There's no "avoidable NTR" tag, however when the time comes, ask OP or a Mod/Uploader/Staff to update the genre spoiler with "NTR(avoidable)".
May I also wish you good luck for the shit storm that will come with the NTR tag's introduction. The site is split into 5 categories on the subject, Hate NTR(very vocal, aresholes) | Dislike NTR(aren't arseholes about it) | Indifferent(Mostly keep to themselves) | Like NTR(aren't arseholes about it) | Love NTR(very vocal, arseholes). The two ends of the spectrum come together and create some of the most annoying times on the site, sometimes ending with the Staff locking a thread or outright banning people. If this does happen to you, try to stay as neutral as you can. Mods and Staff will deal with it.