POLL: When you see a game with the gay tag, what do you do?

When you see a game with the gay tag, what do you do?

  • Check to see if gay content can be turned off, then give it a try if there's content I like.

    Votes: 373 42.8%
  • I like gay content, so I'd check the game out.

    Votes: 239 27.4%
  • I'd never play it, even if gay content can be turned off, and the women are extremely hot & sexy.

    Votes: 61 7.0%
  • I don't. I exclude gay tags. I would never play a game with the gay tag, PERIOD.

    Votes: 150 17.2%
  • Other, I'll respond in thread.

    Votes: 49 5.6%

  • Total voters


Oct 31, 2020
Am attracted to the feminine so i tend to stay clear from the "big fluffy freight-container of a man want's to snuggle" type but some twinks, traps or sissies are fine regardless if they are pc or npc.


Forum Fanatic
Oct 7, 2022
I'm making a game with super hot and sexy women, but some of the content is also gay, but can be turned off. I'm making this poll just to gain a little insight.
I do not start biased, first I look at what kind of content there are, if I can disable them and finally if they are the dominant part of the game. I don't like them in general, but if the game has a chance to disable them and / or they are minimally, then I could play them, otherwise I leave it alone


Jul 14, 2020
> When you see a game with the gay tag, what do you do?

I put "Other", hence this reply. I'm not gay, I am not attracted to gays, and would never pursue gay. However, it could be in a game as a possible bad end. Gay might be the lava on the floor, and it might even singe you quite a bit in a game I would play.

The possibility of gayness ( avoidable or not ) could be something the MC would work to avoid ( maybe failing in the end ). Or maybe the leading lady in your life wants you to be gay or do gay things even if you don't, so you doit for her or due to her because it gets her off. ( see the last option ) Or gay might be a penalty for getting yourself in some kind of trouble, maybe that you got in pursuing something non-gay. Gay might be made avoidable with an obvious deus ex machina option but the in the more realistic option MC doesn't avoid gay.

Squick as the lava on the floor works, and it lets the character experience being shaped by others to suit them enough to make the relationship with them happen. They come with a steep price.

> Do you prefer to play Harem games with or without male competion?

Whatever. If the game is about winning, I want to be able to keep the whole harem pure an untainted for myself, if the game is about losing, I want to fail utterly.

> Would you prefer having two customizable NPC or four non-customizable NPC in a porn game?

Customization is worth it only if it is very cheap in terms of effort compared to the results. Also physical characteristics might lead to personality dialog and story implications.
Every branching path slows development. I would rather play two games than play one with lots of customization. Usually I can learn to appreciate the character as presented. But maybe some characteristics that turn large swathes of players off or on could be customizable. I appreciated the abilty to avoid futa and what would have been a fake robot dick was a rubber strapon..

> Are you ready for your mother or girlfriend/wife to mentally and physically abuse your MC for sexual pleasure?



May 16, 2017
I voted "Check to see if gay content can be turned off, then give it a try if there's content I like." Which is true, but I don't deactivate it, for a somewhat completionist reason. More accurately I see if its exclusively gay that's my issue with the tag more specifically If its exclusively Bara content, not my jam, if its one of the million trap/sissification games I'll give it a shot, fill out my bingo and continue waiting for an update for The Company (Not a jab, on the contrary a free endorsement).


Active Member
Aug 7, 2017
I didn't see "Make comment about how I don't like the tag, even if it's the only tag the game has", so I picked OTHER.

But seriously, I know the tags on this site are very blunt tools, and tags consider "a single optional gay scene" to be as worthy of the "gay" tag as an exclusively-gay game. So I just see if it's avoidable.


Apr 27, 2018
I voted for the "I like gay content" answer. But I have a big IF. If the gay content is just two scenes, consists on twinks or feminine guys, I'll skip the game, even with the gay tag. I would only play if there is a way to play as a gay MC or at least have an attractive gay LI. Anyway, I'm on the minority, so that's why I created my game :ROFLMAO:
Basically this. However with two other caveats. One not playing as the gay MC other than the one twink-boy type exception (think max the elf). Second no futa bullshit. the gay NPC/LI must be pretty feminine without actually being a female/futa again think of a character that looks like the Max the elf character or something like that.


