RPGM Completed WIP Quarta Knight Emerald [1.15][Kudarizaka Guardrail]

2.70 star(s) 3 Votes


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2020

currently known bugs
Current version is (v1.02)

・When entering the stage in 1.02, the transformation is incomplete.
→ In 1.02, even if you remove the incomplete transformation in an official way, the unlocked flag will not be raised, and it will remain even if it disappears from the bust column. It can be completely deleted by unlocking from the recollection room.

・The behavior of the female automaton's weakness question attack is different than expected.

・The timing of the clothes tearing animation during incomplete transformation is strange.

・There are times when you do not climax under certain conditions and when giving a dirty crest.

・There is no change in the battle conditions for the Marionette battle in the flashback scene, no matter which one is selected.

・An image loading error occurs if the image is captured by Camera Orient when the underwear is stripped off.
→ We are looking for information because we want to know the detailed conditions.

It's not a bug, but it's scheduled to change
・Added Very Hard, which was returned to the specifications of the previous work because there was a request that Quarta Invention and Quarta Symphonia were too strong.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2020
上記のバグを修正した(v1.03)を申請中です。(1/8 01:50)


I am applying for (v1.03) which fixes the above bug. (1/8 01:50)

・If you think there is a problem with the image, it would be helpful if you could tell me a "screenshot" or "current bust & clothes status & how to stand in Emerald".


Apr 2, 2019
Translation is running.

View attachment 2291928

I jumped in and already identified some potentially serious bugs, and I also discovered that some translated bits from the Trial version that I had expected to be carried over didn't work as planned. So I'll be chasing some bugs for a bit, but things are progressing well.

Edit: Everytime I translate a game I learn something new about how RPGM works.

In previous games, devs were using code 122 to assign variables, and these were just being displayed for the player. Shiraso assigns variables through code 122, but then through code 111 also checks the exact value before initiating certain things, like whether you skip the OP or not. So for now, I'm just going to stop translating 122 variable assignments, which will mean some Japanese sneaks in for now while I work out how to consistently get 111 translated without breaking even more things.

I am also running into a greater than expected numbers of issues with how the game decides whether certain options are available or not, based on an in-line if statement that frequently gets absolutely garbled to shit by DeepL. Haven't had this many issues with it before, so that was novel.

I can also go through a lot of the edits I already made and make them more verbose (the game's item descriptions were very long, mostly more gags). The default JPN font is extremely character limited in English, but I switched it to a more condensed font and now I have way more room than I'm used to. Can't thank Psicomaniacco enough for solving that frustration for me.

EDIT2: Damn, I did not realise how much of my code I had left half finished when I embarked on this project. Turns out the last couple RPGM games I worked on were even simpler than I gave them credit for. Doing a lot more coding than I thought I'd need to do for this. I have a working translation, but it is rough. Major focus now is going to be on chasing down all the UI issues that are cropping up and getting those fixed. As per Roadmap, that'll be 1.0, and depending on how tomorrow goes should be live on Sunday.
Nice to see the devs haven't changed that much. I ended up reviewing my translated work inside RPG Maker just to ensure I didn't mess up some function(s) being used. Looking forward to your release :love:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2020
Nice to see the devs haven't changed that much. I ended up reviewing my translated work inside RPG Maker just to ensure I didn't mess up some function(s) being used. Looking forward to your release :love:
Yeah, the variable checks are looking like a mess. Going through the 122 codes and seeing things that worry me. I might just leave the Japanese for them and rewrite the text to make it easier on myself.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2018
Can anyone help me test something? I want to completely kill the popping battle log, is it possible?


Jun 3, 2018
You can ignore that, it just give you back the exp stole by vampire bat girls (and you must be version 1.2 or newer, old version has bug not giving the exp back even you win)

And about stage 2 boss once you reached the 3rd teleport spot you can take the ride to other stations, boss position is marked in the pic and it is the 4th teleport spot, just to remind it is recommended to clear all stations to remove boss specials or the fight could be hard, although I brute force it in normal mode anyway
From my experience, all you really need is to get a ticket at one of the booths. This negates their punishment whenever they ask to see the ticket, and the rest is manageable.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2018
From my experience, all you really need is to get a ticket at one of the booths. This negates their punishment whenever they ask to see the ticket, and the rest is manageable.
Yep, the express ticket, exchanged from the expired tickets found throughout the map. With that ticket the battle will be easier than before. No annoying rays and gas, as well as sudden stops.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2020
1) Can someone upload the latest version it is 1.03 or higher.

