Ren'Py - Power Vacuum [Ch. 12 Official] [What? Why? Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the living proof that with simple mechanics you can have a very good game. Incredibly funny and engaging storyline.

    Love the fact that MC is not just a horny kid with malevolous intentions.

    I Recomend it to every one
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Could be a great game, but it's not for me. Good graphics. Story is a basic "MC will get to bone his family" version with the addition of a main antagonist who is badly written and dampens my mood so much that I will not return to new updates. No more second chances. Could be 5/5, for me it's 2.5/5

    Played [0.5], deleted after end of [0.5], will not return to play [0.6].

    - Good graphics, good animations

    - Good humor, good references

    - MC actually has a conscience.
    The game explicitly addresses the issue that all this "let's finger bang a sleeping relative" is nothing less than rape. When MC thinks about doing something like that and has three options which all decline I was literally saying "THANK YOU" out loudly. All this molesting of non-consenting (sometimes sleeping) people in so many other games is a turn-off for me.

    - Grinding. It's there, but it's a) not too much and b) the event in question changes and there is story progress

    - Pseudo sandbox. Like in many other games there's a routine which every character follows at a certain time of day in a certain room. When something cannot be advanced, you'll get infinite repetitions of the same situation. That's lazy writing, but not too annoying.

    - NTR doesn't bother me. Leave it on if you want graphic bad endings, turn it off if you don't. Easy-peasy.

    - The antagonist. I'm putting this first, because the other CONS derive from this.
    I don't mind obstacles to overcome in an adult game, but a real main antagonist is not what I like. He's written as a "I have the money, so I have the power, and I'll fuck everyone you love, because unlike you I have no conscience" character who - like every badly written Bond villain does - of course tells this MC right in the beginning. That is like a mood killing sword of Damocles hanging over the entire game, which brings me to the next point:

    - "Common sense glands removed"
    Using an old Eddie Izzard quote here, but it's painfully true. Despite MC (and later Lucia) knowing what Hunter (the antagonist) is up to AND what he's willing and capable to do, they generally don't care. MC gives him back control over a spy cam... and forgets about it? Yes, a likely story.

    - "Deus ex machina"
    How do people overcome their inhibitions? I know, let's have a magic drug that makes people horny over time and the antagonist puts into everything he can get his hand on. Seeing how MC dealt with Hunter in chapter 1 you'd think he'd shadow every move of his once he learns about this drink/food spiking, but no. He learns and knows and casually mentions it once or twice afterwards. The game goes such lengths to try a realistic approach on MC's and family's development that this deus ex machina is just an insult.
    This is bad writing. And if it wasn't for the really good writing of the dialogues between MC and his family members, I'd brush it off as poorly written game, rate it 1 star, and move on, but the author gives us a glimpse of great writing in the details, but the broad strokes and the entire premise are just so badly written, that I want to cry. It's such wasted potential! I want to give that game 5/5, but I can't. The bad (sadly) outweighs the good.

    I've been playing [0.5] of this game for about a week, off and on. Every time I could get into a good mood it was constantly put down by the premise and the antagonist. Now that [0.6] is out I thought for about second or two, but decided not to give it another chance, sorry.

    Dear DEV, I've been spending money on Patreon, so if you should ever up your writing skills and make a game that doesn't include extortion/blackmail in the same way that it doesn't include rape/molestation by the MC right now, I'll happily send some money your way. Good luck!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game consists of decent renders, but doesn't seem like much of an adult type game. I have hand cramps from clicking my mouse over repeated tasks to get nothing in return, maybe a kiss here or there. The game "rewards" IMO don't give the player much of a reward feeling. This game has a way to disable NTR, but it looks like this game doesn't have much revolving around it besides that. I would give a more in depth review, but honestly, I couldn't finish the game. I'm probably going to be ignoring this thread, but my suggestion would be to make the beginning less "grindy" and rework the tasks. I wish the game dev the best.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the funniest games I have played. The writer's wit is razor sharp. I can honestly say I have laughed out loud more while playing this game than I have for any other game on F95.

