uff, I hope there will be optimisations for performance in the dreamworld. It's probably just my old hardware but there seems something extremly off for me. On the island I'm around 25-30fps, in the Dreamworld (which is way smaller but also has way more details) it's around 10-12fps.
BUT the absolute killer about that for me is: as soon as I get on the ladder outside of your house I get full 60fps oO (or around 48fps when some npcs walk by) but as soon as I let go of the ladder I'm back at 10-12fps.

Anyway, has anyone tips how to beat your first enemy? In the MCs inner monologe he's like "hu I still have the strenght from the island" but I'm lvl 1 and get the shit beaten ouf of me by everyone :/
Oh also there's this "girlfriends" house, which is basicly empty but when I leave it, the game locks with a blackscreen.
edit: Also the game softlocks for me when I let Rem cook anything with Tomatos, Carrots are fine but Tomato related meals just give me the eating scene without any options to choose, hence softlocking the game.
editedit: About Camilia, can't tell you how to get the locked scene, the only thing I noticed is that there's a interaction with the pot over the fire (you can drop it) mybe it has something to do with that.
Also the game still has an annoying bug that I encounter since day 1: if you click to fast through dialoge and/or click a dialoge menu option while the game hasn't loaded those fully in, you'll get locked. No menu, no way out of it besides killing the game (afaik).