VN Ren'Py Abandoned Quest Failed: Chapter 2 [Christmas special] [Frostworks]


Sep 11, 2018
Put me on the "watched thread list get sudden notices and comes to see if there's any news" list of people.
I really liked chapter 1, and I rather wait for the full release than play it piecemeal if there is a reasonable chance of it happening soonish.
If I didn't see the developer actually talking here, maybe I'd be somewhat angry about it, but they shouldn't feel bad about uninformed pirates angry rants.

Also, pretty sure that the best way to get exposure to this game is showing the first chapter around, given that it's a solid, complete, if somewhat short game. It scratches that itch for more monster girl goods, that most people will get when they finish monster girl quest. hopefully the next chapter shapes up nicely, but only time will tell.


Sep 23, 2020
Put me on the "watched thread list get sudden notices and comes to see if there's any news" list of people.
I really liked chapter 1, and I rather wait for the full release than play it piecemeal if there is a reasonable chance of it happening soonish.
If I didn't see the developer actually talking here, maybe I'd be somewhat angry about it, but they shouldn't feel bad about uninformed pirates angry rants.

Also, pretty sure that the best way to get exposure to this game is showing the first chapter around, given that it's a solid, complete, if somewhat short game. It scratches that itch for more monster girl goods, that most people will get when they finish monster girl quest. hopefully the next chapter shapes up nicely, but only time will tell.
Thanks, haha. And yeah--I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it still stings to see the negativity when I try my best to please everyone. But, as the saying goes--you really can't please everyone no matter how hard you try. Dx

I'm glad you're waiting to experience the Chapter 2 in its entirety, and hope you won't be disappointed when it arrives! Because I feel like it's definitely going to be the way to experience things, rather than retreading over the same scenes/story beats that might have been in previous builds already to get to the new content.

Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
But why, though? Seems a bit harsh to hope for my financial down fall. Dx Especially when I like to think I've been quite active, posting near weekly development updates along with CG/audio previews and have consistently been adding new updates to the alpha/in-dev build over the months as I steadily get closer to finishing the main scenario and all the bonus h-scenes around it.

I get that it's frustrating not to be able to play the newest builds that have come out as of late on Patreon, but it's disheartening to see this thread acting like I haven't made an update to the game since 2018, or have been doing nothing at all, which is far from the case. Using this sole thread as a metric to the game's overall development I feel is a bit misleading and people have been spinning elaborate tales as to what they think is going on as a result. Which is part of the reason I decided to post in here--because it gets frustrating seeing people getting the wrong idea. Dx

Given there seems to be an immense amount of confusion in the air, I'm happy to answer questions people might have if it will help instill confidence again.
I am so sorry, I made a mistake. I saw the comments above and I thought this was one of the (Sadly) many abandoned games on this site. I was just looking at the disaster that Monster Girl Island and Tower of Trample have become and thought another good game has been soft-abandoned. I was wrong and I wish you success and have no problem having patience for future updates.
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Sep 23, 2020
I am so sorry, I made a mistake. I saw the comments above and I thought this was one of the (Sadly) many abandoned games on this site. I was just looking at the disaster that Monster Girl Island and Tower of Trample have become and thought another good game has been soft-abandoned. I was wrong and I wish you success and have no problem having patience for future updates.
All good! Thank you for the apology--I very much appreciate it!

I understand information in this thread is sparse, and since people haven't seen a new build being uploaded here--they instantly assume there hasn't been new builds at all since 2018 and run amok with conspiracy theories and wild declarations of the game being dead, haha. I tried to curb those rumours earlier on, but some people still seem intent on crying doom. Dx Either way, I can see how it might confuse people just checking the most recent posts--and can understand your initial disappointment.

