Jan 6, 2018
[ Update]
1. Fixed an issue where an error would occur when clicking on the village after clicking on the burrow.
2. Fixed an issue where Oni would not give birth to humans.
3. Updated to version
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Feb 19, 2023
ya same here if its the same creator i dont get why he is replacing monster black market with this trash
The purpose of the game is different and MBM is a finished produce so that's the reason.

different strokes for different folks i guess monster black market was way better this game is far to clunky and buggy as hell
It's a very early stage of the game. If you want a finished / polished game, came back in a year or two. Nobody force you to play this game right now.
Mar 19, 2019
how can you get rid of the slaves that atack you when you raid villages couse my camp outside the base is all girl sitting there couse i dont need their stats , i allready breed the stats that i nedd, like a sacrifice for increse the heal door like in the version 3.1.4


New Member
Jul 21, 2019
when im trying to load someone elses Save it comes up with NullReferenceException: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object How do i fix this ?


New Member
Nov 23, 2019
But why are there those stats on a baseline human if I can't breed them :confused:
just FYI humans natively have:
View attachment 4358928
My guess is because they need stats as enemies and because the modifiers need to +/- on something. AFAIK it's always been the stat modifiers that are bred/make a difference, not the base stats, but don't quote me on that, I'm not the dev.
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Nov 1, 2018
I am not in touch with the devs, can someone tell them to fix filtering?
If I move units around I want game to update their status correctly. (
I'm really getting into the whole Selective Breeding thing, but I really wish there was

A) A filter for traits
B) Something to do with all the girls I breed that don't have good stats, like the overground whorehouse from Monster Black Market

Really hope to see that next update as B) was the best part for me
There is.
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Jan 6, 2018
// Token: 0x0600082A RID: 2090 RVA: 0x00036A7C File Offset: 0x00034C7C
        private void CombineTrait(Character fetus, Character mother, Character father)
            SeqList<Trait> traitList = mother.GetTraitList();
            SeqList<Trait> traitList2 = father.GetTraitList();
            SeqList<Trait> traitList3 = fetus.GetTraitList();
            List<Trait> list = new List<Trait>();
            foreach (Trait trait in traitList)
                if (!GameManager.<CombineTrait>g__TraitContains|478_1(list, trait))
            foreach (Trait trait2 in traitList2)
                if (!GameManager.<CombineTrait>g__TraitContains|478_1(list, trait2))
            int num = Ut.GetRandomIndexFromChanceList(new float[]
            }) + 1;
            int num2 = 0;
            while (num2 < num && num2 < list.Count)
            traitList3.Sort((Trait a, Trait b) => string.Compare(SeqLocalization.Localize(a.Name), SeqLocalization.Localize(b.Name), StringComparison.CurrentCulture));
does anyone know where i can find this lines of code in the files? I cant find them...
You have to open the Assembly-CSharp.dll file in the ManagedResources folder using something like dnspy. Then you can either search for CombineTrait or open up the GameManager subfolder to find it.

But why are there those stats on a baseline human if I can't breed them :confused:
just FYI humans natively have:
View attachment 4358928
My guess is because they need stats as as enemies and because the modifiers need to +/- on something. AFAIK it's always been the stat modifiers that are bred/make a difference, not the base stats, but don't quote me on that, I'm not the dev.
Woman (and by extension every other unit) has stats because to make a unit you need a baseline. Yes, you need stats to run any of the fights/invasions. You could theoretically have the game make different baseline stats (for the same unit), but it would be a bit of a headache running in the backend, now that they've unified goblin behavior by allowing you to switch between bow and melee.

And yes beberep, it has always been the modifiers. Even MBM had it be the modifiers.
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New Member
Jul 9, 2023
A great gift from the developer! However, there are a few details that spoil the impression of the game:
  1. Character cards with stats open on top of each other, which is great, but it would be more convenient if there were a limit of about 5 cards. After reaching this limit, the last selected character should disappear from the screen, freeing up space for new ones.
  2. I've encountered an error multiple times when attempting to raid goblin/orc camps. In the middle of the screen, three slave heads freeze, and they cannot be hidden or removed, making the rest of the interface unresponsive to mouse clicks.
  3. The squad interface needs improvement. It's inconvenient to manually drag every goblin into a squad each time. It would be easier if I could select a specific squad, and when clicking on a goblin/orc, they would automatically move to that squad.
  4. With the addition of raids, there are now too many things to keep track of. When a raid is completed, you can see a notification, but it's not noticeable enough—similar to notifications about readiness for childbirth. For such events, it would be good to have a separate window that directs the player to the corresponding camp or slave.
I know this feedback probably won't reach the developer, but I just wanted to share my thoughts. I'm looking forward to the development of Project R more than any other project on the site.
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Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2022
Do the women only give birth to female humans?
Human women give birth to female humans (with male human) or male monsters (with male monsters). Edit: and they give birth to monstergirls too (with male monsters).
Monstergirls give birth to monstergirls or female humans, chosen randomly, and will only mate with male human.
It is never explained why male humans can't be bred in captivity. Perhaps every human is born as a female, and some evolve into men under the right conditions. Perhaps your overwhelming manliness suppresses manliness of any child you have.

how to get rid of the slaves that you send monster to raid and they dont have stats at all ? couse it get anoying when they atack you in waves and after that they remain on the screen
You can just not pick them after your raid.
After their raid, you can right-click them or drag them nowhere to remove them from screen.
And finally, their character screen has a trash can button. That deletes them, use with caution.

Ok, I must be stupid, but how to actually get slaves from raids? I send a team of monsters to a town, the attack suceeds, it shows me that we captured a woman, but I don't get her added to my slave roster.
Right-click them, or drag them a little, just like when removing women from a room.

Did they remove the breeding for stats mechanic? I am 5 generations in and have yet to breed any of these stats in a goblin.

They all have these stats natively, no matter who I breed them with. Same discourse for the "Shortstack"
The breeding mechanic is still there. You're just working with specimens with no genes. You will need to raid human or monster settlements for specimens with genes you can breed into your population.
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Jun 9, 2024
Human women with male monsters have a *low* chance to generate monster girls (5% chance I think); MC needs to breed the monster girl himself to have a consistent production. But eventually, you should have a steady flow of monster girls through sheer volume of breeders.

I do wish we got an actual audio queue when an attack commenced; I had a time where I was shuffling around breeding stock and then noticed a wave of humans had killed my defenders and were banging on the door. Dropping one of my gobbo raiding squads into the defense barricade fixed that but I still lost like 25% of my fort strength. And then I had to yank the gobbos out of the barricade one by one so I could restock it with my normal defense team (two shortstacks and two ogres).
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Jul 31, 2018

don't know how or who updates the main page but here's a gofile link.
The new UI is pretty cool, there is a button to trash slaves and sort by deployed,undeployed, and stats and such.
bro, plz shared us Ver.!
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