Unity - Pizza Hot! [v0.12 Beta3] [Abelius]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Pizza hot is a very great game. The dev is very ambitious with the animations and jigglings. There is already good content and new updates are in the making.
    You can configurate the MC as you like, skin, hair, boobs etc.
    As the dev tries to make everything perfect, he is very tranparent on his discord with information and opinions.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a better 2D side-scroller game with an actual waitress mini game. The story is promising. It is about sexual discovery of a pure and innocent college girl, through slow corruption. This game is a slow burning game which I like very much. The recent addition of message parlour in the game is a good one with some great erotic scenes. Also the developer is very active in F95 and in Discord. Waiting for more locations to unlock and more scenes to discover. (y)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A slow burner, with good story, good art, and good progression. Very good game, every update is always worth the wait. Don't bother tho if you are looking for a quick fap, we're in this for the long run (y)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic Game with great potential, looking forward to the map expanding. Up untill now you have a pretty linear story to follow, with several events and simple minigames that don´t ruin the mood. Very well written and the updates release in a fair amount of time.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Although updates take time, they are worth it for the quality. I especially like the new update with the massage parlor and I look forward to wat is to come! Maybe it's just me but the slow corruption is much more satisfying than going straight to 100.
  6. 2.00 star(s)



    This is way more grindy than I initially thought it would be. It's basically a click simulator and I was honestly expecting something very different when I saw the ratings it has received. I've come to realize that many people aren't rating this game for what it is right now, they're rating it for the potential it has. Don't get me wrong, I also see a ton of potential here but that doesn't change the fact that as it stands right now, there's barely anything there unless you really enjoy clicking your left mouse button.

    The game starts off great and the artwork looks awesome (for the most part). The overall concept could potentially become an amazing game some day. But what's there right now is a grindfest, where you basically play through the exact same scene over and over (and over) again just to grind the points needed to reach the next stage of that exact same scene. And then that stage is just the same thing once again, a grind for points towards the next stage, only this time with slightly less clothing or a slightly more "advanced" touch.. There's nothing wrong with the MC gradually losing her inhibitions over time as her corruption increases, but the way it's done with the massage parlor scenes for example, causes it to feel like a chore.

    I gave it an honest chance, and I'm pretty sure I've seen all the content there is to see at present time. But I've spent several hours playing this and the vast majority of that time was spent clicking through stuff I had already seen.. And don't think I'm only interested in games that jump right into the action from the beginning, because I'm not. I actually quite enjoy a slow burn in this type of game, but not when that means repeating a short scene 10 times in a row just so I can unlock a tiny bit of progress for that scene. At least give us some interesting story dialogue (or just more variation in general) to keep us engaged as we're slowly progressing..

    Again, I can see the potential here and I genuinely hope it'll one day realize that potential. If it does, I'll gladly give it another try and increase my rating. I thought the way it started off was really good, and I thought this would be a game that's worth sinking a few hours into. But as soon as you've played through the intro, the pacing it had is just thrown out the window entirely and the game quickly turns into the grind that it currently is. Any built up excitement then just slowly evaporates since there are simply way too many steps involved in unlocking the full scene and the pay-off just isn't worth it. Maybe all this will be less noticeable once more content is added, but I believe it'll take more than that to not make it feel like such a grind.

    There's a lot of potential here, but that's it for now. I'm giving it 2 stars because what's there, does at least look good.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing potential. The developer is also very transparent about what is happening during development. There is still a long way to go, but I'm confident with what has been released thus far, it will be great
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely excellent experience, truly a gem!
    I've played so many games and yet this one is truly special. Not only the art is amazing, but the story that is developing with the gameplay is so addictive and inventive. Absolutely cherish the pace as well, as it could've been absolutely ruined if rushed, but no, it takes its time and really establishes a great plot and the corruption is in your hands, part of the choice.

    Really glad to play this, and so looking forward to what comes next in the coming updates, big 5/5!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh great, another "Small town girl in big city loses her belongings and whores herself out to survive game..."

    Is what I would be saying, if this game wasn't really fun engaging.

    I was initially turned off by the long opening and slow pace, but the game grew on me a bit.

    I was a bit turned off by the Pizza Mini game, but then it grew on me a bit more.

    The story and dialog is good, the art is fantastic, and there is soooo much opportunity for lewd and embarrassing situations, and I haven't encountered any sexy times. The build up, the way that the game teases you with situations that are very clearly going to eventually go wrong (or right if you're a proper deviant) is just too good.

