3.90 star(s) 39 Votes


Developer of Depravity
Game Developer
Dec 3, 2018
it's too small to say, but every horizontal line has the same image...so it's like

Picture 1 Picture 1 Picture 1 Picture 1 Picture 1 Picture 1 Picture 1 Picture 1
Picture 2 Picture 2 Picture 2 Picture 2 Picture 2 Picture 2 Picture 2 Picture 2
Picture 3 Picture 3 Picture 3 Picture 3 Picture 3 Picture 3 Picture 3 Picture 3
Picture 4 Picture 4 Picture 4 Picture 4 Picture 4 Picture 4 Picture 4 Picture 4

Just watch the screenshot close enough...and you'll see that are four different pictures but organized in lines...like she didn't even tried to hide it...she thinks we're stupid! danteworks

same names but different numbers at the name of the files-name
like i said, this game is just a meme now...and not a good one...but like the porn-version of something doing very poorly or badly...like the Ubisoft of the porn-games XD
I think they are not the same. Manic uses many similar pictures with tiny variations in face expression. That’s how she usually does her renders.


Apr 23, 2018
I think they are not the same. Manic uses many similar pictures with tiny variations in face expression. That’s how she usually does her renders.
Maybe they are the same, and maybe not, who cares. She is a scum and nothing more. Last update was more than year ago, if one scene with a hug can be called as update. 2 month ago progress was 99%. You can believe that she cant finish 1% in two months? Everything she said in last 18 months is one big lie.


New Member
Jun 27, 2018
I mean, it's a little different to get carried away with life stuff and not update your project, versus faking screenshots in some vain lie which some people are screaming.

As was said, they look like several shots from the same scene, with individual images per facial expression and gesture, fairly common.

So while you can be disappointed there's been no update for a long time, people can drop the accusations of lying about the images at least.


Active Member
May 5, 2017
Why is it so hard to say look patreons thank you for free money but after 1 year maybe you get finally something hmm how does that sound?

Why do you have no fucking remorse for the scam you did?
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Oct 31, 2017
This post really resonated with me ... I'm still making the update. No lies here. I've just been REALLY FUCKING SLOW

Okay Imma be real with you. And if you read this then I thank you for your time in advance. You have a project I'd estimate hundreds of people love. You caught a lot of people up in your story and characters and had the potential to be one of the best Adult VN devs currently out there because of what you did and what you did right. But I hope you can appreciate when I speak frank it's not to attack you, it's to be honest. All we have seen from you is excuse after excuse with no communication at all. You come back every few months to tell us why you've gone but haven't shown us any progress, you say there is but we haven't seen any in over a year. You have so much potential but things are getting in the way and it's pissing people off because we'd rather you either just 100% focus on this, which people are paying you for, or just stop. I understand wanting to keep it going but on the other hand the updates you've posted have shown us nothing; The images you posted are very very very similar to a point where we cannot tell any difference.

I am rooting for you, I am critical as fuck and have been judgemental of you in this thread but I am rooting for you to finish this. There aren't many good Incest VNs out there, and honestly the models are shit in a fair few of them. You took some models that were pretty nice and made them look even better, so we have sexy characters, good plot, good directing/writing and a serious amount of potential. But you've given us so many excuses in the past as to why updates are delayed and then you go missing for weeks to months and you just say "I'm working on it." you got to be more transparent. Your staff were left in the dust on Discord with no way to reach you which for them is sucky as hell. Your patrons still haven't gotten anything in the higher pledge incentives in months.

For over a year of lack of update and over a year of Patreon payments, I really hope the work you put in is worth it. People have been waiting for this, waiting for you because your work is that damn good. If this was another boring, bland, shitty project we would have all moved on but we didn't why? Because we're frustrated, frustrated due to the fact one of the best projects out there is in limbo. You got to get priorities straight here and either knock this out of the park or re-evaluate if this is something you're capable of continuing.


Active Member
May 5, 2017
Funny isn't it? Still no statement why people got ripped off for a 1 year don't you read your patreon or just ignore it and let the cash in?
I don't know why people still give you a change IT SHOULD BE your first statement!
It's like pray that people forget about that and still cash in the patreon money nice work ManicMinxy.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Funny isn't it? Still no statement why people got ripped off for a 1 year don't you read your patreon or just ignore it and let the cash in?
I don't know why people still give you a change IT SHOULD BE your first statement!
It's like pray that people forget about that and still cash in the patreon money nice work ManicMinxy.
Anyone still paying money at this point deserves to be ripped off.


Game Developer
Jul 11, 2017
Okay Imma be real with you. And if you read this then I thank you for your time in advance. You have a project I'd estimate hundreds of people love. You caught a lot of people up in your story and characters and had the potential to be one of the best Adult VN devs currently out there because of what you did and what you did right. But I hope you can appreciate when I speak frank it's not to attack you, it's to be honest. All we have seen from you is excuse after excuse with no communication at all. You come back every few months to tell us why you've gone but haven't shown us any progress, you say there is but we haven't seen any in over a year. You have so much potential but things are getting in the way and it's pissing people off because we'd rather you either just 100% focus on this, which people are paying you for, or just stop. I understand wanting to keep it going but on the other hand the updates you've posted have shown us nothing; The images you posted are very very very similar to a point where we cannot tell any difference.

I am rooting for you, I am critical as fuck and have been judgemental of you in this thread but I am rooting for you to finish this. There aren't many good Incest VNs out there, and honestly the models are shit in a fair few of them. You took some models that were pretty nice and made them look even better, so we have sexy characters, good plot, good directing/writing and a serious amount of potential. But you've given us so many excuses in the past as to why updates are delayed and then you go missing for weeks to months and you just say "I'm working on it." you got to be more transparent. Your staff were left in the dust on Discord with no way to reach you which for them is sucky as hell. Your patrons still haven't gotten anything in the higher pledge incentives in months.

