Drew being a far more compelling antagonist than Hunter does also play on the themes of Inter Generational Conflicts within the setting, the idea of the Child supplanting the Parent in the Vacuum of Power so to speak, but keep in mind the only reason why Hunter is going full mad scientist here is probably due to the extreme conditions he's been pushed to by the MC and most importantly the girls.
Hunter hasn't fucked anything for weeks right now, and he's currently missing an eye, a tooth, had a botched surgery, and his spine is fucked after chapter 1 alone, and is a walking cocktail of drugs right now meaning whatever chemical gets injected in him might just straight up kill him.
Also if the Bear exists in the Canon timeline dude just narrowly escaped being devoured by one.
Is a miracle dude is still standing, which would make him desperate, and would make him blame the MC, whose body is now in top physical condition.
What is he planning to do in his final solution I wonder?
I have some theories:
1) As mentioned before, he Force Fems Sterling. He gave him this body, now he takes it away. This would require a transformation tag tho I think so I'm not so sure about this. Also it's not exactly that easy to do in just one session.
2) Superior Spider-Man plot. Hunter and Sterling switch bodies, and then Hunter induces an heart attack in Sterling's now old and frail body. Is in line with the themes of the game (the old generation stealing the younger generation's future, so to speak) but is also a bit too... Fantasy? Not exactly realistic, then again Realism is probably the last of this game's concerns.
3) Mind Control? Some MK Ultra shit (This would get in line with my theory if Hunter coming to America after WWII as a young lad and getting into the mafia as a FBI/CIA Plant in the greater scope of a Gladio-Like operation) that leads to Sterling becoming his minion, this is in line with other events with Hunter mind fucking people.
4) I don't know, he plants a charge of cobra venom in his spine so now every time he cums he feels horrible pain, it was a plot point in Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated, a Nazi Parrot did it to the Shaggy of the previous Mystery Gang.
Side note, I do hope this new girl is, like, not an actual capture target. Like, not because of her getting fucked by Drew or anything mind you, but because she looks extremely fucking generic.
Even the Hotel Clerk seems to have more character honestly, and she's the epitome of generic woman in a porn game.
Like, if we have to get other love interests, for the love of Fuck give us some variety, and Nurse Rachilda and Nnenna are RIGHT THERE.