- May 25, 2017
- 913
- 1,764
So the only thing really added was a reskin of a pre-existing animationLinks to Feb Test Build
Google Drive
(** indicates items added since the February 20 Inner Circle test release. The following is only a list of player-facing changes, unless otherwise noted):
Known Issues
- ** Added Bat Bunny w/ 2x Vioreaper H scene
- ** Visual equipment system now functions on the World Map
- ** Added new attacks for Bat Bunny
- ** Bat Bunny now actually dodges instead of cartwheels in place.
- ** Improved enemy AI ability selection algorithm
- ** Lowered amount of Stamina gained per level
- Added Bat Bunny w/ 1x Vioreaper H scene
- Improved anims and added missing physics to Onyx w/ 1x Vioreaper H scene
- Added feet mesh and rig update to Onyx + improved Onyx's abdomen texture
- Enabled Onyx's feet for use with the visual equipment system
- Fixed issue with visual equipment system that would cause nipples to clip with ground/objects they are pressed up against
- Wraxe no longer spins like a top if you walk past him back and forth quickly
- Fixed Charger not playing turn animation after breath attack, stomp, and roar
- Splicer Thug no longer stalls out for 10 frames after standing up
- Fixed issue with money/exp etc. on left side of screen flipping out when playing in Windowed Mode
- Added additional debugging tools that can provide us with more actor / AI / combat information when players report bugs.
- Loot can no longer spawn behind shop
Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.
- Onyx's feet disappear during solo Splicer Thug scene. Due to legacy rig, will be fixed in the future.
- A few glitched frames on Bat Bunny w/ 1x Vioreaper H Scene
- Ugly environment collision interactions possible on the Spider Caverns map
- Wraxe will still perform his shorts pull animation during H scene even if Onyx has no shorts on.
- Onyx's visual equipment state isn't updated on the world map.
- Some visual glitches involving the new traps.
- Barrels are apparently still able to spawn inside each other.
- Player character downed animation post H scene is currently not playing in Gallery, nor are secondary idle animations.
- Some new occurrences of enemies walking in place.
- Charger may slide around if stunned at a very specific time.
- Sounds are improperly playing during loading currently.
- Destructible objects don't receive environment lighting or cast reflections yet.
- Vioreapers are extra buzzy at the moment (even while knocked down).
- It's possible to make Onyx invisible through some combination of opening console / enabling God Mode while Onyx is flashing due to respawning
- Blocky shading artifacts appear on both FemCop and Onyx if they are covered in liquid while lit by FemCop's forcefield. This is due to a shader conflict with the newly optimized liquid and the lighting technique used for the forcefield. We're working on a fix ^-^.
- Larva/Crawlers (and Vioreapers too) currently use humanoid bystander behaviors.
- Crawlers' spit attack has a splash AoE where the projectile lands, but FX graphics aren't in for it yet, so it can appear as if Onyx is hit by nothing if she's standing nearby a landing spitball.
- FemCop's force field doesn't emit light properly when the scene is mirrored.
- It's possible for FemCop's forcefield to spawn on top of bystander enemies.
- At minimum zoom, you can see the incoming/outgoing Ball Drone used in the Runt's section of the Chain Splicer H scene before it's meant to appear.
- Some of Wraxe's combat FX need to be updated to work with new animations. Some may display as being rotated improperly or slightly out of position.
- Charger's hitbox shifts slightly after he charges. If he charges repeatedly this shift can add up to be significant. It will soon correct itself however.
- Liquid won't show on Onyx during the Thug's solo H scene. This will be fixed soon.
- The liquid spurt FX on one of the Thug's H scene finishers sometimes doesn't play. We're aware of the cause and seeing if it pops up anywhere else before fixing it.
- Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now. Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
- Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he's a bystander.