Jan 8, 2021
was about to press "if gay content is skipable" bur if its soft like a little bi-bromance, just touching each others (volontary or not) or like that it could be ok.


Apr 2, 2020
If I see gay tag I usually see if its gay-only or just occasional/optional, if its gay-only then sadly the chances of me playing the game drop drastically.

Beatrix Kiddo

Aug 25, 2016
If the game looks like it has a ton a gay content from the previews, I just skip altogether. If it looks like your standard run of the mill hetero game, I check if it's avoidable and look at the comments to figure out how much of it there is. If it's prominent I'll skip even if avoidable.


Feb 17, 2021
Other, I'll respond in thread.
Wow why after Copy/Paste this text is so giant... Anywaaa...

I'm kinda Ok with Gay Porn, its not like something i would look for but i saw it many times.
If i have to pick girls or boys... i would probably always pick girls... unless girls that i have to choice are looking even worse than boys... well this sometimes happens :/...

Gay is fine for me, only thing i always disable browsing F95 games is "Ren'py" :)...
as this are not games...


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 6, 2019
In general, I avoid gay content. And I don't feel like I'm missing out on a lot of interesting games because of that approach, because games and visual novels rarely mix gay and straight content. I'm not interested in seeing male/male scenes. But if gay content is optional and the game otherwise looks extremely interesting, I'll play it. But I don't recall ever seeing a game like that.

As for the futa/trans content, I have a similar approach to it as I have to gay content. The only difference is that games more often mix futa/trans and straight content than gay content and straight content. So there are a few games that contain avoidable futa/trans content that I've played

As for the lesbian content, it's not content I prefer, but I quite like the few lesbian scenes in an otherwise mostly straight game. But I will rarely play a game exclusively focused on lesbian content


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
Not usually a primary factor - would usually make decisions based on other stuff
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Aug 26, 2022
I voted other.

Unfort the gay tag on here is bit broad. I prefer have a more narrow focus. Normally i turn off the gay content.

I play female characters only, so it not really a tag I pay attention to. But a gay tag dose tell me game caters to broad audience, without worrying about fragile issues.

Having said this I find the gay tag is to broad in that it also includes eg Ladyboys(I don`t use term futa as a definition due to futa having 2 meanings I find), and stuff more on the effeminate style stuff too. Not kink shaming anyone here, just masculine stuff isn`t my cup of tea. I don`t use futa tag as on this sight it`s very confusing. As to knowing what type of futa content it is.

Note I leave each person to their own likes a dislikes and believe in live and let live to all.

Also I dislike games that have broad selection of tags and turns out only focus is on one kink tag.
Eg some games, say Gay tag with option hetro and les content only find myself disappointed in finding all game play is for gay content. It`s fine that theres game that cater to just gay content. I just wish it was more clearly described as i wouldn't waste my time is all. Nor- do i like asking for straight or les content when a game isn`t envisioned to that player base, eg why set game development back re-do older stuff wand in turn make main story progression take ages. Plus get hopes up on game, eg due it art work or story type focus. Equally I think having a gay content tag is misleading for gay players if only 1 or two token scenes are in a game. Respect for tags works both ways.

My advice to any game developer. Is set goals and treat each tag kink etc equally. Or at very least, put a developer style note explaining eg there is token amount of this tag.
So all players etc know where they stand so we players can make informed choice if this is a game for us or not.
This also helps you out as devloper by helping to prevent possible bad reviews. and constant barrage of forum posts etc. over said kink.

A concern of mine is as your a games developer I hate see you get burnt out making a game you dont enjoy. As most people do it as side project as work passion/hobby. The moment you change your vision too much for wider game audince is starting of you loose passion interest in your own game you developing

regardless I wish you all best on what you decide for your game. Regardless if it dose kinks or not that i want to play. As you should enjoy making the game you want not want polls and everyone else tells you they want.


Sep 24, 2022
I'd check it out. I don't want to play a game that's entirely gay, but its a game that has a male MC and primarily female sex partners, with a few who are gay/trans/futa, I'm cool with it as a feature.