    The models are sexy as hell, the protagonist is self-effacing and painfully honest. Cringe moments abound but in a good way! Story is engaging and the NTR (more like attempted NTR) usually has a hilarious result. (playing the electric guitar cracks me up every time!)

    This game is a fun and sexy game that doesn't take itself too serious. I STRONGLY recommend this game!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fantastic game. One of the top 3 on the site IMO.

    Pros: Likeable Characters
    Genuinely funny dialog
    Genuinely funny game over scenes
    Has just the right amount of characters
    A fantastic antagonist in Hunter
    Actual character growth
    Is not super grindy once you get past chapter 2

    Cons: Honestly my only complaint is I wish the Dev would flesh out the bad ending scenes and their aftermath a little more. Cuz anytime you end up dieing in a house fire because you indirectly caused your roommates psychotic break.. you just find yourself wanting more.

    If you haven't played this game before,I can't recommend it enough,give it a download and check it out.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Cptn. Popcorn

    This game is great. Yes there are some flaws, but nothing overly distracting or anything that takes you out of the game and story. So I'll move on to the pros.

    Pros: Decent animation
    Beautiful models
    Fucking hilarious (seriously I have never laughed so hard at a porn game)
    Rewarding sex scenes
    Pretty good story.

    Like I said before the flaws of the game arent anything super serious or detracts from it, but I will still list them out.

    Cons: Well its pretty slow paced for sex, but its believable, especially with whats going on in the story.
    The character gets buff as fuck and has a huge dick, but its explained in the story.
    and thats pretty much it. The cons don't out weigh the pros and it is a great game.

    TLDR: The game is great and you should play it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    i found this game to early (with episode 6) now i have to wait for the next update :(

    I like this ntr system. I am not a big of a NTR Fan but more of an completer (i want to see all scenes) so this system is perfect for me.

    The girls are gorgeus and the story is enthralling.
    The animations are pretty good (saw better but a lot of worse).
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The guy became a musclor with a énormous cock ... It's unplayable, frankly disappointed ...
    Already the scenario was not great at the beginning, but there since v5.b it has simply become stupid ...

    And the worst in this case is there are images where it is still normal and suddenly we see it in "I took steroids" mode
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with a decent hint system and ingame chapters to mark the progression in the story.

    Good graphics, decent dialog.

    It's not grindy, it doesn't require too many clicks to do things.

    The only thing it's lacking is music/sound effects.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Power Vacuum is one of the funniest games I have played in a long time. The writing is fantastic with lots of humor as well as a great deal of heart. The renders are great and I look forward to future updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is incredibly enjoyable and deserves a play through. Despite its flaws, I'm rating it a 5 start just because of how much fun I have with it. The sex scenes are few and far between a lot of the times, but they feel very rewarding, both for the MC and for the player! And hopefully as the story progresses there will be more and more sexy stuff to get up to!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game. You can tell the developer puts a lot of care into what he does. Should be prefaced though that this game fills a specific niche and is not for everyone. Fantastic game nonetheless.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing Renders, animations, plot with great humour. leaves you wanting more with each episode completion only to provide and more. first site review for a game and i couldn't think of a better option to get my 5 stars
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I would give the game 4.5 stars if possible, and after some deliberation I went with 5. It is not exactly "excellent", more like "very good".

    To sum the game up in one sentence: Power Vacuum is a "Big Brother" inspired parody porn game with an OK amount of sexual content in the current version (0.6).

    The character models are OK for the most part, but some are not and sometimes the facial expressions are uncanny/weird. Overall the dev is doing a good job with the 3D renders though and the animations are OK-ish. I myself am of the opinion that if animations are not flawless they should be left out altogether, but thats personal preference.

    The NTR is "bad-end-only" and the villain is ridiculous and not really a threat. Don't play the game for that tag alone.

    It feels like two thirds of the dialogue is made up of innuendo and cheap jokes, which is a little much. Some jokes are actually quite good, but with the overall amount it feels like everyone is doing a bad stand-up comedy routine all the time.

