It is not spending real money to watch clips of scenes, it is supporting the development of a game and being able to cheat in a game is a perk for these people.
As for the Pornstars, they were the most popular on Pornhub at that time. I can't just please eveyone's taste in women.
Regarding the progress, out of anyone, you were one of the most harsh people when posting. But now you're telling you actually liked the game enough to have significant progress? Why did you describe it as "garbage" then?
I really don't mean to be rude or have a shitty approach, I like the community and to be part of it.
1. You can play a card to guarantee a defense and change it for another one by discarding it.
2. Inventory and deck improvements will be the focus of the next update.
3. Finisher cards will eventually have stats or modifiers of their own. I removed the requirement of having one because it didn't add anything more as of now.
4. The AI does discard a card.
5. I didn't encounter the bug, I would need more details to adress this issue.
6. I will improve the "How to play" section. I will add a button in the main menu along with the others too, as it seemed the "?" button at the bottom right at the main menu was not enough.
7. I don't know how that would be possible, unless there was a duo card. Do you have more info on this?
8. There is an icon at the top right of the card that indicates if the card can be linked or not.
Yes, there is work to be done. Think of it as early access on Steam, it will take shape and be influenced by the community. No offense taken and I hope you won't take any either!
1. I am not drawing or rendering indeed, but each Pornstar has 3 clips for 4 actions, so that's 12 scenes per talent. That 600 clips to gather. In addition, some has 3 scenes with specific girls when played as a duo. Having the same Pornstar pool as the first game would be crazy.
2. Noted!
3. That was the initial plan, but I like it better if it was influencing the game. Maybe in the future there will be video clips associated to it.
4. Noted!
5. Inventory and deck improvements will be the focus of the next update
In order to adress the first occurence, what action did you do that led to the situation?
As for the 3rd attempt, you have to drop an action card on the board. It seems you simple did not draw one in your hand.
It sure does!