It's still doubtfully if they'll have any plan to 'redesign' anything to be even more glorious, shift into 4D engine perhaps ? Hopefully they'll not come up with anymore funny excuse just to redone the whole game for '2nd time'.
What you seeing now is what they decide to finalized and goes with it, it's been almost year they 'develop' this game in 2D and suddenly they decide to re-render their whole project into 3D which took them pretty much the same timestamp to catch up with their old update, it's quite obvious that they can be more efficient but they rather not to.
I working on art as hobby, I know well how hard and slow each quality work done out especially good looking and good flowing 3D assets, but for them, it's not as much 'anything but slow' but more like 'stall for more time'
I suggest you look in to Grimhelm's project, he's even a one-man-dev and he already finished about 3 projects with each one improved more and more in quality and contents and totally burnt out so he's now, trying to make something more simple. While Eromancer is a 'team' funded for more than 3 years but you just can't count their project enough not because they has that many but they got none.
That much is obvious to measure where their focus and passion are spending, if they truly care about making actual progress for game with their 'teamwork' how come it being this much slow ?
I'm not trying to be an asshole, spewing and hating them for nonsensical reason or just because their progress is slow but as one been tuning for their progress since 'primary' project, the experiences speaks for themselves.
And it's not like I have no more faith in them since this is the furthest progress ever since they been working on their project, the dimming light of redemption for their notorious past have been lit up for the first time, that's why I still checking their progress once in a while, maybe once a month or so just to know and make sure THIS will be their last bullshit and will finally release a finish project someday. Maybe 3 more years or so, who knows ?
Hopefully you're not in his sunken-cost-fallacy feed list that which you look a bit more protective toward them, I'm not stopping you from try to like them tho, just be careful who you would give interest to and not regret wasting your good will for them.
In case there're still people that didn't know, they intended to have this game finish 'quickly' to fund their 1st project(MATM) that we assumed them to be [abandoned], so much for their quick bucks I guess. The fund rising from monthly donate could have funded their MATM 3 times over by now considered that they change from charging on release basis to monthly ever since they shift MATM into 3D engine, no matter how much net left for them but the numbers alone are easily going to corrupt their mind.
As for me, until their project is finish and fully release a completed one, I'll consider anything they partially release each up date to be bullshit which may get sweep away from the desk at any giving moment so they can start their glorious '3rd project' to fund their 2nd one.