
New Member
Nov 17, 2022
Conception rate sure saves time with the stat stacking. Is there a limit to how many different stats you can have? I'm struggling to get more than four on a single unit.


Nov 3, 2018
this is my entire note pad folder
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Check your codes properly. I did mentioned about it being enclosed, or not. For now, restore your original general.trait, you can just extract that single file from the zip. Because I think your file might as well broken by now, considering you lack the basics of coding knowledge. And no, over here is not a place to learn for that.

Anyway, after replacing the file, copy these.

        "Id": "Damage100",
        "Type": "Damage",
        "Name": "#Damage",
        "Value": [100],
        "Positive": [1],
        "Script": "TraitScripts.Damage",
Find the...


Make a new line(basically just press ENTER) in between so it'll look like...



Paste it on that empty line. And just save it.

Conception rate sure saves time with the stat stacking. Is there a limit to how many different stats you can have? I'm struggling to get more than four on a single unit.
So far, the discussions only says the maximum of four traits can be gained on each characters. No more than that.
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Nov 3, 2018
Back in 0.3+, we have Sacrifice Mod, which won't work on 0.4 due to the mod is basically editing the core game files. So for now, its better if you just start anew or wait until someone could remake that mod; as a script, instead of directly messing with the core structures of the main game files if possible.

There are yet any known official way for repairing the doors.
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Jun 3, 2020
So far, the discussions only says the maximum of four traits can be gained on each characters. No more than that.
I was able to score 5 stats, although it's damn difficult, I'm not talking about 6 at all, it doesn't seem possible for me to score so much, it's strange, of course, that the authors made a clean random with them, and didn't do that the same stats were likely to fall out often.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I was able to score 5 stats, although it's damn difficult, I'm not talking about 6 at all, it doesn't seem possible for me to score so much, it's strange, of course, that the authors made a clean random with them, and didn't do that the same stats were likely to fall out often.
Yeah, can back up that 5 is possible, though at that point you will struggle to be able to reproduce offspring with all those traits on them again any time soon. It will probably take like 10 days on average to get another 5 trait unit if you're only doing one at a time. I mean, at least there's not much else to do right now post day 60 or so, lol.
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Good news is the later infamy traits (Crit Hit, Crit Hit Multiplier, Knockback Resist, Fetal Growth Time, Sex Time) don't need many bonuses to be useful or max out, which seems intended by the dev. So you get your Damage, Health, maybe Conception Rate up to crazy levels, then get a few levels of the higher infamy stuff and they multiply in usefulness due to already having high damage.

I hope that means there will be some difficulty spike eventually that straight damage boosts alone can't overcome. The soft/hard caps for stats seems like it might be coming afterall/soon with the dev seemingly planning out early game and late game traits (Or some other balancing stuff anyways).
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Jan 6, 2018
Yeah, can back up that 5 is possible, though at that point you will pretty much never be able to reproduce offspring with all those traits on them again any time soon. It will probably take like 10 days on average to get another 5 trait unit if you're only doing one at a time. I mean, at least there's not much else to do right now post day 60 or so, lol.
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6 is the maximum amount listed, but you have a slightly better than 1/20 odds (actually 6/101, because we deal with 0-100 not 1-100).
So far, the discussions only says the maximum of four traits can be gained on each characters. No more than that.
4 traits are the maximum on capturable units (as of now), as nothing in the sister or woman.character files list more than 4.

For future reference, Armament Damage is the amount of Health a Village/Burrow will take off attacking characters. So sending one uber health unit will pretty much clear anything. The max damage the burrows give is below 100. The Armament Level (Low, Medium, etc.) is just meant as a guide post, as the damage is in a range.
Jan 6, 2018
How to fix this?
Like Flannan stated, you want to do one of the 4 languages it expects to be in. it isn't just the language file it can't find, but any file beyond certain defaults (which is why Home, Player, and Door1 is null, because those are loaded first).

Pathing issue, use the default English for best results in help here.

