Gold Onyx

Feb 11, 2019
Is it just me, or does picking the options that make you Dominant just block you out of content. Like... I can only think of one scene where picking the dominant option led to a scene variation (giving male tenant footjob). All other dominant choices just blocks your from content. Just from the beginning alone Dom options block you from all the hotel scenes. It blocks you from husband scenes. It blocks you from dog scenes. And on and on. Kind of a let down. Still a good game... if you just want to be a submissive slut.

Like if Dom choices block you from a lot of scenes. And for the ones it doesn't block you out of, the Willpower choices will block you. So don't make a dominant and willful Myriam. Cause if she is Dominant and Willful, that apprantly means she does not want to have sex.
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Engaged Member
Feb 1, 2019
Actually, I would dissent on the indication that the ipatch is "not a normal patch" :), insofar as in reality, the WT and the ipatch are incompatible, because they both modify part of the script, and anyway a patch always changes code, whether directly in binary code, by substitution of files with modified ones (like in these cases), or by doing an automated search and replace in the code (in this case script).
To make them compatible, either I should use as base a version with the WT applied, or he would need to use as base a version with the ipatch applied.
Both solutions would then leave out people who do not have the WT applied (in my case) or that do not have the ipatch (in case of JokerLeader and the WT), or require the creation of multiple versions of the patches, and create delays for the availablity of one or the other patch/mod.
Sorry about that, but if one looks in the readme for the ipatch, I always clearly said it is tested and compatible for sure only with the bibfoc savename modification, and his modification to allow changing the name of the characters (but that, because he asked me to put in something specific), and it is known not to be compatible with the WT.
Next ipatch (I will certainly still do it), I will try to modify also the text of the post with the ipatch link, so it is clearly even there that it is not compatible with the WT.
Thanks for the reply ouch2020
I am just a player looking to enjoy this game with whatever mods or patches I can. I realise that creating the patch is time consuming & being the lazy bugger I am can't be bothered to do one myself. So thanks for your work. If you can make it compatible if & when you can joy for me. If its going to remain the same I am still gratefull & looking forward to playing the game with your patch as well later.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Is it just me, or does picking the options that make you Dominant just block you out of content. Like... I can only think of one scene where picking the dominant option led to a scene variation (giving male tenant footjob). All other dominant choices just blocks your from content. Just from the beginning alone Dom options block you from all the hotel scenes. It blocks you from husband scenes. It blocks you from dog scenes. And on and on. Kind of a let down. Still a good game... if you just want to be a submissive slut.

Like if Dom choices block you from a lot of scenes. And for the ones it doesn't block you out of, the Willpower choices will block you. So don't make a dominant and willful Myriam. Cause if she is Dominant and Willful, that apprantly means she does not want to have sex.
Well obviously it blocks you from scenes with Anthony, because if Myriam makes dominant choices she gets rid of him early in the game. Anthony is part of Myriam's sub route. He's a Dom male, and having Myriam be dominant is incompatible with what he wants.

Having said that, although you can make Dom choices for Myriam, that doesn't mean she becomes completely dominant. And it doesn't mean that she can't take part in sex scenes. But if you make only dominant choices for her, then yes she's going to avoid a lot of content. But it is possible, to have Myriam's Dom score higher than her sub score, and still have her take part in a lot of scenes, like the gangbang at the museum, and the threesome with the two cops and also with Cassius. But that means that sometimes you have to make some sub choices for her

If you had her stay with Anthony and take part in the Party he organised with his work colleagues, then Myriam's sub score rocketed in the early part of the game, and she becomes a confirmed submissive. Later it's possible to increase her Dom score, because now she's not under Anthony's influence anymore, she's in a position to make more Dom choices if she chooses. But nowhere near enough to ever get near the high level of submissiveness that she already accumulated. If you don't dump Anthony as soon as you can, then Myriam is always going to be mainly submissive.

So yeah, if you only make Dom choices then Myriam will miss a lot of sex content, because those scenes rely on Myriam acting in a submissive way. But you can still have her with a higher Dom score than Submissive, and have her take part in those scenes, by allowing her to make the Sub choices which usually lead to them. That results in her having slightly more Dominant points than Submissive points.
Mar 18, 2022
Is it just me, or does picking the options that make you Dominant just block you out of content. Like... I can only think of one scene where picking the dominant option led to a scene variation (giving male tenant footjob). All other dominant choices just blocks your from content. Just from the beginning alone Dom options block you from all the hotel scenes. It blocks you from husband scenes. It blocks you from dog scenes. And on and on. Kind of a let down. Still a good game... if you just want to be a submissive slut.

Like if Dom choices block you from a lot of scenes. And for the ones it doesn't block you out of, the Willpower choices will block you. So don't make a dominant and willful Myriam. Cause if she is Dominant and Willful, that apprantly means she does not want to have sex.
I was playing the dominant Myriam early too (I kicked Anthony) and I don't know why but I had scenes with Marc blocked. Now I play the submissive (I forgave Anthony) and I have these scenes. I did not have a path with zoophilia and I do not have one, so I cannot say whether it also influences it.