[Update] The 1/8 update for "Kouren Kiseki Quarta Emeraude EG/Downhill Guardrail" has been made.

2) BDSM tag please.
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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2020
I'm sorry to interrupt, but my point of view in relation to fixing problems in any program is first installing the latest version of this program, and only then correcting the problem.
The fact is that the author in the new version could already make the correction you need.
I also want to clarify that the old saves can have their own glitches.

So please, who can throw off the version of the game 1.03.
There are many different adjustments.


Feb 12, 2018
I will try making a MTL translation with the latest version (1.03 actually).
And if there isn't any available when I finish it I will share it.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2020

[230106][下り坂ガードレール] 駆錬輝晶 クォルタ エメロード EG (Ver1.03) [RJ435322]

But size not 1.3GB, it is 875 MB.
Some of the images may have been compressed, which may affect their visual quality and performance of the game.

Use to dowload the file it is the fastest.


Mar 18, 2018
It stops the game from calling the MPP_SmoothBattleLog plugin which for me fixed the issue (had to also suppress the Add_Proc_To_MPP_SmoothBattleLog plugin, which didn't itself cause lag for me but causes an error if you don't have the original plugin).
Comparing original and edited file, the only change i see is that line 72 is commented, with Add_Proc_To_MPP_SmoothBattleLog.
No changes to line 34 with MPP_SmoothBattleLog.
Is that correct? Cause I still get lag with it.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2020


Currently applying for v1.04.

In 1.04, we changed it so that you can't transform again until 3 turns after the transformation is canceled.
(There is no such restriction when unlocked on the map)
Transformation cancellation → There is a technique that can surely release the restraint by transformation, and personally, it would have been nice to leave it as a trick, but I felt that the spike was meaningless...
I will return it if unsatisfactory.


Oct 13, 2018
I did code work for another translation. For translator MuninKai:

Cause of lag: MPP_SmoothBattleLog.js redraws text stored in line sprite every frame using expensive drawTextEx function which parses all text by character.

Easy hack/fix: Modify MPP_SmoothBattleLog plugin to store line text and only redraw on text change. The plugin is modified so it will work with any game version.

Benefits over previous fix in thread: Preserves battle log appearance and functionality. Works even with MTool.


*Backup MPP_SmoothBattleLog.js in www/js/plugins folder and open for editing.
*Add code to initialize function to have array of copied text. New function looks like this starting with comment above function:
Alias.WiBaLo_initialize = Window_BattleLog.prototype.initialize;
Window_BattleLog.prototype.initialize = function() {
    this._linesCopy = [];
    var max = this.maxLines() + 1;
    for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
    this._clearDuration = 0;
    this._logScrollYDuration = 0;
    this._logScrollY = this.lineHeight();
    this._logs = [];
    Alias.WiBaLo_initialize.apply(this, arguments);
*Change drawLineText code to draw only when text changes and store a copy of text change. It looks like this starting with comment above function
Alias.WiBaLo_drawLineText = Window_BattleLog.prototype.drawLineText;
Window_BattleLog.prototype.drawLineText = function(index) {
    var sprite = this._logSprites[index + 1];
    var baseContents = this.contents;
    this.contents = sprite.bitmap;
    if (MPPlugin.ItemNameOnly) {
        var rect = this.itemRectForText(index);
        this.contents.clearRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
        this.drawText(this._lines[index], rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, 'center');
    } else {
        if(this._lines[index] !== this._linesCopy[index]) {
            this._linesCopy[index] = this._lines[index];
            var rect = this.itemRectForText(index);
            this.contents.clearRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
            this.drawTextEx(this._lines[index], rect.x, rect.y, rect.width);
        //Alias.WiBaLo_drawLineText.apply(this, arguments);
    this.contents = baseContents;
It works for me and there is no lag with MTool or not. But, I cant prove it is perfect. Good luck

edit: Please make the following change too to shiftLine in same file, to fix rare missing logs:
Window_BattleLog.prototype.shiftLine = function() {
    for (var i = 0; i < this._linesCopy.length; i++) {
    var sprite = this._logSprites.shift();
    this._logScrollY -= this.lineHeight();
    this._logScrollYDuration = 16;
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Mar 18, 2018
Easy hack/fix: Modify MPP_SmoothBattleLog plugin to store line text and only redraw on text change. The plugin is modified so it will work with any game version.

Benefits over previous fix in thread: Preserves battle log appearance and functionality. Works even with MTool.
Thanks! It works, no lag with MTool.
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2.70 star(s) 3 Votes