damn, I seem to have hit a wall... Tried to find out how to cheat breeding system, but the main lead I found is a pointer to something, and I don't know what to do with it (there are also three addresses that remember some info about the last pokemon you bedded (couple for pokedex id and one for place in your ), but those don't affect the egg and don't change out of bed)
upd. seems like for owned pokemons the address is tied to the pokemon. Also, I think I found a way to access pokemons that are currently on you, but it reuires pokemon menu to be opened for it to work
upd2. yep, the egg pointer seems to reference the pokemon (at least for owned ones). Sooooooo, that means there is one more way to access pokemon's stats
upd3. so, I managed to more or less dissect pokemon structure (all visible stats+happiness), and used that knowledge to cheat breeding system (yay). I think I can even turn any poemon into any other pokemon with that. Unfortunately it seems like stats are calculated from level, pokedex id and number of used buffs and I didn't find what stores the latter
upd4. another rock under my wheels: in rpg maker pointer path is not static, but simply a list where each element contains some id (twice for some reason), value and pointer to the next element. Also, I'm yet to find where the name, move, memo, ribbon, buff, pokeball datas are hiding, and what are those hidden values. Also, egg system blindly uses parent's data and completely ignores moves incompatibility, so one should be careful with that
PS yeah, I'm putting way too much work into a random ecchi game... Although in my mind I'm training myself at dissecting gamedata using CE