Having now become ‘official’ with Brenna (deep all up in her vag), I can qualify that moment did not disappoint in the least. Which is really saying something, given all the efforts prior. Hot and heavy, raw, and organic all the same. Real tough to hit that mark, well done.
Once again, the framing choices were reasonably inventive and intuitive to the actions taking place. A real plus for me in terms of importance.
-I had made a comment in my Review that the images appeared a little “flat” by today’s standards. Several new character models have been introduced that mark a clear improvement. And Brenna’s model appears to have been updated as well, quite nicely, in these later chapters. Same with the lighting, on the scene (above) most specifically.
I also oughta mention, when Ophelia’s tits came out that first time? I can’t quite pinpoint what exactly it is about them that nailed it for me completely but - that shit is BINGO. Nothing technical in specificity but more of an all-around design that somehow separate hers from anyone else. Completely nailed the importance of her positioning within the pyramid right there. Doink!!
-I'm loving this shit.
"Are you not ENTERTAINED?!"
I am. 100%. Only problem I might be concerned about? I'm now quite near Chapter 10. And that is VERY bad - cuz I'm hooked.