Whoa, thanks for all the feedback, you guys
Liar that can't be a rpgm game, 99.99% of them look basic on here, that is not looking basic. Unless your with the 0.01%
Haha, we do our best

Niiice. And that's how you do an rpgmaker game when you are not a lazy ass hungry for cashgrab. Shame there are so little "lewd game" devs that create actually an original content. Will wait to see more.
Thanks mate, glad you like it!
But to be honest, we'd love to have some cash as well to be able to continue development

Grab that
pussy cash!
Thank you for sharing and making me aware of this game, Dezue. I appreciate the art direction, and am thoroughly impressed by your team's work with RPGMaker, and even moreso impressed that this was completed in a month.
I absolutely am looking forward to version 2.0. Thank you again!
My absolute pleasure!
Thanks for the nice compliments, UrchinHank! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think about version 2.0!
Looks good, I'll stay tuned.
:eazyHype: The Hype is Rising this game looks awesome, this one is going to be in the popular section as soon its start to relese the lewd content, i already love it. :heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes: :eazyHype:
Thank you! We're looking forward to the lewd release as well
lol, the story is quite funny to read XD. love ninja...
the art looks unique and and fresh. the animation in the gif looks fluent and made with love.
i'm quite hyped for this game (well, my heart also belongs to retro jrpg with oldschool ATB fights <3, so it's no wonder i like what i'm seeing here). call me when you have some naughty stuff in ya game ;D. i will gladly try it out then.
Thanks a ton, you seem like the perfect player for the Peninja games
I'll hit you up when we're ready to release 2.0!
woah this looks pretty lit but im gonna wait until theres some h action then play :FeelsGoodMan:
Hehe, smart thinking
This is really made with RPGMaker engine? Wow!
The art is pretty good too!
I wish you luck
Thanks man! And I dig your signature quote
Fits perfectly here!
The setting/story/comedy, the ART and the gameplay are all top quality truly X3 COMBO
Now the only question is, what is there to expect from the adult content?
As far as I'm concerned, that's half of the equation and since I don't like buying cats in the bag, I will wait tor adult content update before even considering to help out.
Other then that, its a shame you don't have 1$ tier since I like to spread the love by patroning multiple projects but I guess having higher tiers helps out more at the start, when the snow ball is small and not many ppl know about you. It can take up to 6 month(3 if your lucky) before a patron blows up in number from what I heard, IF the game resonates with ppl.
So yeah, if the adult content blows my mind, I consider the 3$ other then that, I wish you good luck.
Thanks a ton
and I feel you regarding the Patreon tiers. It took a really long time and a lot of thinking and asking around until we decided what to do. And you're right, our guess was that it would help in the beginning.
I hope we can satisfy you with our lewd version, would love to have your patronage!
Thank you!
Interesting.. worth a download!
2 paws up from the doggo!
It'll be 2.5 paws up if the lewd content pops up and is gooood. :FeelsGoodMan:
Yeeeeah high paw, our canine brother!
Hope we can raise that half paw with the 2.0 update, woof!
Fantastic Art, funny script... hope you gonna put some naughty stuff. But this Leisure Suit Larry style is good to.
Thanks! Version 1.0 is the Larry version, version 2.0 will be the
naughty Larry version