Ptah I want to clear up some points you missed when leaving your unfair review. It's one thing to rate the game based on how you liked the game, but it's another to rate it because of it's update time. that doesn't tell the readers how good the game is.
So lets go by your points
1. The 3 main girls are vastly different from each other. Catherine is the airhead. Ophelia is the mother and she plays the mother quite well compared to other games. Brenna is probably the most "typical" VN girl, but even then. she's unique BECAUSE she's the only one doing that. Eva is the slut. Amber is the shy one. Mallory is the rich white bitch. They all reflect this in how they talk. (quick example: My Dorm. All girls feel 100% the same. They all start off starving for MC dick and no personality to actually tell them apart).
2. This game was originally made to make fun of the AVN industry. It pretty much parody's what you expect in AVN. It was a joke. It just sort of started taking itself more serious these last few chapters.
3. Development time. This is something that people keep complaining about, but don't understand how it works before they bash it. They compare it to games that have updates 3 or 4 times a year, but those games can be completed in 20 or 30 minutes an update. They also don't have quality animation or rendering or poses or lighting. PV on the other hand does. Good renders take much longer to set up and not to mention to render. Catherines party scene for instance. To render that many characters could take up to 30 minutes or more per frame for a decent powered machine.
and i hate to break it to you, but money made should not be taken into account for how fast a game gets made. You can't make a game "release faster" by throwing more money at it. Look at Summertime Saga. Are you going to say that game should have a release every week? If by your logic money = development time, than your answer is yes. look at FUCKING AWAM. Tell me how money is helping that game release faster.
I get it's your review and your entitled to your own opinion, but your review is first uninformed and will give people looking to play it the wrong idea. At least yours didn't lie as much as a lot of past reviews.