
Aug 17, 2024
Hunter is planning to fuck sterlings future daughters as revenge for fucking up his plans. When Sterlings kids are born their all boys. Sterling told them of their great grandfather so everytime he tries to get a woman they cockblock him till he dies.
Considering how much Sterling is cumming in his mother,sisters and every other female who comes across him,i would be surprised his offspring are not all vikings lol
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Jun 13, 2018
am i the only one here that finds drew's character arc drastically different between regular story and the "bad version"???? in one she's actually "helping" and the other she's pulling a reverse-uno fucking assault/ what??

Fayn Arawn

Active Member
May 24, 2019
am i the only one here that finds drew's character arc drastically different between regular story and the "bad version"???? in one she's actually "helping" and the other she's pulling a reverse-uno fucking assault/ what??
I think Drew is just an opportunist, very much like Sterling is, and she's not actively trying to steal anyone from him.

In the Tiff scene, Sterling already messed up and blew his shot with her. Although Drew did use some underhanded trickery at the spa, it wasn't so different from things Sterling has done to coerce some girls into sex.

In the Brenna scene, keep in mind that Drew was influenced by the aphrodisiac chemicals that Hunter warned about earlier. She still gave Brenna the special wine knowing what it would do, so she's at least partially guilty.

In the Lucia scene, she chose to live with Drew and they formed a real bond before having sex. I think this scene was the least "problematic" in terms of treachery or betrayal.

All that said, we still don't know the truth about Drew's affair with David. It's hard for me to imagine Drew being innocent there.
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