    I still give it 5 stars, because those are pretty much the only complaints I have and it makes for a good experience that lasts several hours, even if you mostly skip through the milf-content like I did. Looking forward to future updates.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.5b
    Visual novel/Script: 5
    Gaming experience: 4 (sanbox free roaming)
    Graphic quality: 4
    Character development: 5+
    Xcitement: 5

    Considerations: Limited locations and no random events for a sandbox. Also would be better with some Easter eggs to help cope with navigation through the rooms.
    Faces expressions and grapphic quality look better next to the text than in the rendered story.
    Nice the option to skip the ntr content without altering the game story. Elegant yet simple solution.
    Good game
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I agree with renonymous to a degree but the game has a insanely slow burn and insane repetition it tells you how much you need to repeat an event I guess that's a plus if you play the game from the start it feels like an unbearable grind to the point I had to take a break the humor ruins any story it could have to the point almost all scenes are ruined by the writer thinking a scene needs it when it doesn't lets talk about the most annoying part the NTR and the pointless choices that always lead to NTR NTR isn't a fetish of mine but the use of hunter in this game is pathetic why is there an option to turn off NTR when that kills almost all choices and the only choices typically end in game over shouldn't there be a linear tag of some sort I feel as if the games could be less than 30 minutes in length if your not constantly re doing the same event over and over with minor differences I could list some positives but I figured what I didn't like about the game was more important and sorry for my grammar issues
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really, really good script, beautiful graphic and wonderful plot! What do you want more of this?! Main Caracter is either normal and easy to empathy, girls are very natural (by the way, for an erotic novel) and no hate between character... Download now!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Keywords: (Very) slow burn, humour, harem, choices don’t matter.

    Overall, this story has been very enjoyable so far and I’d recommend it to anyone who likes these sort of “gather your harem” types of games. However, there are a few areas where Power Vacuum could be improved. Spoilers ahead.

    Tone: This game’s banter is witty and enjoyable, and it makes for some funny and endearing scenes. However, the story suffers from excessive and poorly timed humor as the author can’t stop inserting jokes into even erotic moments, making them feel like they were filmed before a live studio audience and the characters are pausing mid-thrust for an audience laugh track. The ironic thing is that the author seems self-aware in a nearly identical situation—While Eva’s giving the MC a blowjob, the MC makes a joke about something that happened with his sister, and Eva starts bringing up her previous lovers as an example of how mentioning stupid shit, mid-sex, can kill a mood. Despite this, Power Vacuum hurts the eroticism and drama of many of its strongest moments with awkwardly inserted humor.

    Pacing: There are no random events, and chapters progress solely through story events. Because one character’s story can have 12 events in a chapter and the others have 6-8, you’ll find yourself skipping 15 hours of the day or repeating the same placeholder bonding events just to hit that one character’s daily event, 4 days in a row, so you can go to the next chapter. This is especially unfulfilling as some of these scenes which were important enough to make for such lopsided pacing are repetitious, being the same dry-humping scene from the previous night with different banter thrown in.

    huNTeR: I had high hopes for this character. Despite looking like a bloated crypt-keeper, Hunter's presence could have represented conflict and challenge. He announces that he’ll be seducing the house members at the same time you’re trying to win them over but, in spite of this, he only has a few hardcoded events which you can’t even fail. Even with NTR turned on, the game rolls itself back before he can pluck a girl from your harem. I would’ve loved to see Hunter as a real antagonist with more presence, and to see his actions have real stakes, but instead he’s just Chekhov’s dong left on the mantle—another storytelling device foiled by humor.

    Still, I only speak so passionately against the story’s flaws because it is so damned enjoyable. The linear story and its unique characters are endearing and lovingly written. The majority of sex scenes are spicy. You will not waste your time with this one.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a better written version of big brother.
    The dialogues are quite well written.
    I hope the writer can expand on his prank war stuff.
    The models and the way the progression of story play
    out are quite similar to some common tropes, hopefully the
    writer can expand his excellent writing to the story as his dialogue
    and scene writing is already off the mark.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly probably one of the best games I played. The dialog and reactions always get a laugh out of me and the way the story unfolds is great. What I especially like is that even though you have to click around unlike most games it's very straight forward and it just flows very well.