You fuck around when you have the freedom, you don't fuck around while you gather money for your daughters treatment.
He does both tho, and he's only human. We all make mistakes, do and/or say things we later regret. I find it funny to read how some ppl point out the fact that
sweet Allison has a dating app on her phone but never even used it, to which I'd only like to add this lil detail... just imagine how 'beloved' she'd still be if, for the MC's one moment of infidelity, she 'balanced' the scale by cheating on him at least twice, or only once with at least two other guys at the same time. And don't tell me you hadn't heard of the expression "hell hath no furry like a woman scorned", ours being a very pissed off woman, disappointed and humiliated at work her husband's infidelity.
The most important fact here is, this is just a porn game. We can involve RL as much as we want to, cuz we're passionate fans who like RoL and appreciate the devs' hard work put into making it so awesome, hell, I did that a lot in my previous replies too, BUT if this was a real story, I can guarantee you that there's
not a single woman IRL as attractive and pissed as Allison was and still is who wouldn't cheat on her husband too for her peace of mind and to get back at him. NOT A SINGLE ONE, especially nowadays with all the questionable and mostly divisive messages that are preached on the internet.
Why? You don't need to get back with your ex-wife for the girl's sake. She may be in a coma for 20 years, who knows, and regardless, as long as you treat her right and give her lots of love and happiness, your daughter will probably be fine.
Exactly this.

As much of an asshole as the MC was and, to a degree, still is, nobody can deny the fact that he's a great dad to Lily, not even Allison herself, who most likely loves a poor stray dog more than him, she even admitted she could always count on his help when she needed it and they worked better together in difficult situations.
I'd hate to be a burden to my parents and force them to be together even when they no longer love each other
Well said again. So would I, and I don't know why anyone would want to see their parents being in an unhappy, unhealthy marriage constantly fighting and screaming at each other, instead of seeing them get divorced, happily remarried or just in a relationship with someone who truly loves, understands and appreciates them, co-parenting their kid(s).
The same thing applies in MC's case. I don't think she'd be against a decision like this. Lily seems like the kinda kid who'd understand that her parents weren't happy together, had to get a divorce and are trying to be friends co-parenting her and prioritizing her needs above theirs. The fact that they both date other ppl doesn't mean they'll stop loving and caring about her or being her parents, so there's no reason why she wouldn't understand and respect their decision.
There is no hatefuck in Race of Life. Here we are safe, here we are free.
Just wait until Veronica catches the MC sticking his dick again where he shouldn't... I'm half expecting to see some Mortal Kombat shit in this scenario too, so have some patience, there's still time for some
spicy stuff to be added... the game's far from being finished.