The Three Mantis Locations:
I got the same problem as most, can't unlock more than BJ from her, won't try it further until next patch is available.
@Nelux: haha, yeah I found that glider/water boost glitch ages ago. There was even a time where you could use items lying on the ground as an elevator, just standing on top of it, looking down and picking it up with E. Sadly that got removed.
But I played around with the water boost yesterday and realised a few more details on how to trigger that.
#1 be in the water
#2 dash out of the water
#3 activate glider
#4 hold jump (depening on how much time is between #3 and #4 this influences the strenght of the boost. the shorter the time the stronger, but pressing both at the same time or really close to each other leads to it not working sometimes. also if there's alot of time after you activate the glider until you hit sea ground it also doesn't work. that's why I recommend doing it out of the water)
#5 Glide into the water while holding space
#6 ???
It's still kinda inconsistent, I wonder if the area where you do it has an effect on it. If you do this and get boosted really strongly, just stop it by using your glider (best make sure it's in good condition when playing around with that). If you fall down to fast (you can avoid dmg by opening the inventory) it's likely that you'll fall through the ground and there's no real recovery from that, besides mybe (haven't tested it) saving and reloading (worst case you'll reload in the air but I doubt that. It would make it unplayable then, so better not risk it without having a backup save).
Regarding the new comics: someone already posted one (on the mountains near Camillia area) but I'm not sure which other one is new, I have all but not sure. What I noticed is this one (see screenshot) and also one at the bottom of this waterfall got changed (I think it was a Kantai Collection one) into a REM one.

No idea if that changes automaticly if you already have it (I started a new playthrough) or if this was changed some time ago. (the comic still has the texture from the old comic when you find it on the ground and in your inventory)
What else... oh right, I played from the beginning so I'm glad to say that you actually CAN now play it from start without running into some progress halting bugs.

The performance increase is nice and in general I'm glad to see that the dev put time into ironying out bugs and make it playable from the start again, even while adding new content. so respect for that.
Only bug I can remember right now is the border of the elevated Mantis area gets the horse often stuck in a levitating limbo (which you can kinda fix by getting the horse into water and mount it there again). The horse then hovers and is prone to pushing and drifting away. Well and that the Lay Down position for Camillia leads to a game locking black screen (but that's probably already fixed in the new update I guess).
Looking forward to the next bugfix to check out the rest there is.
Bonus pic: Camillia horsing around