Thanks, seems to have worked. For anyone lost go to the www folder in the game files, then img, then battlecommands and manually translate the kanji into english. It's only a few files, doesn't take long.So I had the same problem and the battle commands files aren't translated (even though the icons will still be japaanese). I translated the words thanks to google and edited the files. But one file, "provocation", didn't need translation. First battle down and no problem so far. You need: Attack, Defense, Item, & Erotic Skills (with the space). And I cannot attach these files so you'll have to translate your own.
www>img>battlecommandsThanks so much, but where do I put these exactly? Sorry I'm not well versed with rpgmaker stuff.
Thank you so very much. Superb bosom !Please be aware that the game seems a bit buggy regarding animated scenes and had some FPS issues a tiny bit when testing, however it is appears to be playable.
IF you encounter issues please let us know. Additionally this does not appear to be MTL for those wondering. If it was it was edited at least![]()
Q and W control language in the password........ all in the lower left corner, esc is eraselol wtf is the paswordDD the translation is a joke cant even translate the password
Yeah.... the filenames are in Japanese. So most new in translation will make the most TRAGIC mistake of translating the FILENAMES (in script files).A few informations about that translation.
It's made with a mtl basis. It was in part done with mtl and in part done with my beginner level of japanese. So I can't guarantee it's perfect. Plus, even if I think I'm quite good at it, english ain't my first language, so I might have done errors. Should you encounter any, tell me, I still have the files required to edit the game.
About bugs, Last time I played it it wasn't that buggy. I'll redo a playthrough to try and see (and see if i can reproduce what I've seen in the thread so far). The sole bug I remember being annoying was that I couldnt' translate the battle options without crashing the game. But at that time I didn't have rpg maker yet. Might try looking again
It also is my first tentative at translating a game as it is overall quite short.