- Jan 2, 2023
- 72
- 109
There's other spins that could be put on it though, like making the minimum value be 80% of the lowest value and the maximum value being 120% of the highest value. With that method, if a +10 damage goblin mated with a +5 damage woman, the minimum would be +4 (80% of +5), while the maximum would be +12 (120% of +10).I mean, sure, but then you rarely grow. It'll be meaningless for a long time, as if you breed the basic goblin with a level 2/village b woman with 1 in a stat you have a possibility of backsliding to 0. And any .9/1.1 scaling is going to be meaningless until relatively late stages anyway. I'm not a fan of it.
It also would be possible to replace some base stats with inbuilt traits, so goblins could naturally start with a +5 damage trait rather than simply having 5 damage. This wouldn't make any difference at the beginning, but would affect breeding as there would be a starting trait for the calculations to work with. Similarly, orcs could come out the gates with a natural +6 damage trait and +45hp trait, replacing their natural 6 damage and 45hp. Obviously, this would need a bit of a rework with regards to how multiple traits are inherited as you wouldn't want a creature to not inherit a hp stat and immediately die on reaching adulthood.
But overall I quite agree with turtletamer that having the current exponential growth is not a feasible way forward. It quite quickly reaches the point where stats are irrelevant as every desired stat is effectively infinite, so either every combat becomes trivial or the devs add some kind of hard-counter system that makes our breeding program irrelevant (for example, having enemies with abilities like reducing all incoming damage to 1 or dealing % max hp damage to our monsters). As interesting as having such specialised enemies might be, it would be overall a bit underwhelming if our breeding efforts are pointless past the first couple of enemy types; that kind of specialisation I feel would be better saved for bosses and the like.
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