
Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
Guys, it was sarcasm since Dutch is a weird mix of English and German. ;)
Well, a German friend had pointed out (this, may piss off many Belgians, but I am just referring) that Flemish to him sounded like bad German with bad grammatics (different pronounciation, though variable between different parts, no declensions, and no "let's build the longest word in the World" being the most visible differences), and probably you could say the same about Dutch (harsher pronounciation) but in reality, a German or a Dutch could retort your irony against you.

English if often referred to as "Germanic" language, due to the "anglo-saxons" (Saxons, being considered a Germanic tribe with Germanic language), but in reality, with exceptions, that appear mostly in "low English", especially modern English is full of vocabulary from Latin and Greek, either directly or through (old) French, and old German and old Dutch are closer to what "original" English could have been.
In +/- simplistic terms, the Normans (there, you can say Germanic word, Northmann) where Viking that had established themselves in France and Italy, so much that the language spoken at the court for a long period of time was not English, were (pig) Latin and French (well, the French of the time).
Even the English Royal family, is actually of German origin :p :), though that came much later.

Actually, the Germans themselves as one single group (let's me piss off some Germans as well, while I am that :p :)) originally were an invention of a ancient Roman, Tacitus, who simply used "Germania" and "Germans" to refer to all the people from territories North beyond the borders of the territory controlled by Rome.
It became then convenient for Germany itself, especially when Prussia and the others started creating modern Germany, and after in another historical period I am not mentioning, to put emphasis on the idea that "Germans" (better, Deustch, as in "land of the Deustch or "Deustchland") was since forever an homogeneous group, using the battle of Teotoburg as a kind of epic founding event and the victory of the pure spirit of the Germanic people etc. (put some nationalist rethoric here, feel free to put a reference to "race" instead of "spirit", because it was "fashionable" for some time).

Why is this also ironic ? The hero of Teotoburg could win that battle (actually, his people, but never mind that) because in reality he had previously the rank equivalent of general in the Roman army and was trained by the Romans.
He knew that doing an ambush in that forest territory while the Romans were in marching order, would eliminate completely the advantage from training, formation and logistics of the Romans, effectively transforming it in a disadvantage, while giving an advantage to way of fighting of the people he had available.
Certainly a good credit to his military abilities and his capability of using the knowledge and training he had acquired, but hardly a matter of "pure race".
Effectively, from the point of view of the Romans after that battle it was just "not worth spending more to go there again", playing a bit the snobbish approach :), while still doing business like with everybody else - raising a legion was not free of charge, so, it is documented that Rome was not happy about it, but did not bother.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
For the aficionados of the incest patch, it will come out when Zorlun makes the public version available. Also, we coordinated with bibifoc, so, it is intended to be compatible with his "rename" mod (though for support with that, you have to address yourselves to him).

Curious to see how things will go later, though, it's a bit of a pity one has to chose between the cops and William+Cassius for the night, hopefully there will be ways to "recover" (well, the "rain check" does not automatically eliminate the possibility to go out later) but at the same time, it seems from one side Myriam is really becoming a bit Cassius's bitch (literally, no offense :)) if one goes for that the night before, from the other with the lawyer, , giving all the videos to the lawyer is a bit of a risky move, who tells us the lawyer will not ask an "extra payment" before the hearing to be sure to show only the ones, and only the bits, that can put Anthony in a bad position ?
I know, it is not said that everybody wants to "jump" :) Myriam, and there is professional ethics, her father could get him busted, etc., but...
And to be seen what will happen with the suitcase.

At the same time, , with Cassius getting more used to taking what he wants basically without even asking (if one went with the Cassius option for the night), it can become easier that something similar to that fun-made image with Miriam, Cassius and Katherine becomes a reality :p :)
We will see in the next Myriam-episode on this Myriam-channel (well, maybe does not sound as spiffy as the original, but I am curious to see how many will recognise the kind of reference :))

Pi Quantum

Jan 19, 2021
We will see in the next Myriam-episode on this Myriam-channel (well, maybe does not sound as spiffy as the original, but I am curious to see how many will recognise the kind of reference :))
*SOCK* *KAPOW* Sad to admit that many of us are old enough to instantly recognise your Chiroptera reference. :D

Dogs aren't known for their tact and social etiquette, so Cassius should certainly try to
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at every opportunity. The question is how far they'll let him go...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
I am going to the main branch with bestiality and therefore I expect something new with Miriam, and with Katarina it would be great at all!
Have you NOT listened to ALL the times that the dev and others have told you that dev did NOT plan for any bestiality to happen with Katherine, and yet you go on and on and On and ON about it.....


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Myriam would be split in two!!!
Actually it's not really the girth that's the issue: You can find videos online of folks shoving things into their asses and vaginas far bigger than a stallion's cock. The real problem is length (you bottom out around 8 inches and forcing anything past that risks serious internal damage) and weight (a horse can easily crush a human to death if he decides to move the wrong way, even Myriam giving him the handjob like she did while he was unrestrained was putting her life on the line). These problems are frequently ignored in beastie fantasy art, though.

(Remember, kids, that beastie fantasy art and erotica is just that, a fantasy, and real-life zoophilia is animal abuse. The reason is that plenty of intact male dogs like to hump things but getting one to lick a pussy to orgasm or line up his cock to actually penetrate requires extensive training and, thus, sexual abuse of an unwilling animal. An animal that not only fully understands human sexuality but is an enthusiastic participant like Cassius only exists in fantasies.)

Raghav kesar

New Member
Mar 16, 2022
The biggest problem is not always with the breasts themselves, if they can be a handful to work with some times depending on positions, the biggest annoyance is with the clothes, the big majority of resources tops are not ment for big breasts, deforming themselves weirdly or with impossible bridge between them to work with, and even with dforce, there is a huge majority of resources that don't work as they should, making it a nightmare sometimes to find clothes for our poor Myriam, there is quite a few of them that I just abandoned trying to use.
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