If you are referring to the day she was attacked in the part,
he actually tried, though if we say it was insufficient, that can be even more reason why he has to do like he does in the night walk, first reestablish "don't you think I am not the boss" with other dogs, then, when he is acknolwedged as the leader, try to reward or buy the loyalty by allowing use of "his human bitch" (which being human, is special).
That can give even more occasions of "sharing" - something tells me we could end up seeing Myriam with more than one dog at the same time
, if Cassius does the same with is "posse".
Mind you, all of it seems more the approach of a human (and not really a nice one) than really of a dog, even the whole human bullshit about what it means "being the alpha" is contradicted by the study of the real alpha in the wolves and other animals.
But then again, as it was reminded already, it is about fantasy and a game, not about reality

(and the "human alpha male beccause animals do like that" bulshit has been going on for a looong time anyway).