Gold Onyx

Feb 11, 2019

So yeah, if you only make Dom choices then Myriam will miss a lot of sex content, because those scenes rely on Myriam acting in a submissive way. But you can still have her with a higher Dom score than Submissive, and have her take part in those scenes, by allowing her to make the Sub choices which usually lead to them.
Well ya... I'm just saying, I think the game is far enough along now that Myriam should be able to get sex scenes while picking dominant choices. Why be dominant and kick Anthony out if she isn't going to replace him with man she will cuckhold or something. Submissive Myriam gets all the content. Affectionate Myriam, who i dub not sub but also not dom, gets a lot of content. Dominant Myriam gets one scene.

I was playing the dominant Myriam early too (I kicked Anthony) and I don't know why but I had scenes with Marc blocked. Now I play the submissive (I forgave Anthony) and I have these scenes. I did not have a path with zoophilia and I do not have one, so I cannot say whether it also influences it.
I was just giving early examples. I played most if not all of the paths. It's just, on my dom playthrough I picked all the dominant or willpower choices and was shocked I basically only got 1/4 th the content... IF that. And that content was shared content at that. Like I said, only one scene is determined by being dominant. I was expecting more. And yes, if my mermory serves, to even get the dominant scene with Marc you have to pick non dominant choices earlier anyway. Like letting him look at you through the mirror and fake waking up during the movie. Cause picking the dom choices their blocks the DOMINANT scene with him latter.

Go figure. In fact... I should do a playthrough where i always pick dom and willpower choices to see if I get any sex scenes at all. lol
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Forum Fanatic
Dec 9, 2018
Well ya... I'm just saying, I think the game is far enough along now that Myriam should be able to get sex scenes while picking dominant choices. Why be dominant and kick Anthony out if she isn't going to replace him with man she will cuckhold or something. Submissive Myriam gets all the content. Affectionate Myriam, who i dub not sub but also not dom, gets a lot of content. Dominant Myriam gets one scene.

I was just giving early examples. I played most if not all of the paths. It's just, on my dom playthrough I picked all the dominant or willpower choices and was shocked I basically only got 1/4 th the content... IF that. And that content was shared content at that. Like I said, only one scene is determined by being dominant. I was expecting more. And yes, if my mermory serves, to even get the dominant scene with Marc you have to pick non dominant choices earlier anyway. Like letting him look at you through the mirror and fake waking up during the movie. Cause picking the dom choices their blocks the DOMINANT scene with him latter.

Go figure. In fact... I should do a playthrough where i always pick dom and willpower choices to see if I get any sex scenes at all. lol

Yeah, it's come up a few times recently. There's a bit of a conflict in the game design, I think, where the mechanics seem to encourage playing Myriam as dominant and strong-willed, but there's next to no content to go with those mechanics.

Those mechanics were what drew me in originally because I thought there was a finally a game where a female protagonist didn't have to be constantly victimized and abused, but could actually show some backbone and take the lead, but so far there's been little of that at least in a sexual context. I'm still hanging on hoping for some actual dominant options eventually.

(One arguable exception where Myriam at least shows some initiative is during the latest release when she suddenly (without any input from the player) starts pushing her weird-ass race fetish in the scene with Cleavon, but the less said about that the better.)
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Yeah, it's come up a few times recently. There's a bit of a conflict in the game design, I think, where the mechanics seem to encourage playing Myriam as dominant and strong-willed, but there's next to no content to go with those mechanics.

Those mechanics were what drew me in originally because I thought there was a finally a game where a female protagonist didn't have to be constantly victimized and abused, but could actually show some backbone and take the lead, but so far there's been little of that at least in a sexual context. I'm still hanging on hoping for some actual dominant options eventually.

(One arguable exception where Myriam at least shows some initiative is during the latest release when she suddenly (without any input from the player) starts pushing her weird-ass race fetish in the scene with Cleavon, but the less said about that the better.)
From what Zorlun has said in the past, he doesn't want to make Myriam dominant in that way. He's not going to make her into a Dominatrix that humiliates men (or women for that matter). Because he doesn't visualise Myriam as that kind of person. She's a kind and generous person, who sometimes is overly trusting because she tends to see the best in people, rather than be cynical. And that's after suffering years of abuse from Anthony. That might have made her into the kind of person, that would want to seek some kind of revenge by dominating men, but it didn't.

I think in most instances her being more dominant, will mean her not settling for shit like she has the past. And learning to defend herself, so if anyone tries to abuse her she can stop them, and even give them a taste of their own medicine. That's already happened when Myriam had the opportunity to fight back against a rapist, two updates back. It will mean that she's more in control of her life, and less likely to need a man to handle everything. Because as Anthony's submissive partner, she relied on him a lot to make decisions for her. She couldn't make any decision without asking him first. So I think Dominance is her learning to make her own choices, and allowing herself to do things without always considering whether other people would view it as a negative.

So for instance, in the past she might have had sex because her naturally submissive nature, overruled what she herself preferred. She felt that she had to satisfy Anthony because he was her partner, and not because she wanted to. Being submissive made her more likely to put others needs, above her own. But since Anthony's influence has been removed, she's now more likely to do what she wants. And everytime she makes a choice like that, when there's a submissive internal voice telling her to do the opposite, her dominant score increases.

