Nice to see that you are active on communication, Manic. I remember your game as being one of the inspirations for me making my game and I thought it was an awful shame for the characters and story to just be left on hiatus. My original plan was to take Hailey and Brooke and give the characters from perverted hotel a send-off to give players like myself closure.
I am wondering if you will deliver that closure in reasonable time and if you plan to make a commitment to it, in a way that is more than just words.
I feel so happy that you expressed this ^-^
Yes I think it would be a shame too if the characters are just left on hiatus.
I wanted to depict characters in stories in a light that reflects our own. It's the whole reason why I made this visual novel. I thought that ordinary visual novels lacks representation of characters that actually had character. I wouldn't say they are complex characters or third-dimensional in any way but they are at least a bit more interesting.
I am using archetypes and stereotypes still that permeate through all sorts of depictions of female characters, but I am also trying to subvert them. You have that character with a brat personality who also understands and fully comprehends it and uses it. You have that character who is a people pleaser to the extent where she doesn't care if people are being bad. And so on...
Also I strongly believe that a character (much like a person) with feelings, thoughts and all those embodied things is far sexier or attractive than a character without those things. Even if that character chooses not to show feelings or emotions, that's interesting.
Yes I aim to deliver that closure.