Oct 10, 2022
What I mean is that there's a difference between player choice and Myriam's choices. For example, after Myriam confronts Anthony about his cheating, he threatens her. The player can choose to have Myriam stand up to him and kick him out of the house. If that's what the player chooses, then that becomes a choice which Myriam makes, even though it goes against her ingrained responses with Anthony. On the other hand, if the player does not choose to have Myriam stand up to Anthony, then she submits to him. In that case, it's less of a choice for Myriam, and more of a reflexive or conditioned response. In that case, the player's choice is not the same as Myriam's choice, because Myriam doesn't really make a choice. She's not submitting to Anthony because she secretly likes it, or because she considered her options and decided that this option was for the best. She want with the flow, because that has become her character.
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
This is simply incorrect. Depending on player choice, Myriam was not at all in control with Anthony. Myriam was not at all in control in the (currently few) rape scenes. And I've read that, in the bestiality content, Myriam has no control over Cassius, at least in certain segments of the game.
We were talking specifically about her relationship with Marc, not her relationship with other characters. Obviously, I meant every playthrough involving him. With other characters, that's a completely different matter.

Before that, depending on player choice, she most definitely had given up complete control. Marc was making her do things, and she was swept along by what he wanted. It took a threat to her daughter to break her out of his control.
I don't think this is the case. Mark doesn't make her do anything. He manipulates her, by playing on her emotions, making her believe that she pretty much forced herself upon him whilst she was drunk, so there's no reason why they shouldn't do it again. Myriam doesn't think Marc is capable of making something like this up, so she thinks it has to be true. And since she's already fantasised about having sex with him, it's not much of a stretch to believe she might be capable of such a thing, whilst being totally drunk and high on weed.

And once she's crossed that threshold and thoroughly enjoyed it, it's so much easier to carry on doing it. Even if she feels ashamed of succumbing to her dark desires. Deep down she isn't doing this to satisfy Marc, she's doing it to satisfy herself. She wants to do it, just as much as Marc does. Her relationship with Marc is not primarily about control, it's about desire, and having sex with her son. When she was a girl, Myriam had a kind of sexual relationship with her brother, so she's no stranger to having incestuous desires.
Maybe you haven't played that content.
I've played all the content involving Marc. At most he manipulates her, because he knows how trusting she is. Making someone do something, implies that you can force them to do it, in whatever circumstances. Marc is simply not in a position to do that. Instead he takes advantage of her trusting nature and her inability to believe that someone she loves, would try to do her wrong.

Maybe manipulation is a form of control, but it's not exactly dominance either. If Marc was truly dominant, he wouldn't need to lie and cheat Myriam, to get his way. And it's obvious Marc doesn't really believe that he's controlling Myriam, because he gives up so easily, whenever she challenges him. That's why it's illusionary, he cannot stand up to her. Yeah, when she goes along with it, Marc acts like the total dominant he'd like to be. But the moment she says no, and means it, he caves every time.
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Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
Prior to Marc's misstep regarding Katherine, she didn't stop him at any time, and possibly couldn't, whether she liked it or not.
That's not true. She gets angry when he makes a crude joke about Katherine and Jennifer, and makes him apologise. Then later at school she stops him bullying Jonas, after Marc realises he's been listening to them having sex, in the adjoining toilet cubicle.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2018
We were talking specifically about her relationship with Marc, not her relationship with other characters. Obviously, I meant every playthrough involving him. With other characters, that's a completely different matter.
When you said that Myriam was ultimately in control, I took you to mean in all scenarios in the game. If you only meant in her relationship with Marc, then I misunderstood you.

That being said, I stand by my argument that Myriam was not ultimately in control in her relationship with Marc, from the time when the two of them were in the laundry room together until the time when Marc foolishly mentioned wanting to corrupt Katherine.

At the current time in the game, I agree that she has regained a large degree of control, though I think the power balance is still shifting. I'm guessing that it won't ever go back to quite what it was before, but I'm open to being surprised.