And that means of course, that she chooses not to have sex, because the submissive side of her personality is still there. And when she decides to do sexual things, there's a very high probability that she won't be able to resist the submissive side of her nature, and she'll end up doing things that she later regrets. Once Myriam starts having sex, she can very quickly become insatiable. And for me, her not having sex, is just her trying to maintain control and not succumb to that weakness
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Creating Naughtiness!
Game Developer
Feb 19, 2020
There will be some naughty possibilities in the last scene of the coming update with a more dominant Myriam, if she went the dom way with Marc, or if she at least is not a sub to him (there will be some sub naughty possibilities of course also).

About a dominant Myriam and the lack of naughty scenes as of now, well, it's about Myriam's character, as a sub she's often pushed into her naughty scenes or goes with the flow, which in the opposite she don't as a dom, often trying to take back her power, resulting into going the other way, BUT, as time pass and she get's more into her new found confidence, she will get more naughty action as a dom, feeling confident enough to initiate things and fulfil her own needs (if the player chose so of course).
In short, it's a question of time and build up, she can't snap her personality in a second and change herself in a moment notice, transforming herself from a submissive woman to a confident one take time and occasions, but since it's definitely one of the goals of the game, it will happen.


Creating Naughtiness!
Game Developer
Feb 19, 2020
is the Vet a woman or a man?.
As Mikey_Boy101 answered, it's the man that could be met in the park if Myriam went to walk Cassius instead of going on a date with the two officers.
For the last scene in the new update. It's gonna be only Marc and the captain? I thought the whole team was invited.
It was my first intention yes, but I rolled back on it for two reasons, one practical and one for writing:
- For the practical reason, because I'm limited by my graphic card, now in insight I would have definitely go for the 3090 when I redid my computer (I was too much of a noob at the time to see the major difference between 3080 and 3090, though I quickly did ^^ ), and if I want to not do renders that take me a day, group scenes are difficult without cheating a lot on your angles of camera.
- And for the writing reason, I thought it would be nice to have first Marc trying to put the captain in his pocket before going for the whole team, giving an occasion for a few more scenes before jumping to the gangbang session by the whole team, which leave you with less room to go after (even if there is always things to do in group ^^ ).

And on that point, I'm seriously waiting for the new generation of graphic cards to get out so I can jump onto something with more punch, which should let me finally make the camera angles I really want to do, I often find myself having to cheat a bit to save some memory to stay on the GPU and not jump onto the CPU to do the renders.
(I know... that's not very glorious, but boy do I feel on a leash with that technical problem. ^^ )


Active Member
Jun 6, 2020
As Mikey_Boy101 answered, it's the man that could be met in the park if Myriam went to walk Cassius instead of going on a date with the two officers.

It was my first intention yes, but I rolled back on it for two reasons, one practical and one for writing:
- For the practical reason, because I'm limited by my graphic card, now in insight I would have definitely go for the 3090 when I redid my computer (I was too much of a noob at the time to see the major difference between 3080 and 3090, though I quickly did ^^ ), and if I want to not do renders that take me a day, group scenes are difficult without cheating a lot on your angles of camera.
- And for the writing reason, I thought it would be nice to have first Marc trying to put the captain in his pocket before going for the whole team, giving an occasion for a few more scenes before jumping to the gangbang session by the whole team, which leave you with less room to go after (even if there is always things to do in group ^^ ).

And on that point, I'm seriously waiting for the new generation of graphic cards to get out so I can jump onto something with more punch, which should let me finally make the camera angles I really want to do, I often find myself having to cheat a bit to save some memory to stay on the GPU and not jump onto the CPU to do the renders.
(I know... that's not very glorious, but boy do I feel on a leash with that technical problem. ^^ )
Understood. Thanks for the reply!


Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
As Mikey_Boy101 answered, it's the man that could be met in the park if Myriam went to walk Cassius instead of going on a date with the two officers.

It was my first intention yes, but I rolled back on it for two reasons, one practical and one for writing:
- For the practical reason, because I'm limited by my graphic card, now in insight I would have definitely go for the 3090 when I redid my computer (I was too much of a noob at the time to see the major difference between 3080 and 3090, though I quickly did ^^ ), and if I want to not do renders that take me a day, group scenes are difficult without cheating a lot on your angles of camera.
- And for the writing reason, I thought it would be nice to have first Marc trying to put the captain in his pocket before going for the whole team, giving an occasion for a few more scenes before jumping to the gangbang session by the whole team, which leave you with less room to go after (even if there is always things to do in group ^^ ).

And on that point, I'm seriously waiting for the new generation of graphic cards to get out so I can jump onto something with more punch, which should let me finally make the camera angles I really want to do, I often find myself having to cheat a bit to save some memory to stay on the GPU and not jump onto the CPU to do the renders.
(I know... that's not very glorious, but boy do I feel on a leash with that technical problem. ^^ )


Creating Naughtiness!
Game Developer
Feb 19, 2020
Well, I'll see when the next gen comes up, if I have the fund maybe I can go two monsters instead of one. ^^
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