Nuns not being able to heal was discussed recently, but you might be able to overwrite one type of goblin with the settings of the other to resurrect a line, but this is untested and can potentially fuck up your game.
Yes, but I wanted to know why they weren't healing. The code block above is why.
Changing any of the setting of entities other than their type (Slave, Monster, etc.) will affect all individuals added after the changes were made, not the ones before. So if you were to copy the settings of one of the goblins and overwrite the other, you might be able to force the game to spawn one you want. You'd need to hold onto the initial settings to prevent losing them permanently.
Yeah, I get that, but Goblin doesn't actually have the decision on when/where they are made melee or bow in the Character initialization process. So during the initialization process itself, you can't flag and make archers green vs melee red. Trying to get that information misses context because the context itself is being made.
Without mucking around with code, you could force successive lines of Goblins to be X color relatively easily. Just change the inheritance checker not to look for Father's Skin color but EAttackType. Getting non-Green or non-Red Shortstacks would require you to change their inheritance checker so everything not Green doesn't end up Red.
Honestly, making an adhoc healing goblin wouldn't be. . . that hard post process, considering the game would just be looking for the relevant flag, for example (EAttackType = Heal) in the Character/CharacterData. It'd probably just either not animate it, Or go through the normal attack animation without the right projectile. Just add a random chance on fetus inheritance to make a blue/white/orange/etc goblin that you set the AttackType to Heal if the fathers are AttackType Bow.
I don't want to guarantee it'll work no problems, but you aren't messing with the character's data during creation.