So what does the append even offer? People keep asking for info about it in this thread and nobody has replied.
Has anyone
actually played any of the append content?
Personally, I'm kicking myself at making the mistake of playing on Serious difficulty. It was fine at first, but the closer I get to the end, the more of a slog combat becomes. I'm only level 81, thankfully I've got a decent setup now to where I can get 13k exp from every fight in a certain area, so I should be able to grind out a bunch of levels this way. Combat is just getting really tedious though and I wish I would have picked a lesser difficulty. I'm at the first fight with the Golsh leader, right after sneaking in. Not sure how much more I have yet to go before the end...
I will see the append stuff one of these years... In the meantime, can anyone confirm it actually exists and isn't just some magical unicorn we're all pushing ourselves to see? It's starting to feel like an urban legend at this point and I'd like to make sure I'm not wasting my time by pushing so hard to check it out

(I know the append is a real thing, kek)
I blame that guy earlier in this thread who said it adds "more maps" and never clarified. I think he just wanted to torture us.
EDIT: Btw, totally unrelated, but I love the fact that level recommendations for areas are completely meaningless in Serious difficulty. Golsh area says it's level 39. I'm level 81 and can still barely kill certain enemies