john__cena Well, it looks exactly like the creation of a new partition to me.
But the idea looks good anyway, I'll try to come up with a slightly better script that can mount the FAT32 directory anywhere. Thanks a lot!
I'm also thinking of a simple way to rename every file and directory to lower case and go through every HTML, CSS and JS file to, again, convert every reference to a file to lower case. I have a clear idea of how to do that in Python, but maybe a shell script is better, if I manage to come up with something, particularly for the second part.
I updated the OP again, I split the NW.js section to separate it from TyranoBuilder games. Very similar, but usually not playable, sadly. And I updated my NW.js installer. These are the new, definitive features:
- Help message: "./ -h" or "./ --help"
- Show version: "./ -v" or "./ --version"
- Create of a .sh executable: "./ -xs" or "./ --exe-sh"
- Create of a .desktop executable: "./ -xd" or "./ --exe-dt"
- Allow beta version of NW.js, if it's the last available: "./ -b" or "./ --beta"
- Doesn't run the game after the installation: "./ -ns" or "./ --no-start" (I preferred this to the "--start" option, I think it's much more useful to start the game automatically at the end of the installation)
- (These last 4 option can be used together, obviously)
- Run a personalized patch program after the installation: Put a file named "" in the game directory, the installer will run it after the installation is complete.
- New security measures: The installer won't start if it can't find a "www" directory and a "package.json" file in the directory it's located. This is to avoid accidental runs in the wrong directory, since the installer permanently deletes every file and directory it can find, save for a few specific exceptions. Guess what would happen if you were to run it in your "Documents" directory? I lost a few new games because of this, luckily new ones I was testing, so I just lost a few minutes to download them again, but it gave me something to think of...
The Glassix version of the installer has almost the same updates.