It's only way which works. Just check my Posts and see in what order content is Shared.
Should it be in that order? That would be a Mess.
Now there's no need to think when it was released and when it was Shared; is it from this year, August or July, or was it from June, no wait, it belongs to May archive. No wait a second this is something older, from 2020? 2019?? 2021??? Damn, need to Update yearly and monthly archives. Oh, and need to write contents' list for each archive and rewrite. And so and so on...
Now Changelog tells when something was Shared and Added to OP. And then just choose your favourite and try remember what first letter looks while you try same time open your pants and go through list:
Aerith from A. Ciri from C. Kassandra from K. Tifa and Triss from T. Yennefer from Y.