Alright. I should be adding this as a review, but I want to make a question also. While the game is 4,5 stars to me despite it's learning curve being steep, what's going on with the story? I mean I get it. MC is a bio roid or sth, but...
I don't know how to add sth behind a spoiler so I'll do it the old way
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..... but, is there any consistency behind the demons being responsible about all this virus thing? It seemed to me very forced. I was really expecting when I reached the demon level, to beat the supposed demon boss and interrogate her, only to get an answer like:
"Well we are not responsible for this mess, but you people suffer so we don't care"
Instead of it I got sth like:
"Woaaah. I am responsible for this whole shit and I did it just to get back to that red-head loli creator of yours (yours refers to the MC), who is also a demon and an old colleague of mine, who also betrayed us demons(?) and that's why I did all this shit. Also, she is super powerful, more than you and I just wanted to have a quarrel with her, but now she will put me back to my place cause she is more powerful than me and from now on I'll behave...
If the red head loli scientist is a high ranking demon, why she needs a roid (apart from using it for sexual purposes), why was she running to get away from the zombies at the begining saying "oh myyyy, they gooon get me and I might diieeee", why didn't see just kick everyone's ass?
I don't remember reading anywhere along the story that she can't use her powers while in her human form, or that she can't reveal her identity for some reason
I really expected the virus to be a man made mess conspiracy or of an alien source...
Did anyone have any other info that I might have missed about what happened in the end? Or explain to me if I got it all wrong, cause honestly in the last stage I got a bit frustrated and didn't pay much attention to the dialogues
Are we gonna have a sequel at some point?