Nov 11, 2019
Without opening a broader conversation about sexuality, for the purposes of this website the "gay" tag is separate from "trap/trans/futa" and even femboy or sissy stuff. At least, I have seen many games (trap/femboy) with those things which DO NOT have a "gay" tag.

For me personally I'm not into "gay" content. If the game has some trans or even femboy stuff in the game where the MC is simply fucking these other characters I can get on board. In general when a game gets the "gay" tag the MC is going to be giving and receiving, though more likely receiving.

I think I would be among the more "tolerant" of general users towards this kind of stuff, and even then I would probably pass it up. The hoards of straight male users would likely never give your game a second chance if it has the "gay" tag, just being real. You would end up catering to a small market of bisexuals likely.

If both of these things interest you, why not make the separate games? If the game only has "a little bit" of gay content, then who is that gay content for? If the content is so limited I don't think you'll be keeping many gay fans around, and in which case why even bother? It's sort of like mixing harem and ntr, you just end up making everybody pissed and/or disinterested. Better to just make two games or pick one or the other.


Aug 17, 2016
In practice, it depends on just how gay the game is. I'm not looking for gay content, at all, but I'm not so offended by it that if I even see a penis I throw up all over my computer.

So here's my rule: if it's mostly a gay game, I skip it. Not for me.
If there's a little bit of gay content, I'll be pretty hesitant, but see if there's anything about the game that piques my interest to overcome my general distaste for gay porn (again, it's not for me). In the grand scheme of things, it's minus points. But then, lots of stuff is minus points: Honey Select is minus points, bad to the point of unsexy animation is minus points, bad English is minus points, 'landlady' without a patch is minus points, etc. So it's a hodge-podge 'does this game's overall presentation on the Latest page interest me enough to play in spite of the knowledge that the dev has devoted at least some time to sexual content I know won't interest me' analysis.


Jul 12, 2020
If I see the gay tag, I immediately check if the game has the furry tag as well. If it has - and that seems to be the case more often than not - I once again wonder why there is such an obvious overlap between the groups "Furries" and "Gay Men". Is it because so many gay men are into hairy men and you can't get more hairy than a furry? Is it because in many societies gay men still have to hide their true identities and thus feel a kinship to people who dress up in weird costumes to pretend to be something else (e.g. anthropomorphic animals)? So many questions!
I know, I have a weird thing for, among other things, pattern recognition, sociology and the fringes of society, but seriously: This deserves scientific attention! Bring forth the sociologists and let's do weird science! :LOL:

Other than that I'm fairly flexible when it comes to the gender of people I'm interested in, but I prefer more feminine partners. Purely gay games rarely peak my interest as a gamer and when the content is mixed I first check what the gay content encompasses. Optional content is fine, a femboy or sissy is welcome, hairy hunks and old dudes are totally not my thing.
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Sep 24, 2022
If I see the gay tag, I immediately check if the game has the furry tag as well. If it has - and that seems to be the case more often than not - I once again wonder why there is such an obvious overlap between the groups "Furries" and "Gay Men". Is it because so many gay men are into hairy men and you can't get more hairy than a furry? Is it because in many societies gay men still have to hide their true identities and thus feel a kinship to people who dress up in weird costumes to pretend to be something else (e.g. anthropomorphic animals)? So many questions!
I know, I have a weird thing for, among other things, pattern recognition, sociology and the fringes of society, but seriously: This deserves scientific attention! Bring forth the sociologists and let's do weird science! :LOL:

Other than that I'm fairly flexible when it comes to the gender of people I'm interested in, but I prefer more feminine partners. Purely gay games rarely peak my interest as a gamer and when the content is mixed I first check what the gay content encompasses. Optional content is fine, a femboy or sissy is welcome, hairy hunks and old dudes are totally not my thing.
I've also wondered why furry and gay seem to have such a considerable overlap. Its hard not to notice.

Games that are all or mostly gay also seem to strongly focus on dom/sub relationships a lot of the time too. Its rare to see them where its simply the character going out and meeting other guys to hook up with, like you'd see in many M/F games.