    Abelius' art is great and he is active on here and Discord, and I see this game really going places. This game has earned another fan!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Was waiting for something like this since LOK:R was abandoned, keep up the good work, great game with big potential and awesome artstyle. The only sad thing in all of this porn games are development time. Better game - longer updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    As far as i can comment on it with my limited technical knowledge is this a game that combines heavy custom coding with lovely 2D art - two things that we seldom see today with the site covered in renpy 3D games. That this game focuses on corruption of an innocent flower makes this one of the most looked forward to projects on this site.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    a MC who isn't a total jerk, bimbo, or anime gasper, yes please yes!

    I have way high hopes for this game at the moment, it has really good Exhibitionist content as well as an amazing character customizer and beyond that it actually feels like an original game! Like not a copy or a redo but actually new! Very excited to see how it goes!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    love the concept and slow corruption games. hope kayla gets some b/g scenes. think the recent free version videos on kaylas computer are a bit out of place and too loud.

    also I hope the masturbation minigame gets removed. It's tedious, would rather just watch jenny go at it then have to keep timing clicks.
    Likes: mackb
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a very good base and very good bones. It has a bit of a slow start, but I imagine things will pick up and hit a decent pace with some more time in the oven. The dev appears to be very dedicated and driven to see this project completed.

    NPC design is a bit generic, but gets a little better with every patch. PC design is top notch and has a very decent amount of customization that I'd like to see expanded in the future (like makeup or tattoo options maybe?).

    Story isn't anything super amazing or groundbreaking. Sheltered girl moves to the big city where perversions are commonplace to attend college and has to work to afford rent. Again, nothing new but it isn't poorly written or anything. Decent enough but I do feel like the intro drags on for just a touch too long.

    I can understand why some people find the waitress minigame to be a boring slog, but I think it's fine for what it is. It doesn't drag on for too awful long and I imagine there'll be plenty of repeatable/unique H events after the MC gets corrupted enough.

    And the couple of lewd scenes that are already in the game (only masturbation/groping at the time of this review) are incredibly well done.

    I've seen the game be compared to Insexity a few times, and I think that's a fair comparison as the games do have a similar feel to them. When this game is finished, I expect there'll be more elements to separate the two but right now it does sort of feel like a graphically upgraded Insexity.

    Overall, 5/5 ground work and I expect it to only get better over time as more updates get pushed out. As the game stands right now, I'd give it a 3.5/5 or 4/5 just because there isn't much content right now, but all of the bones are there for me to feel good about my current rating.

    Dev appears to be going through some tough times, so support the man on Patreon/Subscribestar if you're able and send some supportive messages. I'm sure he would greatly appreciate it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game brough you by the real creator of LoK:RB and got kicked out for reason i can't explain here.

    as being close watcher of the developer of this game and what he can do I can say that this game is in safe hand and it will GROW into very good game

    If you liked the game (OFC YOU NEED TO PLAY IT RN) Please Support the Dev because he putting his all in this project.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I've played the game, and i can already see the potential that can come to this, i hope the dev doesnt give up and finish it

    Pros: Very Good customization, you can literally make different characters without having any similarities, (a better customization than insexity)

    Cons: not enough diverse looking npcs, they have the same preset of faces, the only unique ones are actual characters
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The direction of the game so far is intriguing, and it is much appreciated that there is less tedious grinding or walking than in similar games. One game in particular currently under development that is most similar to this is far inferior simply due to it being a dull chore.

    This one is worth becoming a patron from what has been seen so far.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    very nice game, though the progress might be a tiny bit of a grind to some, the makes the game more organic and allows us to see how mc gets slowly, but surely corrupted by her new surroundings. gameplay is decent and allows players to skip repetitive parts of the game
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Zoe Ray

    Good Stuff: Cute story. Graphics style is very cool / attractive. The main characters and supporting NPCs are interesting and leave lots of room for upgrades/paths at a later date. There's no rush to the "end" and the Dev (Abelius) is very approachable and engaged with fans. I very much enjoy the DEVs teasers in discussing his intent and his willingness to accept critics comments. I really like the ability to change / customize the MC's appearance so she can be unique in each play through. This is a big plus to me. Other stuff: Movement in the Pizzaria is a little slow /stiff and using the coffee machine is annoying. Not sure if there is an easy fix or it's even worth the time to do since there is so much for story to work on. Definately worth following /supporting!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    this game make me feel too realistic because i have never played other game like this before and i really love this game working like this and never want to lose this style of this game, hope it develop more good in future and i will support always as i say this game is really good experience game <3