
May 17, 2024
That's not the case for many games. You don't even have the latest versions of the games.
Thank you for your concern Queen Tremonia! I do visit Patreon but only for selective favourite VN-3DCRG developers and often onto my favourite Brandy and Scrappy s page. :)(y)but F95Z having random updates with reviews/viewer choice as well as other useful updates. Pretty handy!


Aug 13, 2019
Thank you for your concern Queen Tremonia! I do visit Patreon but only for selective favourite VN-3DCRG developers and often onto my favourite Brandy and Scrappy s page. :)(y)but F95Z having random updates with reviews/viewer choice as well as other useful updates. Pretty handy!
its not really guaranteed that news travel from patreon to F95 so checking patreon is the safer bet, underground studio make their news posts open to everybody so you can stay up to date.


Queen Lydia's bitch
Jun 14, 2020
Lydia is the other queen. I'm Tremonia. And, you know, adressing a female royalty would be her highness or respectively their highness.

But coming back to topic: As a rule of thumb for F95, you can memorize that questions about updates or release dates are pointless in 99.6238743% of cases. As long as a dev doesn't give an ETA, it's ALWAYS just guesswork by the users and in the rarest of cases they're right. As soon as a date is officially announced, you can assume that it will be posted in the respective thread very quickly and the discussions will refer to it. So if you haven't read anyone referring to an official ETA when reading the thread backwards, there is no date and the question is simply pointless.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2021


Last time, Jasmine won the poll for the preview of the development update, but Allison was right behind her, so I thought that those who wanted to see her back then will now have the chance to see her.
The work is going well. I recently added the first few scenes to the code, basically all the way to the start of the conference, and they have started being tested by beta testers. The translations are progressing well, but we still need help with testing in Chinese! So, if any of you would like to help, please contact us here and on Discord. Of course, if anyone would like to help with any other language, you're also welcome—every extra pair of hands is invaluable!

Also, a reminder that there are only 2 days left to vote on who will appear in the next Extra Scene dedicated to Episode 3.2! Currently, Allison and Threesome are tied in votes . I won’t hide that we have a great idea for Allison that we’d love to present to you, but I’m also curious which girls would win the threesome and how that scene would play out.
Here's the link -

Few words from Joshua
The last two weeks have been spent writing key lewd scenes in the episode, which is always a bit of a challenge.
What I mean by that is that I've intentionally avoided making Jake and myself too similar in how we talk, which means the 'dirty talk' includes some things that I'd personally never say, and a few little kinks that I'm not into. So, like every writer does, I research them.
So I'm sitting down last week, putting in the hard yards for the story by reading a blog post on my phone during a break on the erotic joys of toe sucking, when I hear that dreaded "What are you looking at?", followed shortly by "You like to suck toes?"

On one hand, dude, do not peek at someone else's phone screen. Manners! On the other hand, I'm very, very lucky that it was a kink on the lower end of the scale.
Now, I had two options. I can fess up to this coworker and explain that I am writing adult content and need to do research, but then that becomes a whole thing. Or I can just run with it. The first option would probably result in a boring conversation, and because my own entertainment at work is paramount, I decide to just run with it in whatever odd way occurs to me.
"Not really, but my lady is, so I figured I'd give it a go." Followed by a method I've found useful to get people to back off a topic, the over-share info dump that went in on some of these points:
-Did you know that the part of the brain that processes genital stimulation is right next to the part of the brain that control your feet and toes?
-It's apparently not uncommon for some women to claim that licking between their toes feels like oral sex to them.
-the history of feet as an erotic part of the body goes way back, ancient Greeks had poems about barefoot women and their seductive nature.
-this knowledge may really help my love life.
Cue the wide-eyed stare and glance towards the exit.
So, despite finding feet noon-erotic myself, I may now be known as 'the foot guy' at my workplace. Or I may have become the local sex guru. Either way, at least it'll make work interesting for a while.

I'm a little behind on my self-imposed 3 week deadline, but I think I can still make it. I've got all the plans and outlines in there, it's just filling in the blanks. I can't wait for you all to see it.

Stay tuned!


Engaged Member
Nov 13, 2022
Thank you for your concern Queen Tremonia! I do visit Patreon but only for selective favourite VN-3DCRG developers and often onto my favourite Brandy and Scrappy s page. :)(y)but F95Z having random updates with reviews/viewer choice as well as other useful updates. Pretty handy!
At least you acknowledge that I'm a queen. Nevertheless, F95 doesn't give you all the information you'd hope for.
Lydia is the other queen. I'm Tremonia. And, you know, adressing a female royalty would be her highness or respectively their highness.

But coming back to topic: As a rule of thumb for F95, you can memorize that questions about updates or release dates are pointless in 99.6238743% of cases. As long as a dev doesn't give an ETA, it's ALWAYS just guesswork by the users and in the rarest of cases they're right. As soon as a date is officially announced, you can assume that it will be posted in the respective thread very quickly and the discussions will refer to it. So if you haven't read anyone referring to an official ETA when reading the thread backwards, there is no date and the question is simply pointless.
Thank you Princess Tremonia:love:(y)Lydia must be another princess of your realm ,right? You are honoured! :love::) and ton of thanks to sharing useful info. I am glad.
Queen. My daughters are the princesses. Don't you kids learn nothing in school anymore?
I am curious, and this question arises:unsure:.well, should a princess/Queen need a Trademark tag?
TreMonia. And yes, Queen's are registered trademarks. You can check this at the WIPO.

Could we go back to the topic of this thread? A little bit offtopic is no problem for the most mods but we're starting to stretch it.
Yep, most of my teacher are Mischievous,Lewd- Gentetic/Program Orientent/Bio/Scientist, they don't teach ths things, they are having many fuses :cool::)I only learn it by myself :).Highness,Queen Tremonia so how many princess you have got yet? Hope, you are not one of Queen of Tonga Island;)
When did the race become a debate about princesses and queens? Or are these ideas for a new Fast and Furious? View attachment 3980301
Man, Who s this bald bull ? He ain't seems like Tyson and this s not the Allen show:cool::D;)
I haven't come to this thread in a while, will someone explain to me what the fuck is going on here.:HideThePain:


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2018
So I'm sitting down last week, putting in the hard yards for the story by reading a blog post on my phone during a break on the erotic joys of toe sucking, when I hear that dreaded "What are you looking at?", followed shortly by "You like to suck toes?"


Cue the wide-eyed stare and glance towards the exit.
And then everyone clapped.


Oct 7, 2023
Queen. My daughters are the princesses. Don't you kids learn nothing in school anymore?
Your majesty, surely in your infinite wisdom you test us. But rest assured we do know that the queen must be addressed as "your majesty" and the princess as "your highness". We are grateful for this opportunity to display our knowledge of our customs and our honor in serving the crown.
4.70 star(s) 178 Votes