For over a year of lack of update and over a year of Patreon payments, I really hope the work you put in is worth it. People have been waiting for this, waiting for you because your work is that damn good. If this was another boring, bland, shitty project we would have all moved on but we didn't why? Because we're frustrated, frustrated due to the fact one of the best projects out there is in limbo. You got to get priorities straight here and either knock this out of the park or re-evaluate if this is something you're capable of continuing.

Thank you for the bleak and powerful response!

I am going to try and deconstruct it (not to devalue it) in this response so that I can properly digest it all and also voice some of the insecurities and concerns that has lead to this neglect and lack of communication.

All we have seen from you is excuse after excuse with no communication at all. You come back every few months to tell us why you've gone but haven't shown us any progress, you say there is but we haven't seen any in over a year.
You're right.

I have done exactly what you have described. I keep saying "hey I've done something that I can't wait to show you," showing you some element of what you might expect, and then not actually providing you guys with an update.

I have also not kept communications open.

The truth is I REALLY want to finish writing this thing and showing it off. The idea and the concept behind it should not go to waste and I think it is important that I do produce it. This feeling has not left me since the beginning of this project. However, some situations have changed since I started this whole thing.

A Short History:

Initially, working on this game was my full time job because it was my only job. I was living away from home and I used this as a means to financially support myself. I felt grateful and happy that people genuinely enjoyed what I did and built a community around myself that supported me and encouraged me to improve. I had a hard working lifestyle to support this. I would skip family functions and social meetings just to commit to this.

Then there was a phase where patreon really fucked me. My patreon page was reported to have "violated community guidelines." The patreon Trust and Safety team gave me little to no guidance to what this mean't. Initially it mean't no posting any nudity on patreon. I immediately corrected this. Then it mean't no people in swimwear or being remotely saucy. And then it mean't I had to change my entire game which included incest themes which all had to be censored. I was passed on to up to 5 different members of the trust and safety team who handled my case in the slowest and manner possible. They didn't work on weekends and also in a completely different timezone. The patreon page took over 3 months to recover and only reason it did was because a kind fellow on discord helped me access a community forum page for patreon creators to lodge a complaint (which for some reason I could never access). Financially and emotionally this really messed me up and I never recovered from it.

Feeling absolutely discouraged, I went on phases where I would produce updates but took a really long time to do it. Due to my financial situation, I had to move back in with my family and focus more on studying. My mental health and attitude towards this deteriorated.

I had also decided on one update to release a public deadline which I did not deliver, and decided to make another public deadline which I did not deliver. The community was understandably frustrated with this and I felt more useless than ever for not supplying what I promised and other issues like my mental health and confronting people. I decided not to ever release a deadline unless I am completely done.

Then limbo set in. I felt stressed and discouraged every time I needed to even open my patreon page or read any comment. I would tell myself: "the community would pointing at inadequacies that I know I have so why bother" and all the while not improving. I would feel anxiety, and fear every-time I thought of having to communicate with anyone about this, to having to check the patreon page and eventually working on the project.


For over a year of lack of update and over a year of Patreon payments, I really hope the work you put in is worth it. People have been waiting for this, waiting for you because your work is that damn good. If this was another boring, bland, shitty project we would have all moved on but we didn't why? Because we're frustrated, frustrated due to the fact one of the best projects out there is in limbo.
I understand it was a LIMBO for you guys but it was a limbo for me too. This project was hell for me to produce because I have cut off communications so as to not be emotionally vulnerable which left me having no one to talk to or support about this.

Further, I do not have anyone else helping me produce this visual novel. I do the art and the writing myself and I have a pretty high threshold in terms of quality.

Because of this, I have instead just tried to improve on other aspects on my life such as a better social life, my mental health and studying. That in turn left this WHOLE project in limbo.

The Money :
I have gotten a lot of comments that expressed that I have made some promise and that because I keep on collecting money for it I am in the wrong.

I have not explicitly made promises to the fact that I will deliver anything on any price.

I did however kept my community's hopes up about the update and say that I have been working on it without much context.

That is my fault. I am sorry.

I haven't expressed this before, but as you know, I often neglect my patreon site, discord and f95zone because I'm afraid to open myself emotionally to people and my anxiety. This also extends to whether I check how much patreon funds I have "earned" for the last month and so on.

I haven't collected any of the money sitting in my patreon for the last few months or even checked how much I have earned. It actually worries me because I don't know what it represents.

Does the money reflect the work I have put into this project or the promise of work that will be put in?

If it is the work I have put into this project, then I might deserve it. If it is the promise of work then you all have the right to be angry because I have not yet delivered what I got your hopes up about.

And so because I am unsure and ... inherently selfish... I just leave it there. I am also going to leave this thought with you.

I am going to try pause my patreon profile today (until I actually finalise the update). I never attempted to because I thought that patreon was untrustworthy I am insanely scared of all things patreon.

You got to get priorities straight here and either knock this out of the park or re-evaluate if this is something you're capable of continuing.
Within my proprieties are still finishing this game, but I need to do this at my own pace. I have another job and I am studying and It's sometimes extremely hard to schedule in time to do this project. I don't think working at my own pace means that I am incapable of continuing.

Thank you for your feedback!

(I am going to get into trouble for the sheer length of this thing aren't I?)

- M
3.90 star(s) 39 Votes