Combat isn't that bad once you get used to it.
You just have to consider it a legitimate tactics game and take it a bit seriously.
I actually quite like the combat in this game as it has some depth behind it that makes the whole game shine.
This game might not be for you if you do not want that kind of gameplay.
So Combat Tips!
First of there are some cases where you can be screwed if you select the wrong starters and don't know what you are doing.
Centaur is a must have for beginners with as much Strength and Level Genes as you can.
For the second I like Lymean as it has some good support skills, Plant is also good for Vine if you don't play Prince.
Your MC initially is going to have a support role and they usually have some kind of skills to be useful.
Note that you can change your MC skills in the character screen if you have more skills unlocked.
It might be good to unlock some skills for the MC if you can. Like for the Prince you can train a few levels in any class for some easy skills while for Evo it depends on your starters and what you can change into.
Like any Tactics game it is all about positioning and movement distance.
You must look at the terrain and look at the enemy movement and assess what are the threats.
Look at what kind of damage they can do look at what kind of skills and magic they have.
How the AP works is once you are engaged you will only have 1 AP next turn with the exception of harpy breeds, special traits and spells.
One simple strategy to make things easier is to just spawn vine and tie the enemies for a turn. The AI is very forgiving and will usually target the vine.
Also remember that you have summons, so don't be afraid to use them as cannon fodder to get you started with a couple of levels for your starters.
Initially your biggest enemies will be centaur based breeds with charge as they can usually hit you hard from anywhere.
Beast breeds are also annoying as they can Jump for that extra reach.
Sometimes you will find enemies that both hit like a brick and have lots of HP, in which case use the terrain to your advantage to impede it, even using the enemies around to your advantage.
If they have high magic and a offensive spell they might be a threat.
Succubus can also Seduce that can put you into a vulnerable state, you can use another character to Fuck and relieve Lust, especially if you trained your Sex Skills and have Master.
Seduce is also something you can use on a particular dangerous enemy that you want to stun for a while. Lust vulnerability means they also take more damage.
AP Potions! Go to the tavern cowgirl and get her to trade you some AP Potions!
With it you can get you 12 Strength Centaur to keep hitting and moving. It can actually make harpies useful for that alone.
Gear is also good when you are just Leveling Up your party to a reasonable level with the Training Room battles.
Overall it's not that hard to get into, SaveScum as much as you want if you don't like the encounters in that battle, you have QuickSave and QuickLoad available.
You just have to consider it a legitimate tactics game and take it a bit seriously.
I actually quite like the combat in this game as it has some depth behind it that makes the whole game shine.
This game might not be for you if you do not want that kind of gameplay.
So Combat Tips!
First of there are some cases where you can be screwed if you select the wrong starters and don't know what you are doing.
Centaur is a must have for beginners with as much Strength and Level Genes as you can.
For the second I like Lymean as it has some good support skills, Plant is also good for Vine if you don't play Prince.
Your MC initially is going to have a support role and they usually have some kind of skills to be useful.
Note that you can change your MC skills in the character screen if you have more skills unlocked.
It might be good to unlock some skills for the MC if you can. Like for the Prince you can train a few levels in any class for some easy skills while for Evo it depends on your starters and what you can change into.
Like any Tactics game it is all about positioning and movement distance.
You must look at the terrain and look at the enemy movement and assess what are the threats.
Look at what kind of damage they can do look at what kind of skills and magic they have.
How the AP works is once you are engaged you will only have 1 AP next turn with the exception of harpy breeds, special traits and spells.
One simple strategy to make things easier is to just spawn vine and tie the enemies for a turn. The AI is very forgiving and will usually target the vine.
Also remember that you have summons, so don't be afraid to use them as cannon fodder to get you started with a couple of levels for your starters.
Initially your biggest enemies will be centaur based breeds with charge as they can usually hit you hard from anywhere.
Beast breeds are also annoying as they can Jump for that extra reach.
Sometimes you will find enemies that both hit like a brick and have lots of HP, in which case use the terrain to your advantage to impede it, even using the enemies around to your advantage.
If they have high magic and a offensive spell they might be a threat.
Succubus can also Seduce that can put you into a vulnerable state, you can use another character to Fuck and relieve Lust, especially if you trained your Sex Skills and have Master.
Seduce is also something you can use on a particular dangerous enemy that you want to stun for a while. Lust vulnerability means they also take more damage.
AP Potions! Go to the tavern cowgirl and get her to trade you some AP Potions!
With it you can get you 12 Strength Centaur to keep hitting and moving. It can actually make harpies useful for that alone.
Gear is also good when you are just Leveling Up your party to a reasonable level with the Training Room battles.
Overall it's not that hard to get into, SaveScum as much as you want if you don't like the encounters in that battle, you have QuickSave and QuickLoad available.
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