So some constructive feedback
1: See if you can enable rollback. Rollback is glorious Edit: Seems rollback is enabled when mid-conversation, just not for when you're finished a convo
2: Some sort of quest system or notepad stating what we need to do would be nice in the future. Right now I'm just clicking random areas and hoping to progress. Quest system lets us know if we might miss something or need to do something at a given time.
3: Will there be another method to earn money other than the bar? 18$ a night is low
4: Some sort of Lunchroom where you can buy an apple or foods to up your energy while you can still do stuff So if you swim all day and then eat an apple you can still talk to one of the ladies
Edit: It appears when i have to check if anyone at the school is selling a swimsuit it is not indicating who i need to talk to. I purchased a swimsuit before i was prompted and cannot seem to give her the suit?
Edit: it also appears the guy who told me about the teacher originally is back in the hall and i cannot click him or anything
Other than that it is pretty dang good