I've played all the content involving Marc. At most he manipulates her, because he knows how trusting she is. Making someone do something, implies that you can force them to do it, in whatever circumstances.
I would say that you're trying to define the use of this term too narrowly. In the strictest sense, it can mean making someone do something can mean using force to compel them, even when they refuse. In the loosest sense, it can mean simply manipulating them to do something they don't really want to do. Or it can mean a number of things in between, such as drugging someone and maneuvering them to do something when they aren't in full control of themselves, or using hypnosis or other mind control to overpower their wills, or using blackmail to coerce them to do things they don't want to do without the use of physical force.

Any and all of these things would count as making someone do something, as that term is commonly used. In some of those scenarios, that person would be absolved of responsibility for doing the thing. In other cases, they would share responsibility for going along with it.

Maybe manipulation is a form of control, but it's not exactly dominance either. If Marc was truly dominant, he wouldn't need to lie and cheat Myriam, to get his way. And it's obvious Marc doesn't really believe that he's controlling Myriam, because he gives up so easily, whenever she challenges him. That's why it's illusionary, he cannot stand up to her. Yeah, when she goes along with it, Marc acts like the total dominant he'd like to be. But the moment she says no, and means it, he caves every time.
I don't remember anyone ever claiming in this thread that Marc is a good dominant. There are all sorts of versions of bad dominants, from doms who don't care about the wellbeing of their subs, to doms whose dominance is only skin deep. Anthony was a bad dom in the sense of not really caring about Myriam at all. Marc is a bad dom in the sense of being mostly show (at least for now). In the end, I don't care that much about Marc's dominance. I care more about Myriam's submissiveness.

That being said, I'll continue to maintain that it isn't correct that Marc was only ever dominant because Myriam allowed it and liked it. And, as for Marc always immediately giving in if she stands up to him, I'll say again that this has only been since he made the mistake of talking about trying to corrupt Katherine. That was too much for her, and so she snapped back, which took him by surprise. Basically, Marc ran into Katherine's plot armor. Zorlun has repeatedly made it clear that a central point of the story is Myriam's love and protection of her daughter, and Katherine's purity and love of her mother.

Sometimes I'm wondering if players are reading and viewing a VN, or attempting to rewrite it.
When people are really interested in something, they discuss it. That's a major part of what this thread is for. Perhaps you only come here to see previews and download updates to the game, but others also come to talk about the game. You don't have to participate, if you don't want to do so.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2018
That's not true. She gets angry when he makes a crude joke about Katherine and Jennifer, and makes him apologise. Then later at school she stops him bullying Jonas, after Marc realises he's been listening to them having sex, in the adjoining toilet cubicle.
Her telling him to apologize to Katherine isn't a valid argument against him having control over her. Telling him to apologize in front of other people is obviously a very different thing from what happens when they're alone together. And as for her stopping him from bullying Jonas, that's a player choice, so it's not true in all cases.

I don't think we're going to agree on this point. We're beginning to go around and around, so we might as well get off the ride, at this point.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
When people are really interested in something, they discuss it. That's a major part of what this thread is for. Perhaps you only come here to see previews and download updates to the game, but others also come to talk about the game. You don't have to participate, if you don't want to do so.
Much as I'd like to carry on with this discussion. They are making a valid point. It's against the rules of this forum to have long, convoluted conversations, which kind of take over the thread. I'm guilty of this as much as anyone. I do like a good argument, as long as it's good-natured, but I think we should maybe put this one to rest, before Zorlun has to insist. Which is probably imminent. People will always have differing opinions, so I think we should agree to disagree on this particular aspect of the game.


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020

Preview Scene - Chapter 4 - Date Night with Charles
Here comes the new preview for the coming double update, second iteration of the "Date Night" branching, which will this time follow Myriam during her date with Charles. Taking place on his yacht, the scene will revolve around Myriam having some nautical fun with Charles and with a little discreet mention of a coming plot line revolving around him.Â
On the naughty side, there will be a possibility again if the player decide to push further, with Myriam showing some gratitude before the two have another intense session over the deck of the yacht.Â
And now, about the poll and how the updates of Q4 will go, with 58% vote for the half and half (5% for the as usual, 30% for the big one and 7% for our Obi Wan), the clear winner is for two double updates, one for September/October and one for November/December. So next update will arrive end of October for the early access and a week later for the public one, but as usual, I'll keep you posted as I go, thank you all for your continuous support and for giving your opinion, Myriam send you all her love. xoxo


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
This is all hypothetical of course, because none of this may ever happen.
Well, I think this is in reality the main point, although with a slightly different nuance.

