potential but incomplete game

    - Good story telling
    - Good renders

    - There are so many things that are not polished.
    - Most girls routs finished too soon.
    - There are no endings
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Yet another game on here that shows that people should stop rating a game they like or has potential before the developer finishes it. A game that has the potential to be good also has the potential to be bad. This game started off very promising but then completely fell off a cliff and should be labeled as abandoned rather than completed.

    This game has 9 main girls: Sophie, Amy, Jenna, Dani, Maria, Daisy, Hikari, Mayan, and Alex. The problem is, I only liked the first four girls, and either didn't care for the others (Maria and Hikari) or couldn't stand them (Daisy and Alex). I was liking Mayan's route, but it just straight up ends after a few segments, and you don't even get to fuck her. You get to fuck all of the other girls though, but pretty much all but one route ends out of nowhere without any sort of conclusion or epilogue. Hell, one of the girls ends up changing her personality just so the developer could end her route. The girl is hesitant to even give a blowjob in 1 segment and then ends up demanding sex 2 segments later and then the route ends. This is just lazy as hell.

    Even the routes that I liked felt rushed or had other problems. For example, you meet a girl and 2 or 3 segments later, you end up eating her out. In the incest route, the girl ends up randomly blowing you, without any prior sexual tension or buildup at all; it just happens, and it's completely unbelievable. It's as if these events were put in just to move the routes forward because the developer couldn't think of a better way to do so. Jenna's route was good, except for the last segment, which actually had a disgusting part that killed the whole mood. The only route I liked completely was Dani's. But it just ends after a sex scene. This game needed endings or an epilogue.

    With all that said though, the main reason I'm giving this 2 stars instead of 1 is because I really liked the girls that I liked, particularly Sophie. Her personality is very endearing. Plus, her route has the closest thing to an ending in this game, so that makes it all the better. I also really enjoyed her interactions with the protagonist. Speaking of the protagonist, he acts like a buffoon most of the time, which gets very annoying very quickly, and most of his dialogue in this game is cringeworthy as hell. At least he can get serious and use his brain when he has to, but it felt contradictory that such a fool could also be so cunning, like in the Amy route. Another reason for the 2 star rating, instead of a 1 star rating, is that the sex scenes were really good, and there are a lot of them, most of which were well-animated.

    This game also uses a sandbox system, and there are actually hints on how to progress each route, which is always a good addition and every sandbox game should have this. But what happens very often is you have a segment and then the hint for the next segments says something like "so and so invited you over for dinner." But so and so never mentions this in the previous event, so if you're trying to play this game without using the hint system, it can get confusing and you can get stuck trying to figure out how to progress. Essentially, the hint system is pretty much mandatory to progress, which isn't good design.

    For all of these reasons, I can't recommend playing this game. By the time I reached the "end" of it, I just felt empty because of how rushed the routes were and the lack of a proper conclusion to all but one of them. A ton of potential was wasted.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good story for a sandbox game. The cucked husband storyline seemed kind of out there, and it is too bad that you don't really know what happens after the fact with the gym owner, or the sister for that matter, but maybe despite the 1.0 it will have a follow up? Fun scenarios. Models not that good looking in general, but it had good humor as well.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Endings (if the girls even have one) are rushed that ruins the entire experience of the game. 5/5 6 months ago 3/5 now.

    Let me start off by saying that 6 months ago I would have rated this game a 5/5. This game has just about a little bit of something for everyone. (obviously not everything though)
    I'm giving this game a 3/5 because in reality it should be tagged as [Abandoned] instead of [Completed]. Most if not all of the girls just have an abrupt ending while a few have a extremely impromptu-ish ending that just feel rushed. Not really a spoiler but for example one girl runs away from a guy(not the mc) embarrassed and that's the last thing you see. No talking to her afterwards to be like "what's up" or "it's okay, their opinion doesn't matter" just abruptly ends with "All content completed for this character"

    Story: 1/5 This is maybe a 4/5-5/5 until the last 2-3 events with the girls where things start feeling rushed.

    Originality: 5/5 Even with everything this is an original idea for an Adult VN. I have yet to really see anything done quite like this which makes me all that more disappointed about the ending.

    Renders: 3/5 not bad not great but decent and unique

    Sound: 3/5 kinda generic music but nothing really unique or outstanding.

    Playability: 5/5 Stable and very playable. NO REPLAYABILTY imo

    Performance: (grain of salt) I haven't ran into any issues with it BUT i have a High-end gaming pc with 64gb ram(OVERBOARD iKnow)

    Bugs: Haven't ran into any myself

    Animations: 3/5 some good some bad but nothing that's too out of whack or look amazing.

    Grammar: ?/5 I don't remember so its safe to assume nothing horrible since bad grammar sticks out to me and can ruin the experience

    Amount of content: The amount of content in this game is crazy even with the fail of an ending.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I was looking forward to this game back when updates were coming out but now that it's completed all I can think of is, "That's it? That can't be it." The latter one especially since I tried to interact with one of the characters but I got a message saying "content under development."

    The setting and the set-up to some of the stories was interesting at first but going down the line some of the character stories just ended abruptly. The renders are okay but the animations on the other hand are not great. It feels like they were added as an afterthought and I think I would have actually liked if they weren't added at all.

    The best part of this game for me is the characters. Since this is a sandbox, we're free to choose which characters we interact with and I could say that I looked forward to the MC interacting with most of them. "Most" because I didn't like Daisy since she seemed to annoying and airheaded to me, and Mayan didn't really add anything to the table. On the other hand, my favorites are Dani, and, the main reason I kept playing, Sophie. I liked how Dani warmed up the MC and her following scenes were pretty hot while Sophie just had the right combination of cute and sexy and her chemistry with the MC was very amusing to see.

    This game was good at first but towards the end it runs out of steam and it really shows.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    A four star game that got nickled and dimed down to a three star.
    The story that we get isn't bad but yes it does end suddenly leaving you wanting a real ending for a given character.

    The girls look good render and design wise for their particular types (Fit, MILF, Curvy, etc...).

    My biggest issue with the game is the supposed in-game "walkthrough" When you progress with a girl until you can't progress any more instead of getting a "I should continue X's story" or something to indicate that you need to speak with a another girl and focus on her for awhile so I can go back to the first girl all you get is "No hints available.".
    No hints right at a point in the experience where you actually need a hint.

    I like this game and I do agree it feels unfinished thus the rating however I am more open to seeing more work from this author that is better laid out and will be a more complete experience.