I did a translation of the menu and overview screen. This is Google Translate so some of it might very well be off to a small degree.
in 2 places the correct text was not extracted, but one of them was pretty self-explanatory (Load).
1. 立ち絵の確認 : Confirmation of standing picture (Using this option shows the MC and what clothes she wears, so the translation is off by a bit)
2. Hな記録など : H record etc.
3. アイテム図鑑 : Item picture book
4. (Didn't get the right text) : Load
5. 現在の経験値 : Current experience
6. 次のレベルまで : To the next level
7. 状態 : State
8. 処女 : virgin
9. 工ッチ度 : Degree of work
10. 淫乱度 : Nasty degree
11. 抗値 : *Something* Counter value (Didn't extract the right text, so correct translation was impossible)
12. なし : none
13. クリア回数 : Number of clears
14. 現在の難易度 : Current difficulty
15. 現在地 : Current location
16. 移動画面 : Move screen
Edit: Here is the equipment screen from #1 above:
1. 【現在の装備】 : Current equipment
2. 武器 : arms (weapons)
3. ☆レイピアソード : ☆ Rapier sword
4. ヘアアクセサリ : Hair accessories
5. コスチューム : Costume
6. ショーツ : shorts (underwear)
7. 指輪 : ring
8. 装飾品 : Ornaments
9. なし : None