- Sep 30, 2022
- 3,542
- 4,469
I've always been surprised and envious of men who get aroused by PREGNANT womenI actually thought she's pregnant and found that really hot
Good. She looks sexier.She's gained some weight, and probably eats a lot
i for one welcome a rare interpretation of tifa. Almost all fit and or six pack tifa model out there. once in a blue moon, a more realistic female body type is welcomed, at least for meNot trying to tell anyone else what to like or create, just casting my personal vote here, so no need to get offended...
I am not a fan of beer-belly Tifa.
"more realistic" -- because real women are apparently unable to exercise and look after their health? Pretty low opinion of 'real' women you got there budi for one welcome a rare interpretation of tifa. Almost all fit and or six pack tifa model out there. once in a blue moon, a more realistic female body type is welcomed, at least for me
and you think all women must have always in tip top shape? always 6 pack? model like body all their life? have you seen most mothers after birthed children? may i suggest touch more grass to see grounded reality ?"more realistic" -- because real women are apparently unable to exercise and look after their health? Pretty low opinion of 'real' women you got there bud
Cool straw man bro. I never said any of those things, merely addressing your assertion that being fat and unhealthy is "realistic" (with the implication that being in shape is un-realistic)and you think all women must have always in tip top shape? always 6 pack? model like body all their life? have you seen most mothers after birthed children? may i suggest touch more grass to see grounded reality ?
It's not his tifa, but Shirakami's who is now, ironically, prison bitch in ChinaPuuguy's Tifa is the best
prison bitch in China