Thank you for loving the game.
About your humble requests:
1) Not every affection points value mesure real "Love", for most it's more like a stat that will serve as gauge to make the difference between them helping Myriam at some point or not, or being friendly or antagonistic. And for some there's even a possibility that it won't be used, it simply easier to add it just in case in the future than having to roll back and add it later and forced everyone to restart the game because I suddenly decided that a character will have more importance than I first programed.
2) Every character has it's purpose in the game, and nearly always to emphasize a trait or a side of Myriam, and for Katherine, it's all about mother/daughter love in the pure sens, the two of them are supposed to be the one good thing that is unbreakable and without any condition. That doesn't mean there won't be any naughty occasions, but there won't be any "corruption" plot with Katherine as a lot of people have asked me.
3) Pregnancy is in the plans, yes, but it's not simple to introduce, as tattoos and other body modifications, it brings one big problem, multiplying the render time as since I always wan to keep the choice to the player,, it would force me to do multiple renders, with normal, pregnancy, tattoo, pregnancy + tattoo, etc... the more I had the more there is. And all this options have first to be brought up organically (well, at least be justified) and thought through. So, most likely later in game, be patient.
For the other sex scenes with other characters, well, again patience, things take time, there's a lot of characters and plotlines, I just can't work faster.
And in the end, no, the easter egg hunt has nothing to do with beasty (I already put quite a lot of it), it's something else.
What I said multiple time is that there won't be any "corruption" plot with Katherine, but that there will be some potential triangular relationship/naughty scene with Myriam/Katherine/William (or Jenny).
WOW...thanks for not only replying, but giving such detailed responses to each point. n although i have no idea regarding the technical aspect, i fully understand the concept of the work, time, n effort needed in creating yet even more multiple scene options for the possibility of different girls getting pregnant, n the extra drain it would put on u n your resources.
obviously i agree with u that any/all possibilities would be the player's choice (core part of a VN); n as an idea to make things as easy n simple as possible...definitely NOT Myriam (that would require an
insanely infinite number of rendering options), n i don't remember any of the girls even having tattoos(?). also, not showing "full-term" pregnancy, but just (slightly) swollen abdomens/wombs, like somewhere near the end of the 1st trimester, or halfway thru the 2nd trimester at most, n like u said, only involving 3-4 girls max as being possibilities.
so coinciding with what u said about making it organic, n fitting in w/the storyline, could do Katherine herself, which would increase the bond b/t her n her mom...both in the sense of Myriam knowing what Kate would be going thru, having gone thru getting pregnant young herself, as well as the pride of becoming a grandmother, n being there for her daughter, to help her thru it (plus continuing the legacy/bloodline of her 1st husband, giving her pride n good feelings honoring the legacy of her 1st love, n the husband that treated her right).
n in keeping with organic n storyline relevancy, since Myriam was an Olympic gymnastic team candidate herself, could have Stella get pregnant...once again Myriam being able to relate, n be there for Stella to be supportive of her, n help her thru it (plus odds would be Stella could still have the baby well before Olympic trials; so wouldn't hurt her chances of making the team).
then finally i'm thinking Kimberly...she came to Myriam's house to ask her for help when she got fired b/c Anthony blackmailed her, n her bf left her b/c of the rumors. so after helping Kim get her job back with the backpay, raise, n female senior partner boss at her dad's company, she could again be there for her to both help n support her after Kim finds a better man who treats her right, n (decides?) to have a baby w/her new bf.
n for the hell of it, if u felt the itch, u could also have Jennifer get knocked up for kicks, to give Katherine the possibility of going thru her pregnancy together w/her bff, so they could both be there for each other. plus, since Jenny is a lot like Evelyn, Myriam would naturally feel a desire to be there for her as well, n would open up the possibility of bringing Eve into "the circle of life", n wanting to help out also, once she would meet Jenny, n realize how alike they are, n take a shining to her. n tbh, it's as much of a turn-on reading the dialogue/script in an h-scene, when a girl is (not?) wanting to get knocked up, as the rendered graphics themselves, watching it happen (along w/having the choice to make it happen, obviously
once again, simply nothing more than just my 2 cents's just frustrating for myself, as a fan of the preggo kink, trying to find 3d VN games that actually show h-scenes w/pregnancy (especially involving incest...hey, that gives me an idea; what if Marc knocked up Kate?
), n most games w/the genre tag tease n only have ending scenes w/it instead. n speaking of incest, i'm ecstatic to hear you're already planning on "naughty" scenes b/t Myriam n Kate (would increase their bond n love for each other)!! doesn't matter to me how it happens, as long as it happens..."incest is best"; so yeah, Myriam, Marc, Kate, Eve, etc
i also love your idea of bringing William into the fold, n the possibility of a love triangle b/t he, Myriam, n Katherine; maybe Evelyn could even take an interest in Marc once she would find out about he n Myriam, n have another love triangle there? n as far as the possibility of past LIs making a return, would be awesome to see DumDum make a return, both as the 1st guy Myriam messed around with, as well as being a pure soul like she is. would give her (n players) a helluva choice b/t he, Charles, n William when it comes to choosing which man who treated her right she wanted to be with.
WHEW...i had no idea all that was even in my head this morning; was originally just gonna give short replies to each point, but my train of thought had a lot more cars attached than i was aware of; sorry about that (i enjoyed SL, PL, n Neko's Paradise way too much...n loved the game mechanic in that involving breeding). thanks again, n best of luck! (n stay cool in the middle of this heat wave...UUGGHH!!)