
New Member
Nov 23, 2019
Of note while surfing the Assembly-CSharp.dll file for new additions, seems like there is a Man character class, and in the character folder, a Man character with Slave assigned. Haven't played much (been busy), so can't confirm if they are capturable as of yet. They also don't have any sex animations listed.
So far it seems like men only spawn on low notoriety level; higher levels spawn more mobs, remove the men and add nuns. The dudes also always despawn when beaten, so no capturing them.
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Jan 6, 2018
So far it seems like men only spawn on low notoriety level; higher levels spawn more mobs, remove the men and add nuns. The dudes also always despawn when beaten, so no capturing them.
I imagine they might be capturable at a later date, or bred for some reason, as they were given a unique (copied from their initialize), but simple, inheritance for features rather than a blank/empty method. Honestly, if people wanted for some reason to have man be capturable, all you would need to do is write a capture chance into them. They'd be mostly useless and probably buggy as hell (the slave deploy doesn't check genders, so male pregnancy is technically possible, but they likely couldn't give birth), but possible. Other than having a longer fetal growth time, and no conception chance, they have a unique sex time (nothing shares it at base). They aren't even a copy of the Player1 (which does imply the shota is/was Player0, btw) data.

Also, yeah, Woman from Village A have no .character files, so they default to generic (starter) woman.

Woman from village B have
    "PrototypeId": "Woman0",
    "Id": "Woman0_VillageB",
    "Trait": ["Health1", "Damage1", "ConceptionRate1"],
    "TraitChance": [50, 35, 10, 5],
    "Gold": [3, 7],
So woman characters from Village B are essentially Level 2 characters. Woman characters from level 5 and up are the 'best'. I might test if writing something for woman0_villageA.character impacts anything.


Jan 2, 2023
Of note while surfing the Assembly-CSharp.dll file for new additions, seems like there is a Man character class, and in the character folder, a Man character with Slave assigned. Haven't played much (been busy), so can't confirm if they are capturable as of yet. They also don't have any sex animations listed.
Having a quick poke through myself, there's a few other things I have noticed that might be relevant for future updates.

The nation file that determines how we get attacked is also referred to as the human nation in the file itself, so it might be the case that we only get other races attacking us if we venture beyond the human kingdom and interact with other races deliberately. Maybe even some kind of diplomacy system is on the cards for the future? Duplicating the file and changing the names to try to add another nation doesn't seem to do anything yet though.

There's art assets for a sister settlement that is unused. I'd guess that it was originally intended that one human settlement was to be normal warriors and the other one be for sisters, but it was decided to just make them both normal warrior camps near release?

There's still standing and milking animations for multiple pregnancies, even for the new Oni, but they are still missing animations for multiples during sex.

There's still remnants of elf ears for the normal women in the art files, but they are not present in the newer assets for sex with orcs, so I'd guess that having multiple races operate on the same template has been shelved and it was just a remnant of early development. More curiously, the human men still have a race=0 tag, while race=1 is what enabled the half-finished elves for the women.

Colour code 6 is used for orcs and onis, but I haven't tested to see what it actually corresponds to. Maybe teeth?

The Orc has a skilldamagemultiplier of 100%, which is at odds with the tooltip that says it does 150% damage on the jump attack. Has anyone tested this to see if it works properly?

Relating to above, many character-specific stats have been shifted from base values onto multipliers. This actually fixes one notable issue I had with monster balance before; in particular, how to balance the flat increases to a monster's stats with balancing monsters around their base stats. Onis having 200% damage on their attack skill means that they outscale goblins for damage by breeding as they'll always deal double the damage of a similarly-bred goblin, although it remains to be seen whether they are worth the 3 deployment points.

They'd be mostly useless and probably buggy as hell (the slave deploy doesn't check genders, so male pregnancy is technically possible, but they likely couldn't give birth), but possible.
The Slave deployment bit doesn't check for male vs female, but the conceive function does check to see if they are female. No Mpreg is a hardcoded feature.

Maybe it's possible that eventually we will see male children from player+slave? They could then either be pressed into combat, or possibly exist as some kind of non-breeding slave for some other function around the burrow or simply sold.

The men do also have portraits though, so I guess that's another implication they might eventually end up being capturable? Unless the devs have some plan for humanoid portraits appearing elsewhere, such as a diplomacy system or visiting traders...


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Jan 6, 2018
Having a quick poke through myself, there's a few other things I have noticed that might be relevant for future updates.

There's art assets for a sister settlement that is unused. I'd guess that it was originally intended that one human settlement was to be normal warriors and the other one be for sisters, but it was decided to just make them both normal warrior camps near release?
If you checked out the UI entry, it shows a mockup with 2 normal Woman camps and one for Sisters, so I assume the Sister camp was the one that got cut, not the doubled up Woman camps.

Colour code 6 is used for orcs and onis, but I haven't tested to see what it actually corresponds to. Maybe teeth?
Color Code 6 = #855D4A is used in Goblins and Shortstacks as well. It refers to the loincloth on them. Same for Orcs. It's that lighter brown.

The Orc has a skilldamagemultiplier of 100%, which is at odds with the tooltip that says it does 150% damage on the jump attack. Has anyone tested this to see if it works properly?
The Skill Tooltip is not properly pulling (at least for Orcs) from the multiplier. Tested it by manipulating Multiplier values. Code also shows that the damage is Base * Multiplier/100.
Interesting that the Sister's Heal moved from Attack to Skill. Will need to test if placed into defenses if she can actually heal friendlies now with the code change.

The Slave deployment bit doesn't check for male vs female, but the conceive function does check to see if they are female. No Mpreg is a hardcoded feature.

Maybe it's possible that eventually we will see male children from player+slave? They could then either be pressed into combat, or possibly exist as some kind of non-breeding slave for some other function around the burrow or simply sold.

The men do also have portraits though, so I guess that's another implication they might eventually end up being capturable? Unless the devs have some plan for humanoid portraits appearing elsewhere, such as a diplomacy system or visiting traders...
Yeah, I just meant that the seating for Surrogates doesn't check, yeah. Not sure if the interaction gets funky and assigns pregnancy or not through some shenanigans. I'll make male's capturable to test if it'll break weirdly.

I'll also test moving Slaves into combat roles as well.
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Jan 6, 2018
Is it now possible to do a single male only run for this?
I made a little mod that...
  • Increases the chances for shortstack and oni (monmusu) to be born from woman-monster pairings
  • Drastically increases the chances of monmusu-player pairings to produce more monmusu
  • Turned the player into an isekai protagonist (minus the part that makes isekai MCs into blushing fruits, this guy's a sex machine who needs help)
  • Made it so basically all pairings have a chance at producing a sister

This made a player-only run pretty doable although kinda broken

Having so many monmusu made me wish there were some monmusu-monster animations or maybe male slaves... Or maybe just allied humans of both genders who can both breed and fight

NOTE: The player isn't guaranteed the traits, so you might have to re-roll a few times

tags: cheat cheats

...Oni is bestgirl
Last edited:


Jul 2, 2018
it repairs the is come out... I think there are too many bugs.
filter function, the occasion(extremely rare) case a crit was huge that it would return text to Japanese and the also rare giant enemy crash

Hans Zuchter

Nov 21, 2021
Has potential, but...

1) MC can die rather easily, and then it's effectively game over.
2) Women have combat stats but can't go on raids.
3) Only two room types?
4) Raid menu covers up other menus, can't even tell what they say. Menus needs to be movable.
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Nov 29, 2020
i think its best to wait till next version, i am having issues where part of the controls will stop functioning and it becomes unplayable
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