It could be the case. But, the Interpol deal with international delinquents. We saw that Hunter has all kinds of drugs, and he is more than okay with rape. Plus, we know that he and Drew traveled the world for years. In this time, i think Hunter get involved in some really shady business. (And possibly fucked some women, who he shouldn't.) So, in the end he had to fake his own death to get away from the authorities and possibly some other bad guys.My money's on he fucked the wrong person's wife/daughter or something like that and had to go into hiding/fake his death.
Who he calls when in his room after being poisoned is also interesting. Was it Drew or a contact from the underworld or whatever?
And for your question. Personally i don't think it was Drew who helped Hunter. If i remember correctly, Drew was handling their business. And she came just because Hunter called her for help aganist the MC.
I think Hunter has a lot of contact/friend in the underworld. (He has to get his drugs somewhere.) So, my bet is on that some firend of his helped him.