What I mean is, for your Myriam, will never happen even if Zorlun allowed. For others, it may happen, if Zorlun allows it.

By now, the Myriam, and in part, the Marc of each player, can have changed and "evolved" so much, that many things that were true at the start, may not be valid anymore, time in the game is not real time (aside the fact is only a game, so it can take some liberties in some things).


Active Member
Mar 22, 2019

Preview Scene - Chapter 4 - Date Night with Charles
Here comes the new preview for the coming double update, second iteration of the "Date Night" branching, which will this time follow Myriam during her date with Charles. Taking place on his yacht, the scene will revolve around Myriam having some nautical fun with Charles and with a little discreet mention of a coming plot line revolving around him.Â
On the naughty side, there will be a possibility again if the player decide to push further, with Myriam showing some gratitude before the two have another intense session over the deck of the yacht.Â
And now, about the poll and how the updates of Q4 will go, with 58% vote for the half and half (5% for the as usual, 30% for the big one and 7% for our Obi Wan), the clear winner is for two double updates, one for September/October and one for November/December. So next update will arrive end of October for the early access and a week later for the public one, but as usual, I'll keep you posted as I go, thank you all for your continuous support and for giving your opinion, Myriam send you all her love. xoxo
View attachment 2970688
This Looks Awesome, can't wait for the Update!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
Hopefully, not only in the past. Hopefully, also in the future. And with her father, too. But we'll have to wait and see.
Hmm, well, for that, there was a time where Zorlun had hinted at the possibility.
If Prometeus can put the images in and I continue to do the incest patch, I could put the text in, even if Prometheus does not do it, though it would complicate further my work and the work of others, because it would require to unpack the Prometues patch.
We will see how it goes.


Aug 26, 2020
If I was to guess the time scale for this whole chapter (being chapter 4) to be finished as of February, would that be a fair estimate?


Active Member
Oct 16, 2022
I can't remember exactly where in the thread I read it but, IIRC, Zorlun's target to finish up Ch.4 (and thus the story) was in the 1-2 year range.

Zara Scarlet

Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2022
I can't remember exactly where in the thread I read it but, IIRC, Zorlun's target to finish up Ch.4 (and thus the story) was in the 1-2 year range.
Is that still the plan? Zorlun said a few weeks ago, that there's still a fair way to go.

For the fatigue, again, I agree, honestly, it's been three years on Project Myriam, and there is probably around a few years to go I think, best approximation would be two,
We're already a fair way into Chapter 4. If there's another two years of development to go. That suggests this won't be the final chapter?


Creating Naughtiness!
Game Developer
Feb 19, 2020
If I was to guess the time scale for this whole chapter (being chapter 4) to be finished as of February, would that be a fair estimate?
Yea, chapter 4 will end early 2024.
We're already a fair way into Chapter 4. If there's another two years of development to go. That suggests this won't be the final chapter?
No, chapter 4 is not the final chapter, 3 more to go if everything goes up to plan, 1 more of development (will probably take me a year I think), 1 of final ordeal (should be a short one, which could be merged with chapter 5), 1 for the endings (hard to say how long he'll take yet).
So all in all, I think we can ball park around 2 years to go (but don't take this as word of gospel, things can change).


Nov 23, 2018
Yea, chapter 4 will end early 2024.

No, chapter 4 is not the final chapter, 3 more to go if everything goes up to plan, 1 more of development (will probably take me a year I think), 1 of final ordeal (should be a short one, which could be merged with chapter 5), 1 for the endings (hard to say how long he'll take yet).
So all in all, I think we can ball park around 2 years to go (but don't take this as word of gospel, things can change).
Will Myriam finally reward Aiden for helping her?
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