Current status: Think I found your health mod.
      if (building.Type == "MysteriousRoom" && !(dragAndDropObject1.Type == "Player"))
            Rf.Gm.Notify("Sacrifice accepted");
            Rf.Gm.Pd.HomeHealth += dragAndDropObject1.GetTraitList().Count + 1;
            Rf.Gm.Notify("Current door health: " + (object) Rf.Gm.Pd.HomeHealth);
            Rf.Gm.CharacterAllocate(dragAndDropObject1, "None", "List", 0, 0, 0, -1, false);

Used JetBrains dotPeek and WinMerge

Edit: I did make a quick Script using the section and replacing the BulidingTrigger code in place, but I get a cannot be placed notification. I'll probably need to solve more issues/or there is more changed than just that.
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Jan 6, 2018
what happened to the demon that appeared in the crystal?
If you are referring to Rune? She's still referenced in the code but not here. They are probably waiting to add functionality to her so she isn't just an existence. She's the current name of the game, ProjectR is ProjectRune.
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Nov 3, 2018
Able to have up to six traits is a news to me, and glad that it would work. I'll be taking note on that and it most likely had its place in FAQ.

I really hope there's some way in the future to organize gobs by type, stat bonus, stats. And super hoping to figure out a way to get rid of the human women eventually/use them for something.
At update 0.4+, you are good to go.

That said, this version did have the vibe on how early demo was. And I'm feeling a bit nostalgic already.
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Active Member
Sep 14, 2017
Here's what I've noticed with traits:

Damage & Health [The only two traits to really focus on for troops](Must have for male breeders & females)

Crit chance & Crit multiplier [If damage is High enough pointless or unneeded]

Sex time [Male only trait, should make male have sex sooner. But does not seem to work, with orcs at least.]

fetal growth time [Male only trait, causes females to grow babies faster](Must have for male breeders)

conception chance [Female only trait, 100% chance to be knocked up](Must have for females)

knockback resistance [Harder to stun from attacks.]

deployment cost [Game breaking and very hard to get, only way to get is with with other lairs.]
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Jan 6, 2018
Well, that proves that. The reason the text says 200% for the Orc is because it is hard written in the Localization file, btw. It is also correctly written as 150% in JP. . . and KO and ZH.
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Nov 3, 2018
Not sure if anyone has put this up before. Here is a color grouping for player.cs by DraconisOminous
You can set the color of the protagonist to your liking with it. The command before those numbers are


0 = Skin
2 = Hair
5 = Sash/Skirting
6 = Pants
8 = Penis's Head

These are indexed by the usual HEX codes, so just use any HEX color picker to get the color codes you need.


And Ofc, this needed to be done before starting a new game. No workaround for the ones that already far by progress.
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Jan 27, 2022
Okay, how do I get powerful troops? Like how do I make sure my gobbos and orcs and humans are giving birth to the same low stat troop?
Jan 6, 2018
Oh, by the by, the max 'damage' your units can take raiding/plundering is 61 (Both the 'south' woman villageA and the goblin burrow), 71 (northern woman villageB, the one with traits), and 81 (the Orc).

So you could theoretically raid any camp immediately after the 4th gobbo grows up, guaranteed. You have greater than 90% odds that your initial 3 will raid the Orc camp, and can always raid the norther Woman VillageB.

You also need to reach these thresholds [100, 300, 500, 800, 1100, 1200] of infamy for each level of raiding. Orc Village costs 25 (+25) Infamy to Sabotage, and reduces Infamy by 40 (-40) to Plunder. Woman VillageB costs 50 (+50) Infamy to Plunder. Woman VillageA costs 30 (+30).

You'll always be net negative (-15) after Plundering the Orc Burrow once , Goblins you are positive(+5) so just send surrogates at the Orcs to eventually reduce Aggro/Infamy.

You can really trigger 100 infamy at Day 1, but you'd have like 3 Goblins once you were done.
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