What is prudefication? ;D Sorry, but Google and dict.cc isnt spitting anything out...
I word i made up.
In most porn games you end up turning woman into sluts who just want sex, sex and more sex.
I thought a game where you turn a woman from sex starved slut into a woman who will only have sex with her husband would be a nice game to play once just because it is the exact oppisde of what we useally do.
Can't really think of a scenario that sounds interesting. All I can really think of is the father with a daughter who is a slut trying to protect her or maybe the husband with a cheating wife who still wants her to himself for some reason? Neither of those sound appealing to me.
A priest using his influence to change how people act for example.
Or a main charater who realizes that everyone having sex all the time means work never gets finesh.
Stories run out of food, farms are left untented, power goes out because some womans tits hit a swich while she was being pounded.
Or meaby a main charater who finds turning woman into sluts so easy that he wanted a challange and turn them into the exact oppisde.
Or meaby a rapist who hate's the fact all woman are willing and wants them to be unwilling victems.
Plenty of options.
Granted it would be fun only once but still it is a nice idea.