I'd like to hope others could be a bit more responsible with posts in the future given the potential they have to mislead people--but somehow I doubt it. ;~;

Either way, I'm always happy to be a source of news for those that want it and can happily answer questions and such. Otherwise, I appreciate your support and patience and will keep forging ahead~
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Sep 11, 2018
I just realized that for some reason both chapters are missing the female domination tag.
I'm certain that would give it more visibility as well.
Nov 20, 2017
Welp at this point, i think i am waiting around 3 or 4 years for part 2, while i think it is taking way too long, people can't really say that Frost isn't working, i was his patreon before i had to cancel it for financial issues(some loss of interest too) and he constantly gave dev logs and talked about the game, gave previews, so people have to chill down here, hopefully part 2 will finish this year, if not, patience, it will be worth it


Sep 23, 2020
Y'know, I gotta take my hat off to him for that at least. How better to keep thieves away from your things. Respect.
Haha, well--my intention was never to become some sort of grumpy authoritative figure here, and I largely posted just to clear up some rumours that were running a bit too wild. But I very much appreciate how respectful people are being of my wishes right now--and hope it will result in people being that much more pleasantly surprised when the play the final product. Fully complete. Fully voiced.

As always, I'm happy to answer questions about anything relating to the game too, just so people don't feel like they're left in the dark.


Sep 19, 2018
Moving on to Chapter Two's development--it's regrettable that I didn't quite manage to get the alpha out for last month, but feel the build will benefit from it in the long run. As my potential choices were to cut things off in the middle of a REALLY crucial scene and leave people longing for more in an effort to rush things out--or wrap this whole dramatic story scene up in its entirety, alongside the h-scenes, so people had a good chunk of combat to sink their teeth into. As a result, things have pushed to July, which I apologise for--and like always, I will attempt to backdate things if people pledged for June and felt cheated they didn't get the new build just yet. Please reach out if you have any further concerns, and I'll do my best to help you!

That said--I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but this particular, large scenario I've reached into Chapter Two has been a challenge. I've been steadily making progress--but it's unlike anything I've wrote before, so there's been something of a learning period for me too as I become more comfortable with writing these kinds of more dramatic scenes. I know people don't come to QF for drama entirely, so don't worry--it's not going to become the MAIN focus of the whole game--but I hope you'll appreciate this moment where the stakes are higher than ever, and there's a real sense of danger looming over everyone.

There's a lot of smaller voiced parts I'm hoping to get done, too, from a range of different characters and VAs--so I'm hoping there's no big complications with that, and that I can have at least a large portion of the alpha voiced, if not all of it. I'm feeling quite stretched now with just how much I'm tackling at once--and I won't lie, I've been a little stressed too from day to day--but the more I chip away at each part of it, the easier it all seems as it comes together.

The h-scenes featured in this build have been quite a nice variety of scenes, too--from the kissy/cuddle stuff, to far more possessive and dominating scenes. The whole mix, and everything you've come to know and love from QF~

Finally, as a bonus, please give this cuddly, casual-wear hood-chan your love~ (Don't let the rabbit ears unnerve you. They mean no harm. Probably.)

I think the next update is some point in July if I read correctly.


Sep 23, 2020
Does the dev really participate on this thread? If so... Hey dev, when's the release?
Release date is still up in the air right now, as I'm taking things a build at a time as I get ever closer. But the next build tackles a very large and significant part of the main scenario which has proven to be quite complex to write. But once I've gotten the main story done I can focus my efforts on all the smaller side events and h-scenes!

I'm trying not to promise anything solid as I don't want to get hopes up and potentially upset people if it doesn't come to pass.


Apr 21, 2018
Ah--but I literally replied to you! I'm right here, lol.
Some people don't get it unless there is a game developer tag under your nickname to highlight you among the masses of regular users, which can be obtained by asking a staff member or by opening a ticket(which are pretty much the same thing, first option is just a more derect one).
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Sep 23, 2020
Some people don't get it unless there is a game developer tag under your nickname to highlight you among the masses of regular users, which can be obtained by asking a staff member or by opening a ticket(which are pretty much the same thing, first option is just a more derect one).
Ahh, I see, thank you. That makes sense.

Though admittedly, I feel like it might be weird if I DID reach out to get verified. Since I largely came here to dispel rumours and respond to any doubts people may have had against the game while answering any questions they may have had. I've already stated it before--but I was never all that thrilled about alpha builds being leaked here against my wishes, nor the game being pirated in general.

It'd be a bit strange if I got officially verified as a dev in a thread where people are clamouring to get their hands on any leaked copy of the incomplete game they can, lol in spite of my wishes. It seems like it'd almost be endorsing it in a sense--which I'm most certainly not.
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