Hello, I'm playing the game online, I've just started, but the scene of the first morning coffee between MC Mark and his wife, clearly in the conversation, shows that something happened between him last night, but I, as a player, didn't see anything, she went to have sex with Mark in the meantime. he slept and because she would talk to the MC as if he knew.
I have NTR content deactivated or activated and Continue playing without stakes - Warning: Skips a scene the breakfast scene and the same one which doesn't make sense implying that you hear sex with Mark.
I hope this sena is a bug.
End of the card game scene
You and Aline led Mark to his room, ensuring he was settled in before heading into your own. Once inside, Aline instructed you to lay on the bed while she got herself ready.
One suggestion the fetishes could be placed in a more gentle way instead of the way it is done creates a variable where depending on the player's choice it increases and the content becomes heavier.
An example = Couple watching a movie suddenly has a threesome scene, the couple starts talking, the player can say he doesn't like it the variable gets 0, if he says he finds the score interesting, if he chooses it with a woman the score goes up , if he chooses with a man another score.
The medallion starts trying to influence the player through the dream. If the player chooses to wake up, he wakes up and denies the influence of the medal and the fetish. If the player chooses to remain asleep, he sees the complete dream and accepts the fetish.
If I choose to share, I can choose whether there will be a scene of Mark and his girlfriend alone, I would like the girlfriend to refuse sex with Marke without the MC present.