Hello! TDD Team member here, it's been a long time since I posted... Once? Kinda feel bad about lurking all that time but thank you guys for the attention and discussing out project! It means a ton to us to see people responding.
It'll be a bit of a journey yet of course, though generally we have a good idea of that direction we need to take on several features and mechanics. I'm not involved in the PFF comic itself, though Arbuz has said he's been giving it sometime to think further ahead in the plot! So don't count it for dead just yet.
It may catch a little flack but I very much enjoy the way BioWare handled female characters in the Dragon Age and Mass Effect universe. They have differences in the ways others interact with them but largely by the by are the same content. Except with romantic trysts and such.
I can unfortunately confirm for you at least for the foreseeable future there is no female lead planned. With the sheer amount of assets and development to do right now we are focusing towards what we have on the planning board currently. Though could this change in the future with sprite swaps and some dialogue additions/exemptions here and there? I won't say never, as I feel once the vast majority of the story and such is actually written down in JSON we may find it not such a large task to adapt the bits that would be needed for a female lead. In dialogue that is, it would still be a large amount of art assets.
We'll certainly discuss it internally and the team fully welcomes your input here, directly to the team in our discord, or wherever you can reach us!
You can probably guess I am a fan of shadow run.
Anywho! I hope to hear more from you guys in the future but its off to writing our upcoming second companion quest alongside SomeKindofWizard! It'll have a bit more going on in it as the new characters personality and motivations are quite abit different than Samara, but expect some (very large) amounts of love and attention to Samara in the next update.
I look forward to keeping in touch with you guys and answering questions. Thanks again from the entirety of TDD and a belated happy new year!
You got plenty good sir! I find your comment most... Punny. Aha-ha... Yeah I got nothing either...Baldur's Gape?
Planescape: Whorement?
..yeah I got nothing
Definitely a good suggestion, but we wanted to have at least a bare bones example that we were following through vs a bunch of development blogs showing what we 'could' have in the future. The mechanics and such of the game were pushed out in slightly over a month while we were still evolving and deciding what could and couldn't work.Haha, yea. If the guy really wants to finish it he should take advantage of crowdfunding that wasn't around when he first started. He stopped cuz it wasn't paying the bills as far as I can tell. Well it should be able to now if he goes about it right!
It'll be a bit of a journey yet of course, though generally we have a good idea of that direction we need to take on several features and mechanics. I'm not involved in the PFF comic itself, though Arbuz has said he's been giving it sometime to think further ahead in the plot! So don't count it for dead just yet.
Ahh, I'm sorry that we aren't catering to this and I do agree that a female lead or option would be pretty interesting. Even if it were just a sprite swap and custom CG's as I don't really see the need to edit too much text to portray a female character. I've always found it odd the way a lot of projects handle female characters like another poster pointed out (don't want to embed too many quotes!) here.I would prefer if that were the case because I only play female characters, otherwise it's another good-looking game down the drain. Since this is an RPG it would make sense to have both genders available but if the conversations in this thread are to be believed, this project may never even see the light at the end of the tunnel. Forever vaporware.
It may catch a little flack but I very much enjoy the way BioWare handled female characters in the Dragon Age and Mass Effect universe. They have differences in the ways others interact with them but largely by the by are the same content. Except with romantic trysts and such.
I can unfortunately confirm for you at least for the foreseeable future there is no female lead planned. With the sheer amount of assets and development to do right now we are focusing towards what we have on the planning board currently. Though could this change in the future with sprite swaps and some dialogue additions/exemptions here and there? I won't say never, as I feel once the vast majority of the story and such is actually written down in JSON we may find it not such a large task to adapt the bits that would be needed for a female lead. In dialogue that is, it would still be a large amount of art assets.
We'll certainly discuss it internally and the team fully welcomes your input here, directly to the team in our discord, or wherever you can reach us!
Currently there's only the one scene with the companion the entire tech demo is centered around. This version is in its heart a bare bones example of the lines we will be moving the project towards. A lot of the project was fast tracked to meet (by a day late, sorry!) the deadline we had set including the rough state current world dialogue was in. There's been a complete overhaul on dialogue for instance and formatting should look quite a lot like classic/modern text based RPG's such as Baldurs Gate 2, Shadow Run DMS, Shadow Run Dragonfall, ShadowRun Hong Kong...Was curious about that one, are there enough lewds in its current version?
You can probably guess I am a fan of shadow run.
Anywho! I hope to hear more from you guys in the future but its off to writing our upcoming second companion quest alongside SomeKindofWizard! It'll have a bit more going on in it as the new characters personality and motivations are quite abit different than Samara, but expect some (very large) amounts of love and attention to Samara in the next update.
I look forward to keeping in touch with you guys and answering questions. Thanks again from the entirety of TDD and a belated happy new year!